4D-Coder / tea_subscription_api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🍵 Tea Subscription API

An application that allows a customer to register for tea subscriptions.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Available Endpoints
  4. Goals

About The Project

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Built With:



Postgres 14

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Getting Started

To run the application locally, this repository will need to be cloned and set up fully with required gems.


  1. Clone the repo:

  2. Install gems:

    bundle install
  3. To establish the database, run:

    rails db:create
  4. To migrate the database configurations into your local development and test environment, run:

    rails db:migrate

Inspect the /db/schema.rb and compare to the 'Schema' section below to ensure this migration has been done successfully.

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Testing with RSpec

Once tea_subscription_api is correctly installed, run tests locally to ensure the repository works as intended.

To test the entire RSpec suite, run:

bundle exec rspec

All tests should be passing if the installation was successful.

If any tests are not passing, please report which tests are not passing Here.

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Available Endpoints

  • This API can be called locally using a program like Postman.

  • Note: Necessary parameters marked with {}

Start a Subscription (Happy Path)

POST /api/v1/customers/:id/subscriptions


	"title": "Power of Insight",
	"total_price": 60,
	"status": "Active",
	"frequency": "Weekly",
	"teas": [
			"tea_id": 2
Code Description
201 Created


	"data": {
		"id": "1",
		"type": "subscription",
		"attributes": {
			"title": "Power of Insight",
			"total_price": 60,
			"status": "Active",
			"frequency": "Weekly",
			"teas": [
					"id": 2,
					"title": "Neurogenesis",
					"description": "smooth brain",
					"temperature": 100,
					"brew_time": 120,
					"unit_price": 5


  • If subscription data is included in the content of the request, I assume that the subscription is something that is customized by the customer, and is only created alongside an tea that comes from the database (or service) that they’ve selected.
  • I also assume that additional teas can be added to this same subscription later
  • If there isnt a tea in the request body, throw an error
  • In the subscription controller, we will create the subscription and return it as an object with an id
  • For the response body, I’m assuming that once a customer has been successfully subscribed, the content will hold information for the front end to render a cusomer’s subscription details.

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Cancel a Subscription (Happy Path)

PATCH /api/v1/customer/:id/subscriptions/:ids


	"title": "Power of Insight",
	"total_price": 60,
	"status": "Active",
	"frequency": "Weekly",
	"teas": [
			"tea_id": 2
Code Description
200 OK




	"status": "Cancelled"


	"data": {
		"id": "1",
		"type": "subscription",
		"attributes": {
			"title": "Art of Tea",
			"price": 40,
			"status": "Cancelled",
			"frequency": "Monthly",
			"teas": [{
				"id": 1,
				"title": "Oolong",
				"description": "tis very nice",
				"temperature": 150,
				"brew_time": 90,
				"unit_price": 8


  • Response body assumes that the frontend would want to show the user that cancelled subscription info with an updated status of cancelled.
  • GET method will need to show both active and cancelled subscriptions, so a status change on the subscription record also needs to happen with the change
  • Originally this method was a DELETE , but I found it pertinent to preserve data, so that a hypothetical business can see all subscriptions that are active and inactive, along with a record of what teas were being purchased .

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Get All Subscriptions (Happy Path)

GET /api/v1/customer/:id/subscriptions


	"title": "Power of Insight",
	"total_price": 60,
	"status": "Active",
	"frequency": "Weekly",
	"teas": [
			"tea_id": 2
Code Description
200 OK




No Parameters


	"data": [
			"id": "1",
			"type": "subscription",
			"attributes": {
				"title": "Art of Tea",
				"price": 40,
				"status": "Active",
				"frequency": "Monthly",
				"teas": [
						"id": 1,
						"title": "Oolong",
						"description": "tis very nice",
						"temperature": 150,
						"brew_time": 90,
						"unit_price": 9
			"id": "2",
			"type": "subscription",
			"attributes": {
				"title": "Power of Insight",
				"price": 60,
				"status": "Cancelled",
				"frequency": "Weekly",
				"teas": [
						"id": 2,
						"title": "Neurogenesis",
						"description": "smooth brain",
						"temperature": 100,
						"brew_time": 120,
						"unit_price": 20


  • Much like when someone starts a subscription, I assume we will want to see all subscriptions (active or cancelled)

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See the take-home requirements here.

Goals Checklist

  • Exhibit a strong understanding of rails.
  • A strong understanding of Rails
  • Ability to create restful routes
  • Demonstration of well-organized code, following OOP
  • Test Driven Development
  • Clear documentation

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Database Schema


Antonio King Hunt



Language:Ruby 99.4%Language:HTML 0.6%