42Bastian / arm64-pgtable-tool

Tool for automatically generating MMU and translation table setup code, whether to drag and drop into your own bare metal arm64 projects or to assist you in your own learning.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This version has been changed a lot for my personal preferences. For the original version go to



Tool for automatically generating MMU and translation table setup code, whether to drag and drop into your own bare metal arm64 projects or to assist you in your own learning.

For more information see the original blog post.


    pip install intervaltree


The following command-line options are available:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i SRC                input memory map file
  -no_mmuon             Do not generate mmu_on function
  -o DST                output GNU assembly file (default mmu_setup.S)
  -ttbr1                Use TTBR1 instead of TTBR0 (default)
  -ttb TTB              desired translation table base address as symbol! (default
  -el {1,2,3}           exception level (default: 1)
  -tg {4K,16K,64K,4k,16k,64k}
                        translation granule (default: 4K)
  -tsz {32,36,40,48}    address space size (default: 40)
  -l label              extend labels with a custom identifier
  -v                    verbose
  -d                    enable debug output

Input memory map file

The input memory map file is a simple comma-separated text file with format:

  phyAddress,[virtAddress], size, type[:SHARED][:GLOBAL], rights[:SX][:UX][:NS], comment

Empty lines are allowed. Line comments may start with # or //.


  • phyAddress is the physical address of a region;
  • virtAddress is the virtual address of a region, if empty phyAddress is used;
  • size is the size of the region in bytes, using K, M, or G to specify the unit;
  • type can be DEVICE, NO_CACHE, CACHE_WB? or CACHE_WT. :SHARED sets the shared and :GLOBAL the global flag;
  • rights are the access rights (AP[2..1]). There are four combinations: SRW_UNA, SRW_URW, SRO_UNA and SRO_URO. By default a region is "XN" with :SX or :UX execution rights can be set. With :NS the non-secure flag will be set.
  • comment This is a comment added in the output easy tracing.

The address parameter can be a valid python expression.

Memory types are:

  • DEVICE: Device (no caching, guarded)
  • CACHE_WB: Writeback cache
  • CACHE_WT: Writethru cache
  • NO_CACHE: Not cached

The rights are:

  • SRW_UNA : Supervisor Read/Write, User No Access
  • SRW_URW : Supervisor Read/Write, User Read/Write
  • SRO_UNA : Supervisor Read Only, User No Access
  • SRO_URO : Supervisor Read Only, User Read Only

Note: A writable region is automatically SXN.

Several memory map files are provided in the examples folder.

Translation table base address

This must be the base address of a granule aligned buffer that is at least large enough to contain the number of translation tables allocated by the tool.

You can see this in the generated GNU assembly file:

     * ...
     * This memory map requires a total of 7 translation tables.
     * Each table occupies 4K of memory (0x1000 bytes).
     * The buffer pointed to by "mmu_table" is therefore 7x 4K = 0x7000 bytes long.
     * ...

It is also your responsibility to ensure the memory region containing the buffer is described as NORMAL in the input memory map file.

Exception level

The tool only programs TTBR0_ELn at the specified exception level. Where two virtual address spaces are available, such as at EL1, the higher virtual address space pointed to by TTBR1_ELn is disabled.

If EL1 is chosen, the other TTBRx is cleared.

Translation table

By default TTBR0 is used. With the option -ttbr1, one can use TTBR1, but only in EL1.

Translation granule

The 4K and 64K granules have been tested on an i.MX8MQ. Unfortunately the 16K granule is not supported by this chip so has not been tested.

Example output

Running the following command:

    python3.8 generate.py -i examples/base-fvp-minimal.txt -no_mmuon

Where examples/base-fvp-minimal.txt contains:

# Comment
// another comment
0x01C090000,,   4K, DEVICE,   SRW_UNA, UART0
0x02C000000,,   8K, DEVICE,   SRW_UNA, GICC
0x02E000000,,  64K, CACHE_WB, SRW_UNA, Non-Trusted SRAM
0x02F000000,,  64K, DEVICE,   SRW_UNA, GICv3 GICD
0x02F000000+0x100000,,   1M, DEVICE,   SRW_UNA, GICv3 GICR
0x080000000,,   1G, CACHE_WT, SRW_UNA, Non-Trusted DRAM

0x0C0000000,,   2M, CACHE_WB, SRO_UNA:SX, CODE

Generates the following mmu_setup.S GNU assembly file:

 * This file was automatically generated using arm64-pgtable-tool.
 * See: https://github.com/42Bastian Schick/arm64-pgtable-tool
 * Forked from: https://github.com/ashwio/arm64-pgtable-tool
 * This code programs the following translation table structure:
 * Index     physical             =>  virtual              Type
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                                                         SNC P  U  P  U  S G
 *                                               shared ___| | r  s  r  s  e l
 *                                            no cache  NC___| i  e  i  e  c o
 *                                              device  DE___| n  r  v  r  u b
 *                                          write back  WB___|             r a
 *                                          write thru  WT___| Exe   AP    e L
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * level 0 table @ mmu_table + 0x0
 * [   0]-----------------------------\
 *  level 1 table @ mmu_table + 0x1000
 *  [   0]-----------------------------\
 *   level 2 table @ mmu_table + 0x2000
 *   [ 224]-----------------------------\
 *    level 3 table @ mmu_table + 0x3000
 *            --- UART0 ---
 *    [ 144] 001c090000-001c090fff=>001c090000-001c090fff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *   [ 352]-----------------------------\
 *    level 3 table @ mmu_table + 0x4000
 *            --- GICC ---
 *    [   0] 002c000000-002c000fff=>002c000000-002c000fff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *    [   1] 002c001000-002c001fff=>002c001000-002c001fff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *   [ 368]-----------------------------\
 *    level 3 table @ mmu_table + 0x5000
 *            --- Non-Trusted SRAM ---
 *    [   0] 002e000000-002e000fff=>002e000000-002e000fff,  WB XN XN WR UN S -
 *            ...
 *    [  15] 002e00f000-002e00ffff=>002e00f000-002e00ffff,  WB XN XN WR UN S -
 *   [ 376]-----------------------------\
 *    level 3 table @ mmu_table + 0x6000
 *            --- GICv3 GICD ---
 *    [   0] 002f000000-002f000fff=>002f000000-002f000fff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *            ...
 *    [  15] 002f00f000-002f00ffff=>002f00f000-002f00ffff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *            --- GICv3 GICR ---
 *    [ 256] 002f100000-002f100fff=>002f100000-002f100fff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *            ...
 *    [ 511] 002f1ff000-002f1fffff=>002f1ff000-002f1fffff,  DE XN XN WR UN S -
 *            --- Non-Trusted DRAM ---
 *  [   2]   0080000000-00bfffffff=>0080000000-00bfffffff,  WT XN XN WR UN S -
 *  [   3]-----------------------------\
 *   level 2 table @ mmu_table + 0x7000
 *            --- CODE ---
 *   [   0]  00c0000000-00c01fffff=>00c0000000-00c01fffff,  WB  X XN RO UN S -
 * The following command line arguments were passed to arm64-pgtable-tool:
 *      -i examples/base-fvp-minimal.txt
 *      -ttb mmu_table
 *      -el 1
 *      -tg 4K
 *      -tsz 40
 *      -no_mmuon
 * This memory map requires a total of 8 translation tables.
 * Each table occupies 4K of memory (0x1000 bytes).
 * The buffer pointed to by 'mmu_table' is therefore 8x4K = 0x8000 bytes long.
 * The programmer must also ensure that the virtual memory region containing the
 * translation tables is itself marked as NORMAL in the memory map file.

     /* some handy macros */
    .macro  FUNC64 name
    .section .text.\name,"ax"
    .type   \name,%function
    .globl  \name

    .macro  ENDFUNC name
    .align  3
    .globl  \name\()_end
    .size   \name,.-\name

    .macro  MOV64 reg,value
    movz    \reg,#\value & 0xffff
    .if \value > 0xffff && ((\value>>16) & 0xffff) != 0
    movk    \reg,#(\value>>16) & 0xffff,lsl #16
    .if \value > 0xffffffff && ((\value>>32) & 0xffff) != 0
    movk    \reg,#(\value>>32) & 0xffff,lsl #32
    .if \value > 0xffffffffffff && ((\value>>48) & 0xffff) != 0
    movk    \reg,#(\value>>48) & 0xffff,lsl #48

 * Setup the page table.
 * Not reentrant!
        FUNC64 pagetable_init           //
        adrp    x20, mmu_table          // base address
/* zero_out_tables */
        mov     x2,x20                  //
        MOV64   x3, 0x8000              // combined length of all tables
        stp     xzr, xzr, [x2]          // zero out 2 table entries at a time
        subs    x3, x3, #16             //
        add     x2, x2, #16             //
        b.ne    1b                      //

/* program_table_0 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x0                // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x8000000000       // chunk size
        MOV64   x11, 0x1000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #0*8]        // write entry[0] into table
/* program_table_1 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x1000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x40000000         // chunk size
        MOV64   x11, 0x2000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #0*8]        // write entry[0] into table
/* Non-Trusted DRAM */
/* page:0x0 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x3 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x1 AP:0x0  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x60000000000c0d   //
        MOV64   x10, 2                  // index: 2
        MOV64   x12, 0x80000000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     x12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table

        MOV64   x11, 0x7000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #3*8]        // write entry[3] into table
/* program_table_2 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x2000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x200000           // chunk size
        MOV64   x11, 0x3000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #224*8]      // write entry[224] into table
        MOV64   x11, 0x4000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #352*8]      // write entry[352] into table
        MOV64   x11, 0x5000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #368*8]      // write entry[368] into table
        MOV64   x11, 0x6000             // next-level table address
        add     x11, x11, x20           // add base address
        orr     x11, x11, #0x3          // next-level table descriptor
        str     x11, [x21, #376*8]      // write entry[376] into table
/* program_table_3 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x3000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x1000             // chunk size
/* UART0 */
/* page:0x1 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x0 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x1 AP:0x0  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x60000000000c03   //
        MOV64   x10, 144                // index: 144
        MOV64   x12, 0x1c090000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     x12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table

/* program_table_4 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x4000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x1000             // chunk size
/* GICC */
/* page:0x1 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x0 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x1 AP:0x0  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x60000000000c03   //
        MOV64   x10, 0                  // index: 0
        MOV64   x11, 2                  // to 2 (2 entries)
        MOV64   x12, 0x2c000000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     X12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table
        add     x10, x10, #1            // prepare for next entry
        add     x12, x12, x22           // add chunk to address
        cmp     x10, x11                // last index?
        b.ne    1b                      //

/* program_table_5 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x5000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x1000             // chunk size
/* Non-Trusted SRAM */
/* page:0x1 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x1 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x1 AP:0x0  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x60000000000c07   //
        MOV64   x10, 0                  // index: 0
        MOV64   x11, 16                 // to 16 (16 entries)
        MOV64   x12, 0x2e000000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     X12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table
        add     x10, x10, #1            // prepare for next entry
        add     x12, x12, x22           // add chunk to address
        cmp     x10, x11                // last index?
        b.ne    1b                      //

/* program_table_6 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x6000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x1000             // chunk size
/* GICv3 GICD */
/* page:0x1 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x0 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x1 AP:0x0  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x60000000000c03   //
        MOV64   x10, 0                  // index: 0
        MOV64   x11, 16                 // to 16 (16 entries)
        MOV64   x12, 0x2f000000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     X12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table
        add     x10, x10, #1            // prepare for next entry
        add     x12, x12, x22           // add chunk to address
        cmp     x10, x11                // last index?
        b.ne    1b                      //

/* GICv3 GICR */
/* page:0x1 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x0 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x1 AP:0x0  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x60000000000c03   //
        MOV64   x10, 256                // index: 256
        MOV64   x11, 512                // to 512 (256 entries)
        MOV64   x12, 0x2f100000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     X12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table
        add     x10, x10, #1            // prepare for next entry
        add     x12, x12, x22           // add chunk to address
        cmp     x10, x11                // last index?
        b.ne    1b                      //

/* program_table_7 */
        MOV64   x21, 0x7000             // base address of this table
        add     x21, x21, x20           // add global base
        MOV64   x22, 0x200000           // chunk size
/* CODE */
/* page:0x0 SH:0x0 AF:0x1 nG:0x1 attrindx:0x1 NS:0x0 xn:0x1 pxn:0x0 AP:0x2  */
        MOV64    x9, 0x40000000000c85   //
        MOV64   x10, 0                  // index: 0
        MOV64   x12, 0xc0000000         // output address of entry[index]
        orr     x12, x12, x9            // merge output address with template
        str     x12, [x21, x10, lsl #3] // write entry into table

        ret                             // done!
        ENDFUNC pagetable_init          //

    .section .noinit.mmu,"aw",@nobits
    .globl mmu_table
    .align 12
mmu_table: .space 0x8000


Tool for automatically generating MMU and translation table setup code, whether to drag and drop into your own bare metal arm64 projects or to assist you in your own learning.



Language:Python 100.0%