4-Dtech / awesome-AutoHotkey

A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.

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Awesome AutoHotkey

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A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources. Inspired by the other awesome lists. Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before contributing.

- [Awesome AutoHotkey](#awesome-autohotkey) - [Libraries](#libraries) - [Clipboard](#clipboard) - [Console](#console) - [Database](#database) - [Filesystem](#filesystem) - [Graphics](#libraries-graphics) - [GUI](#gui) - [Hotkeys](#hotkeys) - [Lists](#lists) - [Maths](#maths) - [Plotting(Graphs, bars, charts and etc)](#libraries-plotting) - [Sockets](#sockets) - [Text manipulation](#text-manipulation) - [Library Distributions](#library-distributions) - [Scripts](#scripts) - [Clipboard](#scripts-clipboard) - [Filesystem](#scripts-filesystem) - [Graphics](#scripts-graphics) - [GUI](#scripts-gui) - [Mouse](#mouse) - [Typing](#typing) - [Tools](#tools) - [Interpreter](#interpreter) - [Decompilers](#decompilers) - [Debugging](#debugging) - [Integrated Development Environment](#integrated-development-environment) - [GUI WYSIWYG Builders](#gui-wysiwyg-builders) - [Script Recorders and Writers](#script-recorders-and-writers) - [Web Syntax Highlighters](#web-syntax-highlighters) - [Others](#tools-others) - [(Use in) other programming languages](#use-in-other-programming-languages) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Classes](#tutorials-classes) - [GUI](#tutorials-gui) - [MCode (machine code)](#tutorials-mcode) - [Resources](#resources) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Quick-start guides](#quick-start-guides) - [Websites](#websites)


List of useful AutoHotkey libraries. Library is code that has some reusable functionality that can be combined with your own code in order to create new functionality.


  • WinClip - WinClip is a clipboard manipulation class extending AutoHotkey's clipboard capabilities including support for RTF, HTML and images. Forum link.


  • LibCon - AutoHotkey Library For Console Support. This library enables you to write console applications and interact with other console instances. Basically, this library facilitates anything that has to do with writing and interacting with consoles. Forum link.
  • AHKonsole - Class based AutoHotkey library for console support. This library enables you to create an object representing a console to interact with, as well as multiple console buffer objects to facilitate in double buffering. Forum link.


  • ahkDBA - An OOP-SQL database access framework. Forum link.



  • GDIp by tic - Full featured library that helps in interaction with Microsoft's gdiplus.dll - Forum link.
  • GDIp_ImageSearch - Library using gdiplus.dll for searching image instances on the screen.
  • Simple GDI class by GeekDude - A class aiming to make using low-level GDI functions simple.


  • AutoXYWH - Move and resize controls automatically when a GUI is resized.


  • HotClass by evilC - Dynamic Hotkey and Binding system.
  • HParse - Function to convert meaningful shortcuts (Ctrl+X) to AutoHotkey syntax (^x).



  • Scientific Maths - Library facilitating high precision mathematics.
  • Eval by fincs (discontinued) - Evaluate AutoHotkey expressions and mathematical statements dynamically.

Plotting(Graphs, bars, charts and etc)

  • BarChart - Library for making bar charts. Download link.
  • Excel Charts - Library for creating a graph in Excel, save the graph as an image and display it in a GUI.
  • XGraph - Function library for graphically plotting real time data.


Text manipulation

  • TF - Functions for manipulation of text files such as *.txt, *.ahk, *.html, *.css etc and Strings (or variables). Forum link.
  • String Things by tidbit - Stand-alone string manipulation functions.

## Library Distributions *List of useful AutoHotkey library distributions. Library Distribution is a system that is made for distributing libraries.*
  • pAHKlight - Your Lightweight Guide to AutoHotkey libraries, classes, functions and tools.
  • ahk-libs - Ryan Shipp's collection of libraries.
  • ASPDM - package/stdlib distribution and management from the ahkscript folks. Trello link.
  • ALD (discontinued) - AutoHotkey Library Distribution system.
  • ahkstdlib (discontinued) - Ahk Standard Library Collection by Tuncay. Old forum thread: link.
  • Salt (discontinued) - Standard AutoHotkey Library Transfer.
  • ahklib (discontinued) - Uberi and infogulch's AutoHotkey library.

## Scripts *List of useful AutoHotkey scripts. Script is code that is intended to be used as standalone programs, and is not meant to be integrated with other code.*



  • Belvedere - sets up rules for taking actions on files (move, copy, delete, etc) based on the name of a file, its extension, size, age, and more. More info link.




  • EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings, auto swap mouse buttons on second mouse. Forum link.


## Tools *List of useful AutoHotkey tools. Tools made for Autohotkey*


  • AutoHotkey - AutoHotkey interpreter installer and binaries.
  • AutoHotkey DLL - AutoHotkey.dll opens the world of AutoHotkey to other programming and scripting languages. Forum link. Documentation link.
  • AutoHotkey build for CE - Autohotkey for Pocket PCs / WinCE / Smartphones. Forum link. Documentation link.
  • IronAHK - Cross platform .NET rewrite - unfinished.


  • [Class] Console - This class is meant to simplify debugging for scripts from simple text handling, to outputting and logging data & arrays. Github link.
  • Print Array - Function that prints array content in GUI.


Integrated Development Environment

  • AHK Studio - SciLexer.dll based IDE for AutoHotkey.
  • DRAKON Editor - Visual programming (with DRAKON diagrams) for AutoHotkey.
  • Notepad++ for AutoHotkey - Setup for popular code editor Notepad++ for AutoHotkey.
  • SciTE4AutoHotkey - SciTE-based IDE for AutoHotkey.
  • SublimeAutoHotkey - AutoHotkey AHK language package for SublimeText including syntax highlighting, comments toggling, auto-completions, build system definitions, commands for ahkrun, ahkcompile, ahkrunpiped.
  • Sublime 4 AutoHotkey (discontinued) - Sublime 4 AutoHotkey is a patch for Sublime Text text editor which adds support for AutoHotkey.


Script Recorders and Writers

Web Syntax Highlighters

  • PrismJs - Lightweight minimal AutoHotkey syntax highlighting.
  • Syntax Highlighter - Legacy syntax highlighter for AutoHotkey with default support for line numbers.


  • GoTo - Addon for any text editor that helps you jump to labels, hotkeys, hotstrings and functions in the active file.
  • Context sensitive help in any editor - Addon for any text editor that provides context sensitive help by pressing F1.
  • CodeQuickTester by GeekDude - A lightweight dynamic code tester.

(Use in) other programming languages

## Tutorials *List of useful AutoHotkey tutorials.*



MCode (machine code)

## Resources *List of useful AutoHotkey resources. Various websites, documentation, guides, videos and articles related to AutoHotkey.*


Quick-start guides


  • ahkscript.org - Official website of AutoHotkey. Hosts uptodate AutoHotkey downloads and documentation. Hosts the official AutoHotkey forum.
  • autohotkey.com - Former official website of AutoHotkey. Hosts outdated AutoHotkey documentation (AutoHotkey Basic, not AutoHotkey_L!)! It also hosts a forum.
  • ahkscript github organization - Official ahkscript github organization.


A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
