3v / puppetdb-external-naginator

Python implementation of PuppetDB-based external nagios config creator

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Pull Nagios exported resources from PUppetDB REST API and generate Nagios configurations based on that

Very simple, published on request from a PuppetCamp presentation. If you do extend it, do share back please ;)

Custom attributes

Naginator can generate custom attributes in Nagios configurations. These can be used by a custom mailer to include -for instance- graphs in the alert mails.


First step is to export the custom attributes to the puppetdb.

Make a define somewhere which does absolutely nothing:

define nagios::nagios_extended_attribute( $content) {

Now in your manifest you probably already have some nagios exports like this:

@@nagios_service {'check_load_myserver.example.com':
  ensure       => present,
  command_line => 'some_command';

To add custom variables to this, use your new define like this:

@@nagios::nagios_extended_attribute {'check_load_myserver.example.com':
  content => { '_GRAPHURL1' => 'http://mymuninserver.example.com/munin/munin/myserver.example.com/load-day.png'},
  tag     => ['Nagios_custom_service_attribute'];

A few important points here:

  • give it the same name as the exported nagios command
  • the content parameter is a hash. It can contain multiple keys and values
  • keys in the content hash should start with an underscore (that is how nagios supports custom attributes)
  • use a tag in the form 'Nagios_custom_${nagiostype}_attribute


Use the option --custom_attributes when running naginator.py. This will result in a service definition like:

define service {
        check_command                  check_nrpe_1arg!check_load
        host_name                      myserver.example.com
        max_check_attempts             3
        normal_check_interval          5
        notification_interval          15
        retry_check_interval           5
        service_description            check_load
        use                            puppet-generic-service
        _GRAPHURL1                     http://mymuninserver.example.com/munin/munin/myserver.example.com/load-day.png


When you use a custom mail script for alerting, the custom attribute is (like all attributes) exported as an environment variable so it can be used to grab the image from a graphing server and include it in the sent mail.


Python implementation of PuppetDB-based external nagios config creator