3mr3-sec / Smart-Contract-Auditing-Checklist

My checklist to smart contract auditing

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My checklist to smart contract auditing.

  • Read specification and documentation of project

  • Use a Visualizer to inspect the contracts in the protocol like Surya.

  • Manual analyzes

    • Gas Optimization checks

      • Cache read variables in memory
      • Use calldata instead of memory if not modifying the function parameter passed
      • Don't call view function inside of another function
      • Use ++i instead of i++ (gas consumption order i+=1 > i=i+1 > i++ > ++i). Same for --i.
      • Use unchecked to not check for integer overflow and underflow if not required
      • Use constant and immutable for variables that don't change
      • Use revert instead of require
      • Create custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas
      • Put require statements on top in a function
      • Use indexed if less than three arguments are there in events for faster access
      • Use != 0 instead of > 0 for unsigned integer comparison
      • internal functions not called by the contract should be removed
      • Cache array length outside of loop
      • Use bytes instead of string. Bytes constants are more efficient than string constants
      • Use external function modifier.
      • Use full 256 bit types unless packing with other variables.
      • Splitting require statements that use && saves gas.
      • State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots.
      • Use scratch space for keccak.
      • No Need to Allocate Unused Variable.
      • Use basis points for ratios.
      • Skip initializing default values.
      • Non-strict inequalities are cheaper than strict ones
      • Usage of uint8 may increase gas cost
      • Use bytesN instead of bytes[]
      • Inline a modifier that’s only used once.
      • Inverting the condition of an if-else-statement wastes gas.
      • Consider having short revert strings.
    • Informational checks

      • Document variables, structs, functions, modifiers, events, contract purpose using NatSpec.
      • NatSpec comments should be increased in contracts.
      • Check undocumented parameters
      • Events emitted for critical state changes for tracking in off-chain.
      • Check return values of approve() in ERC20 implementations
      • Use the latest version of OpenZeppelin from dependencies
      • Missing error message in require statement, also check whether it is relevant.
      • Follow solidity naming conventions
      • Use of bytes.concat() instead of abi.encodePacked()
      • Mixed use of require and revert
      • Remove unused imports
    • Low severity issue checks

      • abi.encode() instead of abi.encodePacked() for dynamic types when passing to keccak256()
      • Check the modifiers whether any state changes happening.
      • New version of Solidity
      • Using non-vulnerable version of Openzeppelin dependencies
      • Zero address check
      • Race condition on ERC20 approval
      • Risk of Renounce Ownership in Ownable contracts
      • Any hardcoded addresses - causes no future updates
      • Whether any critical Address Changes (Should Use Two-step Procedure)
      • Use Ownable2StepUpgradeable instead of OwnableUpgradeable contract
      • solmate's SafeTransferLib doesn't check whether the ERC20 contract exists
      • Check loss of precision due to rounding.
      • Monitoring the third party dependencies.
      • Direct usage of ecrecover allows signature malleability (use OpenZeppelin's ECDSA library)
      • Hardcoding chainID is error-prone
    • Medium severity issue checks

      • Check for integer underflow and overflow
      • Verify transfer and transferFrom return values - Use safeERC20 wrappers
      • Check the parameter orderings
      • Avoid using extcodesize to check for Externally Owned Accounts
      • Missing function arguments verification
      • Using transfer or send function to send eth to contract address? - instead use call to send data or value
      • Centralization risk, whether only one owner has access to major functions?
      • Must approve 0 first
    • High severity issue checks

      • First pool depositor front-running
      • Check for possible re-entrancy - add OZ re-entrancy guard
      • Input Validations - Use SafeMath
      • Error Handlings - Check error code revert if necessary
      • Any timestamp dependance for state changes
      • EIP-4626 Inflation Attack
      • Gas Grieving Attack
      • Unexpected Callback
      • Risk of using the safe functions of ERC token contracts while executing Receiver functions.
  • Look over the project's tests + code coverage and look deeper at areas lacking coverage

  • Do another review from the perspective of every actor in the threat model

  • Run static analyzers (Slither) and linting tools(solhint) on the project to validate teh security and style guide

  • Run symbolic execution tools (Manticore, Mythril, Halmos) for detecting vulnerabilities


My checklist to smart contract auditing
