3mcd / weave

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚠️ WIP, don't use it yet!

Weave (name tbd) is a thread-safe map for complex, cloneable/transferable objects that are shared between multiple threads.

It's intended to be used to share SharedArrayBuffer instances between multiple worker threads. Since ArrayBuffers are fixed-length (meaning they can neither grow nor shrink once initialized), worker threads must be notified when their memory grows stale and a new ArrayBuffer is on the way. This library provides Registry, a type of map which can:

  • instantly notify threads of new entries
  • lock read/write operations of an entry to a single thread
  • transfer new versions of objects (like SharedArrayBuffer, or any value that works with structuredClone ) to other threads

Hopefully this strategy will be invalidated by https://github.com/tc39/proposal-resizablearraybuffer, which should provide the means to resize SharedArrayBuffer instances in-place.


The package exports a map called Registry:

import { Registry } from "weave"
const map = new Registry()

A registry has similar semantics to native JS maps. However, a registry can only use positive integer keys, and many methods insetad return Promises:

await map.set(1, "suh")
await map.get(1) // "suh"

Registry also implements common iterator methods:

for (const [key, value] of map) {

The map is intended to be shared between multiple threads. In node, initial map state can be shared via the Worker constructor's workerData option.

// index.ts
import { Worker } from "worker_threads"
import { Registry } from "weave"
const map = new Registry()
const worker = new Worker("./worker.js", { workerData: map.init() })

You'll also need to hook up signalling between the maps:

// index.ts
map.onMessage.subscribe(m => worker.postMessage(m))
worker.on("message", m => map.receiveMessage(m))

In the worker, create a Registry and pass the initial map state to the constructor:

// worker.ts
import { Worker, workerData, parentPort } from "worker_threads"
import { Registry } from "weave"
const map = new Registry(workerData)
map.onMessage.subscribe(m => parentPort.postMessage(m))
parentPort.on("message", m => map.receiveMessage(m))

And voilà, you have a map that will synchronize entries between threads, while ensuring that only one thread can modify an entry at a time.


Below is a pseudo-code example of sharing a "resizable" array buffer between the main thread and a worker thread.

// index.ts
await map.set(1, new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(10)))
setTimeout(async () => {
  const arr = await map.get(1)
  arr.byteLength // 20, the doubled array
}, 1000)
// worker.ts
const arr = await map.acquire(1)
const arrDoubled = doubleTypedArray(arr)
await map.set(1, arrDoubled)



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