Another Dalvik Abstract Machine
This is an experimental static analysis based security checker for Android Apps.
Simplely cmake . && make
To enable/disable building a tool package cmake -Dbuild_<package_name>=yes|no .
To change the log level and the optimization level, L=<log-level> O=<opt-level> cmake .
Use make show-flags
to print the compile flags
Prepare the test data, use make data
to download a sample input of ADAM from
Then run test cases make test
Currently only Adam Debugger is avaliable.
This package is enabled by default, if you want to enable it explicitly, run cmake - Dbuild_adb=yes .
before compilation.
You can use ADB to test the analyzer if you compile adam with ADB package.
ADAM takes the output of dex2sex which produces S-Expression represention of dalvik disassmebly code.
You can get a compiled binary from here.
To disassmble a APK package, simple use dex2sex <apk-package>
You can either extract doxygen documentation from the source code by make docs
or visit the online version documentation at
The default log config file is defined in include/constants.h. By default it is log.cfg.
If you do not have log.cfg in adam/ directory, there will be noisy output. The log.cfg file defines where to redirect log output of various levels (WARNING, ERROR, etc).
Obtain android.jar and place in adam/test/de2sex/bin/lib/ Obtain dex2sex from my other repo.
How do I prepare a .dex file for analysis?
java2s path/to/code output/dir OR apk2s path/to/apk output/dir
How do I start the debugger?
After building, run ./bin/adb, but no program is loaded yet.
How to load a program into the debugger?
(load "path/to/dir/with/sexpressionified-bytecode-files")
How do I inject into a start state?
Autocompletion is supported!!!
(frame/new [fully/qualified/classname/method(params,...) [object fully/qualified/returntype]])
How do I view the frame?
Or as a dot file!!!
How do I set parameter values?
(frame/set v1 + - Z)
(frame/allocate CLASSPATH)
(frame/alloc v1 "Some String") <- not yet supported, Cambells task
How do I add commands to the debugger?
Add the Command to adb/main.c with a handler.
data flow graph: for each data tag: print file/line of occurences
tracking variable name changes: if it changes drastically, then it may be an attempt to hide data