2rs2ts / heckler

Heckler's aim is to allow you to correlate code changes with Puppet noop output!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Heckler's aim is to correlate commits with Puppet noop changes, allowing for noop review and approval prior to applying.


Claim: Reviewing Puppet commits and testing changes in development provides an incomplete picture of the changes which will be evinced in production due to the differences in contextual data between environments. Reviewing Puppet noop outputs for production provides an important safeguard against any unforeseen affects of a commit.


Below are the components that make up the Heckler system.

  • hecklerd: central daemon responsible for running noops and applies across an environment.

  • rizzod: daemon which runs on every node and executes puppet noops or applies as directed by hecklerd.

  • heckler: cli client used to make ad hoc requests against hecklerd; at present it is not a central part of the automated workflow, but serves primarily as a debugging tool.


Heckler is deployed on a central server, the hecklerd component and heckler cli. The rizzod client is deployed to every server which you intend to noop against. Currently this is done through the Debian packaging provided in the repo. Hecklerd makes GRPC connections to rizzod to initiate the noops and applies.


Development is primarily driven through the Makefile, simply run make to see the available targets after cloning the repo. All dependencies are vendored, except the CGO dependencies because that is not possible with Go's built-in tooling.

Compilation is done in a docker container to ease dependency management, run make docker-build to kick off the build.


Heckler is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.



  1. Runs a puppet apply with the --noop option on every host for every new commit in a git repository.
  2. Correlates a commit with a noop change by creating a delta noop
  3. Aggregates noops changes which are identical
  4. Seeks review and approval of the noop change
  5. Applies approved commits

Flow Diagram

Process Flow Diagram

Noop Every Commit

Use the Puppet Report from a noop to determine changes.

  - level: notice
    message: <DIFF_OUTPUT>
    source: "/Stage[main]/Haproxy/File[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg]/content"
    title: "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
    file: "modules/haproxy/manifests/init.pp"
    resource: File[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg]
    changed: true
    title: haproxy
    file: "modules/haproxy/manifests/init.pp"
    resource: Service[haproxy]
    changed: true

Correlate Commit with Noop Changes

Heckler noops the commit requested as well as the parent commits of a requested noop. The parents are nooped so that the resource changes of parent commits can be subtracted from the target commit. This subtraction can be visualized by showing a diff between the noop & the delta noop.

Diff of Noop & Delta Noop

--  **File[/data/puppet_apply/laughtrack]**
-    - *Diff:*
-      @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-      +Wacka
-      +Wacka
-    - *Hosts:* `{fozzie,statler,waldorf}.example.com`
-    - *Define Type:* `Muppetshow::Episode[One]`
-    - *Current State:* `{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e`
-    - *Desired State:* `{md5}15d4a7e90a35a1b9d8d69deecbf9f7d0`
 -  **File[/var/www/html/index.html]**
     - *Diff:*
       @@ -1 +1 @@
     - *Hosts:* `fozzie.example.com`
     - *Current State:* `{md5}e5deafb6425abb47e5a1efef8b969fb8`
     - *Desired State:* `{md5}a148678410c6e6abb9fe0103391f3692`

Aggregate Noops

Heckler aggregates identical noop changes across nodes.

Noop Aggregation

Seeks Review and Approval of Noop Changes

Ownership is driven by the CODEOWNERS file in the puppet source repo. Ownership may be specified by node, file, or module. Owners are allowed to approve noop changes.

nodes/fozzie.pp @braintree/muppets
nodes/statler.pp @braintree/muppets
nodes/waldorf.pp @braintree/muppets
/modules/muppetshow/** @misspiggy

Noop Approval Noop Approved

Apply Commits

Heckler confirms that each noop has been approved by an owner and then applies the commits to an environment. Heckler supports staged roll outs of node sets which are specified by the user.

  - canaries
  - all

Building/Running Hecklerd on Mac

  1. check GO111MODULE value in go env

    go env | grep MOD if GO111MODULE="off" then export GO111MODULE=on

  2. build libgit2 in dynamic

    chmod +x build-libgit2-dynamic chmod +x script/build-libgit2-dynamic.sh ./build-libgit2-dynamic

  3. Running hecklerd main.go on local mac dev env

    export GO111MODULE=on export CGO_LDFLAGS='-g -O2 -Wl,-rpath,<<local_dev_folder>>/heckler/sub-modules/heckler/vendor/github.com/libgit2/git2go/v31/dynamic-build/install/lib' export PKG_CONFIG_PATH='<<local_dev_folder>>/heckler/sub-modules/heckler/vendor/github.com/libgit2/git2go/v31/dynamic-build/install/lib/pkgconfig'

    go run cmd/hecklerd/main.go | tee output_date +%d-%m-%Y-%s.log


Heckler's aim is to allow you to correlate code changes with Puppet noop output!

License:MIT License


Language:Go 80.5%Language:Puppet 11.9%Language:Shell 4.8%Language:Makefile 1.8%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%