2nikitinalexandr2 / easyGitWork


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


easyGitWork manual steps:

  • Install git/gitbash(Windows)
  • go to your cmd/shell and input command:
    • git --version check git version and git working
    • git config --list to check config
  • use ssh to clone or push:

    • git config -- global user.name "Your_First_Name Y_Second_Name"
    • git config -- global user.email "email_from_your_git_remote_account"
    • git config -l to check config
    • git clone URL_FROM_WEB_VERSION_GIT (gihub.com/gitlab.com/etc./) like https://github.com/2nikitinalexandr2/easyGitWork.git (GREEN BUTTON "CODE")
    • git clone https://github.com/2nikitinalexandr2/easyGitWork.git
    • change files or add file in directory easyGitWork( directory that you clone from remote)
      • git status
      • git add . or git add all or git add CERTAIN_FILE (CERTAIN_FILE that was change and you want to track it and push to remote)
      • git commit -m "a comment with meaning"
      • git push
  • use https to clone or push:

    • git config -- global user.name "Your_First_Name Y_Second_Name"
    • git config -- global user.email "email_from_your_git_remote_account"
    • git config -l to check config
    • go to YOUR_USER_DIRECTORY to .ssh directory cd /c/Users/user/.ssh
    • cat or less id_rsa.pub and copy it
    • go to your remote account and paste it ( Settings/SSH_and_GPG_Keys/New_SSH_Key)
    • git clone URL_FROM_WEB_VERSION_GIT (gihub.com/gitlab.com/etc./) like git@github.com:2nikitinalexandr2/easyGitWork.git (GREEN BUTTON "CODE")
    • git clone git@github.com:2nikitinalexandr2/easyGitWork.git
    • change files or add file in directory easyGitWork( directory that you clone from remote)
      • git status
      • git add . or git add all or git add CERTAIN_FILE (CERTAIN_FILE that was change and you want to track it and push to remote)
      • git commit -m "a comment with meaning"
      • git push

