This is project was created when I needed something like REPL for http request in terminal, there are many great tools exist: Postman, Insomnia, httpie, curl etc but i wanted something little bit different, something lightweight, simple and fast, something like REPL when I can quickly modify request, send it and see the response with all the details. I wanted such utility with minimal magic, ideally without any black magic under the hood.
The project has no ambitious goals. It is not killer of Postman or httpie or curl. I hope you may find it useful.
Currently implemented:
- https, http/2 support
- Auto following the redirects
- Easy manipulation of request cookies, headers, params (query string) and form values
- Easy manipulation of JSON request payload (through the built-in mini editor)
- Load JSON request payload from file
- Automatic syntax highlighting of the body of http responses
- Auto format JSON responses (useful for inspection of minified responses)
- Save & load sessions (useful for complex request setup)
- Color themes (all used colors and emojis are configurable, see config section)
In progress:
- Kill / Cancel outgoing request (do not need to wait timeout for long time requests if you alredy know that the server will not respond or you've realized that outgoing request wasn't properly configured)
- Load binary data of upload form from file
- Config file for change key bindings, default settings
The project is under active development, features or how do they work may change!
go install
It's possible to try rHttp with nix:
nix run github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable#rHttp
Keys | Action |
Shift+Right |
next item of menu |
Shift+Left |
prev item of menu |
Enter |
set value of text intput |
Ctrl+g |
run request |
Ctrl+d |
delete item (param, header, form value, attached file) |
Space |
toggle checkbox |
PageDown |
scroll down body of response |
PageUp |
scroll up body of response |
Tab |
autocomplete |
Ctrl+f |
toggle fullscreen mode |
Ctl+h |
toggle full help |
Ctrl+l |
load session |
Ctrl+s |
save session |
Ctrl+q / Ctrl+c |
quit |
Ctrl+j |
toggle editor (edit JSON request payload) |
Alt+Enter |
save JSON request payload |
Ctrl+p |
load jSON request payload from file |
Some of rHttp key bindigs may overriden by system settings or terminal emulator settings, please check them if you face with not working key binding.
Editor key bindings are from the plugin, they are most tipical shortcuts for common editors, here they are:
Keys | Action |
right / ctrl+f , left / ctrl+b |
forward, backward |
alt+right / alt+f , alt+left / alt+b |
word forward, word backward |
down / ctrl+n , up / ctrl+p |
line next, line previous |
alt+backspace / ctrl+w , alt+delete / alt+d |
delete word backward, delete word forward |
ctrl+k , ctrl+u |
delete after cursor, delete before cursor |
enter / ctrl+m |
insert new line |
backspace |
delete character backward |
delete |
delete character forward |
home / ctrl+a , end / ctrl+e |
line start, line end |
ctrl+v (depends on your terminal settings) |
paste |
alt+< / ctrl+home , alt+> / ctrl+end |
input begin, input end |
alt+c , alt+l , alt+u |
capitalize, lowercase and uppercase word |
ctrl+t |
transpose character backward |
Some of original texarea key bindigs are overriden by the rHttp key bindings, e.g. ctrl+h
open the help instead of delete character backward or ctrl+d
will remove JSON request payload
at all instead of delete character forward.
Some of original texarea key bindigs may overriden by system settings or terminal emulator settings, please check them if you face with not working key binding.
You can use your own color theme and change other default settings via config.
To use a custom config you should run rHttp
with param -c /path/to/config.json
place it by the path: ~/.config/rhttp/config.json
Firstly print default config to file: rhttp -print-default-config > /path/to/config.json
then modify what you wanted and run rhttp
with new config: rhttp -c /path/to/config.json
Order of overriding settings:
- default settings
settings- command line arg:
rHttp -c /path/to/config.json
(highest priority)
These are tasks of xc runner.
Run VHS fo update gifs.
vhs demo/main.tape
vhs demo/json-min.tape
vhs demo/load-session.tape
vhs demo/redirects.tape
vhs demo/edit-json-payload.tape
vhs demo/attach-file.tape
vhs demo/main-light.tape
Upload to Imgur and update readme.
declare -A demo=()
demo["main"]="Main demo"
demo["json-min"]="JSON min"
demo["load-session"]="Load session"
demo["edit-json-payload"]="Edit JSON Payload"
demo["attach-file"]="Attach file"
demo["main-light"]="Light theme"
for i in ${!demo[@]}; do
. .env && url=`curl --location \
--header "Authorization: Client-ID ${clientId}" \
--form image=@demo/$i.gif \
--form type=image \
--form title=rHttp \
--form description=Demo | jq -r ''`
sed -i "s#^\!\[${demo[$i]}\].*#![${demo[$i]}]($url)#"