1998x-stack / X-LeetCode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Python Master
  2. C++ Master


# Tasks
1. 详细列出问题的内容,示例和提示,并且深入理解题目
2. 分析边界情况和约束
3. 设计算法和策略 extreme detailed
4. 实现 & 运行 代码,并且对关键步骤注释

[527. 单词缩写](https://leetcode.cn/problems/word-abbreviation)

- implement and run on code interpreter and implement
- visualize
1. step by step extreme detailed
2. import typing package
3. please in Chinese Language

Readability Preferred with Better Name Style. Please provide a comprehensive and well-structured code solution for an Industrial scenario. The code should include robust classes or functions that have been thoroughly checked for correct boundary conditions. It should also adhere to the guidelines specified in the "Google style guides". The solution should prioritize high scalability and should not be a demo or a snippet. It is crucial that no part of the code is omitted. Furthermore, please include Chinese comments following the PEP 8 style guide for all key steps, and use DocString following the PEP 257 style guide and use typing for type annotations. The code should be efficient, and important information should be printed. **When the code is finished**, please perform a key step to recheck for its correctness and logic.
# Tasks
1. 详细列出问题的内容,示例和提示
2. 分析边界情况和约束
3. 设计算法和策略 extreme detailed
4. On code interpreter 实现且保存到本地文件 C++ 代码(with main function),对关键步骤注释
5. On code interpreter 使用 Python 进行调试与运行 C++ 代码

[1. 两数之和](https://leetcode.cn/problems/two-sum)
DO implement with test and run on code interpreter

1. step by step extreme detailed
2. use namespace std please
3. please in Chinese Language

PLEASE Automatic DO Task_{i+1} when Task_i is finished until ALL TASKS are completed. PLEASE NEVER EVER STOP.

Problem README Templat


## 1. 问题的内容
**1.1 题目描述**:

**1.2 示例**:

**1.3 提示**:

## 2. 边界情况和约束

## 3. 算法和策略




Language:C++ 58.2%Language:Python 41.8%