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Open Source Benefits to Innovation and Organizational Agility agility灵活的 Capital One hosted their 3rd Agile Conference in December 2018 in Virginia. Among the guest speakers, Andrew Aitken, global open source strategy leader agile灵活的 conference 会议 guest客人 strategy战略 at Wipro, presented the state of open source and how it is becoming an industry-wide organizational keystone strategy in driving innovation and in present 礼品 赠送 industry 产业 keystone 拱顶石 retaining top talent. retain 保留 talent人才 Open Source Generations generation 时代 To understand how organizations use open source today, Andrew Aitken presented the state of open source in the context of its evolution from the evolution 演变 founders until today. Aitken identified four generations. founder 创始人 identified 识别 generation 时代

Generation one, initiated in the early 70s, is represented by the evangelists and thought leaders who founded the open source movement, Richard represent 代表 evangelist 布道者 founded 建立 movement 活动 Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Eric Raymond, etc. Their purpose was to make software free to allow anybody to contribute to their improvement. etc 等等 contribute 贡献 improvement 改进 Generation two consists of influencers, such as Marc Fleury, Marten Mickos, and Larry Augustin, who began to think about how to commercialize open consist 由 组成 influence 影响者 commercialize 商业化 source and launched the first few commercial open source companies. commercial 商业 Generation three of open source started with the proliferation of the internet and the vast amount of data that became available to organizations. proliferation 增长 扩散 vast巨大的 Dotcoms created new technologies to manage data and started open-sourcing their software. They gathered engaged communities of software developers who dotcom 网络公司 gather 聚集 engaged 忙于 community 社区 supported their technologies and drove these forward: Yahoo, Facebook, Google and Netflix are great examples of open source innovators. They created forward 向前 software that enabled them to create new streaming technologies, allowing communities and companies to innovate around these. streaming 流媒体 corporation 团体 According to Andrew Aitken, we are today in generation four of open source, characterized by large global corporations like Capital One, Lloyds Bank, accord 按照 character 以什么为特点 and Walmart that are impacting the open source ecosystem. These organizations are not only consuming open source in huge quantities, but they are also huge quantities 大量的 contributing to open source development, while open sourcing their own projects. One example of this trend is Capital One who open sourced their DevOps dashboard, Hygieia, entirely developed inhouse and leveraging open source technologies. More organizations are following this trend. inhouse 机构内部 leverage 杠杆作用

Five leading open source benefits leading 主要的 Based on numerous surveys and conversations conducted with experienced clients, analysts, subject matter experts and peers, Aitken identified five numerous 许多的 survey 调查 conversation 会谈 conduct进行 指导 experience 有经验的 subject 主题 matter 问题 expert专家 peer 同事 leading benefits from adopting company wide open source strategies. strategy 战略 Most companies initiate their open source journey because of the perceived financial benefits, although this is almost never the reason why they keep journey 旅程 perceived 觉察 financial 财政 using and scale open source. The main reason is what Aitken calls secondary innovation: once teams have ingested open source software, they naturally ingest 咽下 naturally 自然 customize it to their needs and organizations by adding new features. These teams’ led customizations contribute to increasing the speed of new ideas led 领导 and features to market.

The second benefit is teams’ ability to safely experiment and fail fast. When buying proprietary enterprise software, management and teams are pressured ability 能力 experiment 实验 enterprise 企业 to make these products work because of the upfront investment, even if they no longer fit the purpose. With open source, teams feel empowered to upfront 先前的 investment 投资 fit 健康的 合适的 empower 赋能 download and experiment with various solutions. If they realize that it’s not the right open source for their project, they can experiment with various 各种各样的 realize实现 different open source solutions and even consider proprietary software. Open source enables organizations to empower teams and provides teams the proprietary 专有的 ability to fail fast and cheaply. cheaply 廉价的

The third benefit open source offers is a better way of building software. As organizations scale their teams and applications, they can create silos silo 孤岛 between product teams, which in turn can create equally as many development silos. When organizations strategically pair open source with inner-sourcing pair 一对 programs -- creating internal networks of shared code, transparency, increased collective code ownership and collaboration -- organizations and teams transparent 透明的 collective 集体的 collaboration 协作的 speed knowledge transfer, and produce greater quality code. This in turn leads to more reliable software. speed 加速 transfer 转移 produce 生产 quality品质上乘 reliable 可靠的 A bank headquartered on the west coast concluded after performing an analysis of their development that only 20 to 25 percent of their code was shared headquarters 总部 conclude 结束 perform施行 across the organization, and that 50 to 70 percent of their code was redundant, creating duplicate software. They selected six software development redundant 多余的 duplicate 完全一样 teams, created a shared code repository, and developed a process for exposing and sharing those code repositories to different groups within the repository 资源库 expose 暴露 organization. As an immediate result, their teams doubled the amount of code that was developed and shared, which directly reduced the amount and cost immediate 立即的 直接的 of redundant code. redundant 多余的 过剩的 According to Aitken, the quality of the code increased dramatically because it was exposed to everyone inside the organization. This led to software dramatically 显著的 expose 暴露 developers taking more care in the software they were writing. Additionally, with new cross-functional teams contributing to the code base, there were some direct benefits from the product innovation perspective: teams developed new functionalities that they haven’t thought about previously. perspective 观点 functionalities功能 previously 先前的 The next two benefits relate to talent retention and competency development. 80% of the organizations Aitken talked to shared that one of the key relate 有联系 talent 人才 retention 保留 competency 有资格 reasons why they got into open source is specifically to attract and retain the best software developer talent. Open source is evolving at a rapid pace, retain 保持 雇用 evolve 进化 repid 快速的 pace 步伐 and developers learn new open source technologies every few years. In the competition for the best software development talent, companies now must advertise and show candidates that they are open source shops, and that they contribute to and open source their own software. Additionally, several advertise 做广告 candidate 候选人 studies showed that, through open source development and collaboration, developers become proficient faster, reducing the number of defects in their study 要就 collaboration 合作 proficient 熟练 defect 缺陷 code base.
