Forward MQTT messages to Websockets server and visa-versa
There is a Version 1 smart trolley device, as part of the Call-A-Robot project, that sends and receives data via websockets. V2 device sends and receives using MQTT. To make both devices work V2 messages are forwarded to websockets. In the future presumably all devices will use MQTT. Listens on all topics listed in sent to the MQTT host. It then adds a dictionary message field of 'Forwarded-by:" and sends this message to the Websocket host named within Some topic messages are re-formatted. Listens to Websocket host named in for order-update messages and then sends to MQTT host. Not completed
- python
- python
Both run as daemons
- Which messages have been forwarded will be stored and saved to a locked file so multiple daemons can be run concurrently without resending a message twice
- import websocket
- import rel
- import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
- from websocket import create_connection
- import json
Not saved within repo as it has password
MQTT_USER = '*****'
MQTT_PASSWORD = '**********'
MQTT_HOST = 'MQTT server host'
MQTT_PORT = 8097
Topics as a list
MQTT_TOPICS = ['trolley/gps', 'trolley/battery', 'trolley/method', 'trolley/registration', 'trolley/status']
WS_HOST = 'wss://host name'
MQTT_LISTEN_TOPIC = 'trolley/status'