1846689910 / type-18-hek

React + Redux + Webpack4 + HMR + Apollo + GraphQL + Hapi/Express/Koa elementary project template(SSR)

Home Page:https://type-18-hek.vercel.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


travis build



install dependencies

npm install
# OR

Start Server

start project in development mode

npm start
# OR
yarn start

start project in production mode

npm run express
npm run koa
npm run hapi


yarn run express
yarn run koa
yarn run hapi

Build Project

npm run build
# OR
yarn run build

Browser Automation

npm run browser-automation -chrome
# OR
yarn run browser-automation -chrome

demo browser automation


npm test
# OR
yarn test
  • enzyme configuration:
    • create .enzyme.setup.js
    • in package.json include "setupFilesAfterEnv": ["<rootDir>/.enzyme.setup.js"]


use Eslint for code formatting

npm run lint
# OR
yarn run lint


  • The entry file is ./src/client/js/index.jsx
  • The router and redux store, actions, reducers are defined in ./src/client/js/settings/
  • The entry file in server is ./src/server/index.js

end points

  • development server

the type-18-hek was ejected from create-react-app, so the webpack-dev-server is used as dev server.

define the end points in webpackDevServer.config.js. Refer to webpack-dev-server/before as an example

  • production server
    • src/server/express
    • src/server/hapi
    • src/server/koa


  • global stylesheets(CSS, SASS/SCSS, LESS, STYLUS)

import the global stylesheets like

import "../../../styles/App.css";
  • local stylesheet(stylesheets with css modules applied)

import the moduled stylesheet in needed component, like in src/client/js/components/Home/ModuledStyleDemo.jsx

import css1 from "../../../styles/moduled/App.module.css";
  • css in header

import the external css CDN in src/client/public/index.html

Apollo + GraphQL Demo structure

  • dev
    • client:
      • use ApolloProvider at ./src/client/js/index.jsx
      • use useQuery and useMutation at ./src/client/js/components/Home/apollo-graphql-demo/LocalContext.jsx
      • update local state and apollo cache after mutation
      • leaflet css link tag was inserted into ./src/client/public/index.html template
      • in order to avoid render leaflet map on server side, use loadable-components for dynamic loading, and disable ssr
    • server:
      • use webpack-dev-server
      • use config at ./configwebpackDevServer.config.js, where apply graphqlMiddleware2 middleware of ./src/server/express/graphql-middleware
  • prod
    • client:
      • same as the above dev client
    • server:
      • use resolvers and typeDefs in ./src/server/utils/graphql
      • use apollo-server-hapi/koa/express for hapi/koa/express server respectively
      • the used apollo middleware/server will read data from ./src/data/landmarks.geo.json with node.js fs to mock up the process of data fetching.


React + Redux + Webpack4 + HMR + Apollo + GraphQL + Hapi/Express/Koa elementary project template(SSR)




Language:JavaScript 53.2%Language:TypeScript 44.0%Language:CSS 1.5%Language:HTML 1.4%