1803233552 / StableDiffusionTelegramBot

Using a Telegram bot, call Stable Diffusion's api to generate images in chat.使用 Telegram 机器人,调用 Stable Diffusion WebUi 的 api 以在聊天中生成图像。

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



打包版下载地址 https://wwi.lanzoup.com/b0fgy69gh 密码:40ld

注册tg机器人,获取你的机器人token和获取chatId可以参考这个链接 https://hellodk.cn/post/743。

一些参数配置可以参考这个 https://www.dengnz.com/2020/11/23/telegram-%e6%9c%ba%e5%99%a8%e4%ba%ba%e7%9a%84%e7%94%b3%e8%af%b7%e5%92%8c%e8%ae%be%e7%bd%ae%e5%9b%be%e6%96%87%e6%95%99%e7%a8%8b/




三、(可选)修改其他默认参数,非常建议加入白名单(chatId),例如"CHAT_ID = -123456789, -321654987," ,不加的话任何人都能使用.



六、在tg中发送/ht +你的绘图参数。例如:/ht (eyewear_on_head: 1.2), (rating:safe: 1.2), (1girl: 1.2), (sunglasses: 1.2), (purple_hair), (gloves), (solo), jacket, holding, purple_eyes, blurry, breasts, phone, shirt, belt, cellphone, upper_body, blurry_background, bangs, sidelocks, white_shirt, long_hair, long_sleeves, looking_at_viewer, smartphone, closed_mouth, red_gloves, expressionless, hair_between_eyes, black_jacket, jacket_on_shoulders,Steps: 28, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7.0, Seed: 613188881, Size: 512x768, Enable_hr:True,ntags: paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2),(low quality:2), (extra fingers:2), (extra toes:2),bad-picture-chill-75v, badhandv4, easynegative, negative_hand-neg, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t




参数后面接':',例如'Steps: 28'。目前可修改参数Steps(步数)、Sampler(采样方式)、CFG scale(相关性)、Seed(种子)、Size(图片大小)、Enable_hr(为true开启超分辨率,同时支持中文“高清:开”)、ntags(负面词)、sl:10(一次生成多图)。可以中英文符号混用。


发送'/ht 随机'可以使用随机lora。

发送'/lora 数字'可以查看lora预设

发送'/ht 再来一张'或者点击'/htre'可以用上一个词条生成

在预设文件中的第二列以及之后可以设置多个预设方便调用。直接'/ht 你的预设',例如这里是'/ht 心海'就可以触发第一列的lora。image





By using long polling to listen to the Telegram API for messages, the script parses the messages and calls the StableDiffusion API to generate graphs. Currently, it supports generating charts for the biological sequence.

Download link for the packaged version: https://wwi.lanzoup.com/b0fgy69gh Password: 40ld

To register a Telegram bot and obtain your bot token and chat ID, you can refer to this link: https://hellodk.cn/post/743.

For configuring some parameters, you can refer to this link: https://www.dengnz.com/2020/11/23/telegram-%e6%9c%ba%e5%99%a8%e4%ba%ba%e7%9a%84%e7%94%b3%e8%af%b7%e5%92%8c%e8%ae%be%e7%bd%ae%e5%9b%be%e6%96%87%e6%95%99%e7%a8%8b/


1.Place the two files (tg绘图.py and config.txt) in the same folder.

2.Fill in your bot token in the config.txt file.

3.(Optional) Modify other default parameters. It is recommended to include your chat ID in the whitelist (e.g., "CHAT_ID = -123456789, -321654987,").

4.Enable the API feature in StableDiffusion.

5.Start the script.

6.In Telegram, send the command /ht followed by your graph parameters. For example: /ht (eyewear_on_head: 1.2), (rating:safe: 1.2), (1girl: 1.2), (sunglasses: 1.2), (purple_hair), (gloves), (solo), jacket, holding, purple_eyes, blurry, breasts, phone, shirt, belt, cellphone, upper_body, blurry_background, bangs, sidelocks, white_shirt, long_hair, long_sleeves, looking_at_viewer, smartphone, closed_mouth, red_gloves, expressionless, hair_between_eyes, black_jacket, jacket_on_shoulders,Steps: 28, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7.0, Seed: 613188881, Size: 512x768, Enable_hr:True,ntags: paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2),(low quality:2), (extra fingers:2), (extra toes:2),bad-picture-chill-75v, badhandv4, easynegative, negative_hand-neg, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t


Send '/help' to the bot and get the default example prompts.


The parameter is followed by a colon, for example, 'Steps: 28'. Currently, you can modify the parameters Steps (number of steps), Sampler (sampling method), CFG scale (correlation), Seed (random seed), Size (image size), Enable_hr (set to true to enable high resolution, supports Chinese "高清:开" as well), ntags (negative tags), and sl: 10 (generate multiple images at once). You can use a combination of Chinese and English symbols.

Please note that ntags should be placed at the end. The chart can be generated even without using these parameters.

Sending '/ht 随机' will use a random Lora.

Sending '/lora 数字' will display the Lora.

Sending '/ht 再来一张' or clicking '/htre' will generate a chart using the previous entry.

In the preset file, you can set multiple presets in the second column and beyond for easy access. Simply use '/ht' followed by your preset name. For example, '/ht 心海' will trigger the Lora in the first column.

Occasionally, there may be an error stating that the remote host has closed the connection. You can ignore this.

If the bot can't get the message (it doesn't react to the message after joining the group), follow this tutorial.【Telegram】开启允许权限让你的TG可以实现bot直接监控频道

Telegram group:https://t.me/+X2u2e-OTlzczZmQ1


Using a Telegram bot, call Stable Diffusion's api to generate images in chat.使用 Telegram 机器人,调用 Stable Diffusion WebUi 的 api 以在聊天中生成图像。

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%