17lfzhang1 / Recent_SLAM_Research


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【回馈社区】跟踪SLAM前沿动态 (2018),技术更新太快,开启paper暴走模式,精选paper包括纯视觉SLAM,三维重建,基础数学工具,导航路径规划,深度学习SLAM,激光与视觉融合等类别。

SLAM 能力图


Visual SLAM

119. 2018-12-20-Real-time 3D scene reconstruction and localization with surface optimization

118. 2018-12-20-A fast initialization method of Visual-Inertial Odometry based on monocular camera

117. 2018-12-20-A Weighing Euler Pre-integration Method in the Visual-Inertial Odometry

116. 2018-12-20-DS-SLAM: A Semantic Visual SLAM towards Dynamic Environments

115. 2018-12-18-Image-based Navigation using Visual Features and MapETH formulate the map construction and self-localizationproblems as convex quadratic and second-order cone programs,respectively

114. 2018-12-18-From Coarse to Fine: Robust Hierarchical Localization at Large Scale HF-Net, a hierarchical localization approach based on a monolithic CNN that simultaneously predicts local features and global descriptors foraccurate 6-DoF localization

113. 2018-12-18-A Complete System for Vision-Based Micro-Aerial Vehicle Mapping, Planning, and Flight in Cluttered Environments ETH Siegwart 完整的视觉定位导航方案

112. 2018-12-16-Extrinsic 6DoF Calibration of a Radar – LiDAR – Camera System Enhanced by Radar Cross Section Estimates Evaluation 相机激光毫米波雷达外参估计

111. 2018-12-16-Visual-Based SLAM Configurations for Cooperative Multi-UAV Systems with a Lead Agent: An Observability-Based Approach

110. 2018-12-16-Robust Visual-Inertial State Estimation with Multiple Odometries and Efficient Mapping on an MAV with Ultra-Wide FOV Stereo Vision 鱼眼相机产生的四对虚拟双目VIO

109. 2018-12-11-Flying on point clouds: Online trajectory generation and autonomous navigation for quadrotors in cluttered environments

108. 2018-12-11-CubemapSLAM: A Piecewise-Pinhole Monocular Fisheye SLAM System 鱼眼镜头slam

107. 2018-12-11-HOOFR SLAM System: An Embedded Vision SLAM Algorithm and Its Hardware-Software Mapping-Based Intelligent Vehicles Applications

106. 2018-12-10-PoseFusion: Dense RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Human Environments 解决动态人体

105. 2018-12-07-Depth from Motion for Smartphone AR google 单目深度估计,效果很好

104. 2018-12-06-Stereo Visual-Inertial SLAM With Points and Lines 双目IMU加点线

103. 2018-12-05-SLAM method: reconstruction and modeling of environment with moving objects using an RGBD camera去除动态物体

102. 2018-11-26-VINS-MKF: A Tightly-Coupled Multi-Keyframe Visual-Inertial Odometry for Accurate and Robust State Estimation多目VINS

101. 2018-11-26-Fast and accurate visual odometry from a monocular camera

100. 2018-11-22-Semi-independent Stereo Visual Odometry for Different Field of View Cameras

99. 2018-11-22-Spherical-Model-Based SLAM on Full-View Images for Indoor Environments 大广角视觉SLAM

98. 2018-11-18-DynaSLAM: Tracking, Mapping and Inpainting in Dynamic ScenesFCN 辅助动态场景SLAM,代码

97. 2018-11-18-EMoVI-SLAM: Embedded Monocular Visual Inertial SLAM with Scale Update for Large Scale Mapping and Localization UKF 做融合,效果比VINS好

96. 2018-11-16-Optimization-based Legged Odometry and Sensor Fusion for Legged Robot Continuous Localization 足腿式机器人slam

95. 2018-11-16-RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments Using Points Correlations 解决动态物体影响

94. 2018-11-13-Semi-Semantic Line-Cluster Assisted Monocular SLAM for Indoor Environments

93. 2018-11-12-Evaluation of Lightweight Local Descriptors for Level Ground Navigation with Monocular SLAM对比不同描述子对slam影响

92. 2018-11-12-Incremental Feature Forest for Real-Time SLAM on Mobile Devices

91. 2018-11-12-Structure-aware SLAM with planes and lines in man-made environmen

90. 2018-11-12-A review on graph optimization and algorithmic frameworks

89. 2018-11-06-Non-iterative RGB-D-inertial odometry轻量型融合

88. 2018-11-06-Dense RGB-D-Inertial SLAM with Map Deformations RGBD 与IMU融合

87. 2018-11-06-Autonomous flight with robust visual odometry under dynamic lighting conditions很少见到韩国人做的SLAM,好像基本不开源,这个光照鲁棒性方法就无从验证了。

86. 2018-11-06-RTAB‐Map as an open‐source lidar and visual simultaneous localization and mapping library for large‐scale and long‐term online operation RTAB-MAP有更新,增加laser odom。

85. 2018-10-29-Mobile Robot Localisation and Navigation Using LEGO NXT and Ultrasonic Sensor 仅仅是好玩

84. 2018-10-29-RaD-VIO: Rangefinder-aided Downward Visual-Inertial Odometry 卡尔曼不死

83. 2018-10-29-Dynamic objects elimination in SLAM based on image fusion 去除动态物体

82. 2018-10-24-Distributed stereo vision‐based 6D localization and mapping for multi‐robot teams

81. 2018-10-20-Multi-scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry for Large-Scale Natural Environment 把不同远近的pixel分开来用

80. 2018-10-20-Combining 2D to 2D and 3D to 2D Point Correspondences for Stereo Visual Odometry

79. 2018-10-20-StructVIO : Visual-inertial Odometry with Structural Regularity of Man-made Environments 加line特征

78. 2018-10-17-RGB-D Inertial Odometry for Indoor Robot via Keyframe-based Nonlinear Optimization

77. 2018-10-17-A Combined RGB and Depth Descriptor for SLAM with Humanoids 结合RGB与深度的描述子,代码还未公布

76. 2018-10-15-Analysis of the Impact of Field of View on WideAngle Cameras in SLAM 一篇分析视场角对SLAM影响的硕士论文

75. 2018-10-15-Direct Depth SLAM: Sparse Geometric Feature Enhanced Direct Depth SLAM System for Low-Texture Environments 只用深度图的SLAM

74. 2018-10-11-SE(2)-Constrained Visual Inertial Fusion for Ground Vehicles 贡献:This paper proposed a new visual inertial fusion framework for ground vehicles, based on an SE(2)-constrained pose parameterization.

73. 2018-10-11-A Structureless Approach for Visual Odometry 三点改进: 1) the complexity of our solution is lower than those of the state-of-the-art methods, 2) no extra matrix operations required to eliminate map points, 3) no need guesses on map points’ initial locations.

72. 2018-10-09-Illumination Robust Monocular Direct Visual Odometry for Outdoor Environment Mapping 增强室外光照鲁棒性

71. 2018-10-08-Review of Wheeled Mobile Robots’ Navigation Problems and Application Prospects in Agriculture 路径规划review

70. 2018-09-28-Visual Multimodal Odometry: Robust Visual Odometry in Harsh Environments

69. 2018-09-28-Real-time Graph-Based 3D Reconstruction of Sparse Feature Environments for Mobile Robot Applications

68. 2018-09-26-Linear SLAM: Linearising the SLAM Problems using Submap Joining 创建大地图,有代码在openslam上,但是没找到

67. 2018-09-26-Gaze Selection for Enhanced Visual Odometry During Navigation 控制机器人“眼球”看向特征点多的地方

66. 2018-09-26-GPU-accelerated feature tracking for 3D reconstruction GPU 加速

65. 2018-09-25-Navion: A 2mW Fully Integrated Real-Time Visual-Inertial Odometry Accelerator for Autonomous Navigation of Nano Drones 能耗更小的VIO系统

64. 2018-09-25-Project AutoVision: Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Multi-Camera System

63. 2018-09-17-Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization 已有地图时,做定位.

62. 2018-09-17-DSVO: Direct Stereo Visual Odometry没有双目的matching,另一个摄像头的作用是优化尺度,代码在此.

61. [CVPR 2018] Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth Estimation and Visual Odometry with Deep Feature Reconstruction Ian Reid出品,代码在此

60. [CVPR 2018] InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and View Synthesis 已知3Dmap做定位

59. [CVPR 2018] Polarimetric Dense Monocular SLAM 偏振光传感器SLAM,传感器原理

58. [CVPR 2018] Semantic Visual Localization

57. [CVPR 2018] CodeSLAM — Learning a Compact, Optimisable Representation for Dense Visual SLAM

56. [CVPR 2018] Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles usingApproximate Continuous Belief Representations 粒子滤波viusal+IMU

55. [CVPR 2018] ICE-BA: Incremental, Consistent and Efficient Bundle Adjustment for Visual-Inertial SLAM新的优化库

54. [CVPR 2018] Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Conditions 针对于场景变化较大时,例如四季变换的SLAM数据集

53. [ICRA 2018] Online Initialization and Automatic Camera-IMU Extrinsic Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM 单目IMU自动标定,老铁知道比VINS好在哪里么

52. [ICRA 2018] Semi-Dense Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping for Quadrotors with SWAP Constraints

51. [ICRA 2018] Assigning Visual Words to Places for Loop Closure Detection 使用GNG clustering algorithm

50. [ICRA 2018] Online Safe Trajectory Generation for Quadrotors Using Fast Marching Method and Bernstein Basis Polynomial 沈老师连续两篇路径规划

49. [ICRA 2018] Trajectory Replanning for Quadrotors Using Kinodynamic Search and Elastic Optimization

48. [ICRA 2018] Feature-constrained Active Visual SLAM for Mobile Robot Navigation路径规划时候考虑特征点数量,代码在此

47. [ICRA 2018] A Monocular SLAM System Leveraging Structural Regularity in Manhattan World国内慢慢也有实验室开源了原理与code

46. [ICRA 2018] Monocular Visual Odometry Scale Recovery using Geometrical Constraint

45. [ICRA 2018] Detection and Resolution of Motion Conflict in Visual Inertial Odometry 解决视觉与IMU估计值之间冲突问题

----------ECCV 2018【都无代码,可惜】----------

44. 2018-09-14-Realtime Time Synchronized Event-based Stereo 双目事件相机,第一家吧

43. 2018-09-14-Stereo relative pose from line and point feature triplets 点线结合,但是匹配的是三帧图像

42. 2018-09-14-Fast and Accurate Camera Covariance Computation for Large 3D Reconstruction 以数学为切入点,难懂

41. 2018-09-14-Structure-from-Motion-Aware PatchMatch for Adaptive Optical Flow Estimation 三维重建方向

40. 2018-09-14-Stereo Vision-based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-motion Tracking for Autonomous Driving 沈老师出品,既估计相机位姿,也估计物体位置,对动态物体鲁棒

39. 2018-09-14-Scale-Awareness of Light Field Camera based Visual Odometry 传感器特殊,使用光场相机

38. 2018-09-14-Semantically Aware Urban 3D Reconstruction with Plane-Based Regularization 最近都很喜欢加平面信息做SLAM

37. 2018-09-14-VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry 题目越短,文章越牛逼?

36. 2018-09-14-Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter 同样是Cremers出品,看题目就知道了

35. 2018-09-14-Modeling Varying Camera-IMU Time Offset in Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry 科大沈老师门生根叔出品,解决了卷帘快门问题,加速IMU预积分,以及使初始化更鲁棒,AR界梦寐以求的算法,可惜没代码

34. 2018-09-14-Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry:Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry Cremers出品,用单目深度估计+DSO

33. 2018-09-14-Good Line Cutting: towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-assisted VO/VSLAM 对于线特征提取线内信息最多的一段做SLAM,声称对低纹理,运动模糊鲁棒

32. 2018-09-14-Linear RGB-D SLAM for Planar Environments 卡尔曼滤波估计位姿与平面特征

----------ECCV 2018 ----------

31. 2018-09-10-Monocular Object and Plane SLAM in Structured Environments. 约束中加入识别的物体与平面

30. DOVO: Mixed Visual Odometry Based on Direct Method and Orb Feature: 通过特征点个数判断用直接法与光流法。交替使用


28. A Review of Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping from Filtering-Based and Optimization-Based Perspectives: VINSLAM 综述

27. A Loop Closure Detection Algorithm in Dynamic Scene: 动态环境下回环检测

26. Directional grid maps: modeling multimodal angular uncertainty in dynamic environments

25. Grid Map Guided Indoor 3D Reconstruction for Mobile Robots with RGB-D Sensors

24. Robustness Improvement of Long Range Landmark Tracking for Mobile Robots

23. Lightweight Visual Odometry for Autonomous Mobile Robots

22. Enhanced Visual Loop Closing for Laser-Based SLAM

21. A Fast Stereo Visual-Inertial Odometry for MAVs

20. Low-Cost Multiple-MAV SLAM Using Open Source Software

19. PCR-Pro: 3D Sparse and Different Scale Point Clouds Registration and Robust Estimation of Information Matrix For Pose Graph SLAM https://sites.google.com/view/pcr-pro

18. Comparison of two different objective functions in 2D point feature SLAM

17. Pose Estimation with Dual Quaternions and Iterative Closest Point

16. SLAMBench2: Multi-Objective Head-to-Head Benchmarking for Visual SLAM https://github.com/pamela-project/slambench2

15. Estimating Metric Poses of Dynamic Objects Using Monocular Visual-Inertial Fusion

14. Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM https://github.com/uzh-rpg/dslam_open

13. Direct Sparse Visual-Inertial Odometry using Dynamic Marginalization

12. A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration : https://gitlab.com/srrg-software/srrg_mpr

11. ProSLAM: Graph SLAM from a Programmer's Perspective: 改变数据结构,计算资源更少https://gitlab.com/srrg-software/srrg_proslam/tree/master

10. DS-PTAM: Distributed Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping SLAM System

9. A Robust and Accurate Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System for RGB-D Cameras

8. Online Photometric Calibration of Auto Exposure Video for Realtime Visual Odometry and SLAM (对于光照变化很鲁棒)

7. Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter

6. Online Temporal Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial Systems

5. PL-VIO: Tightly-Coupled Monocular Visual–Inertial Odometry Using Point and Line Features

4. Gaoxiang: LDSO: Direct Sparse Odometry with Loop Closure 带有回环检测的DSO


2. Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM

1. Absolute Orientation and Localization Estimation from an Omnidirectional Image


6. 2018-12-03-Fast UAV Trajectory Optimization using Bilevel Optimization with Analytical Gradients

5. 2018-11-13-Safe Local Exploration for Replanning in Cluttered Unknown Environments for Micro-Aerial Vehicles

4. 2018-11-13-Sparse 3D Topological Graphs for Micro-Aerial Vehicle Planning

3. 2018-11-12-Autonomous navigation using visual sparse map

2. 2018-10-24-Global UGV Path Planning on Point Cloud Maps Created by UAV

1. 2018-10-08-Path Planning for Mobile Agents Using a Genetic Algorithm with a Direction Guided Factor

基础工具 Basic tools

26. 2018-12-20-An Extrinsic Calibration Method for Binocular Cameras and Swing 2D Laser Rangefinder 相机与旋转2D激光标定

25. 2018-12-10-An Iterative Nonlinear Filter Using Variational Bayesian Optimization

24. 2018-12-07-Two-pass K Nearest Neighbor Search for Feature Tracking 增强的KNN特征匹配方法

23. 2018-11-22-RLDB: Robust Local Difference Binary Descriptor with Integrated Learning-based Optimization

22. 2018-11-22-A FAST-BRISK Feature Detector with Depth Information 融合深度的特征点提取方法

21. 2018-11-12-Second-Order Semi-Global Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Slanted Plane Iterative Optimization

20. 2018-11-12-Try to Start It! The Challenge of Reusing Code in Robotics Research

19. 2018-10-20-Accurate Sparse Feature Regression Forest Learning for Real-Time Camera Relocalization 机器学习与特征点的混合方法做重定位

18. 2018-10-20-Four- and Seven-Point Relative Camera Pose from Oriented Features 利用特征点方向信息计算相对位姿

17. 2018-10-08-An improved SIFT algorithm based on adaptive fractional differential

16. 2018-10-08-A Tutorial on Quantitative Trajectory Evaluationfor Visual(-Inertial) Odometry SLAM 误差专门评测方法,终于有大佬说清楚了。代码在此

15. 2018-10-08-A Review of Solutions for Perspective-n-Point Problem in Camera Pose Estimation PnP 方法对比

14. 2018-09-25-A Versatile Method for Depth Data Error Estimation in RGB-D Sensors 判断RGBD深度信息准确性的方法

13. 2018-09-25-Lambda Twist: An Accurate Fast Robust Perspective Three Point (P3P) Solver. 更快更准的P3P方法,代码

12. 2018-09-18-Adding Cues to Binary Feature Descriptors for Visual Place Recognition

11. An Improved RANSAC Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

10. Baidu Apollo Auto-Calibration System - An Industry-Level Data-Driven and Learning based Vehicle Longitude Dynamic Calibrating Algorithm

9.RES-Q: Robust Outlier Detection Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation

8.Fast and robust local feature extraction for 3D reconstruction

7.Matrix Difference in Pose-Graph Optimization https://gitlab.com/srrg-software/srrg_g2o_chordal_plugin

6. Nonlinear Distortion Calibration of an Optical Flow Sensor for Monocular Visual Odometry

5. Five-point algorithm: an efficient cloud-based FPGA implementation

4. SC-RANSAC: Spatial consistency on RANSAC

3.Towards A Deep Insight into Landmark-based Visual Place Recognition: Methodology and Practice

2. In Defense of Relative Multi-View Geometry

1. MatchBench: An Evaluation of Feature Matchers

视觉激光融合 Fusion of visual and laser

3. Laser-visual-inertial odometry and mapping with high robustness and low drift1

2. ROBUST LOOP CLOSURES FOR SCENE RECONSTRUCTION BY COMBINING ODOMETRY AND VISUAL CORRESPONDENCES (RGBD+odometry 做回环检测)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peXrP374MVI https://github.com/zlaskar/Robust-Loop-Closures

1.Scale Correct Monocular Visual Odometry Using a LiDAR Altimeter

三维重建 3D reconstruction

14. 2018-12-18-PlaneRCNN: 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction from a Single Image

13. 2018-12-18-SeFM: A Sequential Feature Point Matching Algorithm for Object 3D Reconstruction


11. 2018-12-16-Mobile-based 3D Reconstruction of Building Environment

10. 2018-12-11-Fast and Accurate Reconstruction of Pan-Tilt RGB-D Scans via Axis Bound Registration

9.2018-11-28-Accurate, dense and shading-aware multi-view stereo reconstruction using metaheuritic optimization

8.2018-10-19-BundleFusion: Real-time Globally Consistent 3D Reconstruction using On-the-fly Surface Re-integration深度学习+三维重建,有代码

7.2018-09-17-Building Dense Reflectance Maps of Indoor Environments using an RGB-D Camera 去除光源条件对重建的影响.

6.2018-09-15-Real-time High-accuracy Three-Dimensional Reconstruction with Consumer RGB-D Cameras加入了uncertaintyaware,and local-to-global RGB-D bundle adjustment strategy

5.Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image using Multi-View Keypoint Correspondence

4.Depth Super-Resolution Meets Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo (低分辨率depth+不同光照下,同一视角高分辨率RBG => 高分辨率深度图)

3. Robust 3D Surface Reconstruction in Real-Time with Localization Sensor

2. EchoFusion: Tracking and Reconstruction of Objects in 4D Freehand Ultrasound Imaging without External Trackers

1. PSDF Fusion: Probabilistic Signed Distance Function for On-the-fly 3D Data Fusion and Scene Reconstruction


35. 2018-12-18-Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth Estimation with Bundle Adjustment, Super-Resolution and Clip Loss CMU Michael Kaess高清深度图恢复

34. 2018-12-18-Self-Improving Visual Odometry magic leap出品,可以线上训练网络,自我提升vo性能,厉害了!

33. 2018-12-11-Inferring Point Clouds from Single Monocular Images by Depth Intermediation

32. 2018-12-10-BA-Net: Dense Bundle Adjustment Network

31. 2018-12-06-Matching Features without Descriptors: Implicitly Matched Interest Points (IMIPs)Davide Scaramuzza Michael Bloesch 发表不需要描述子使用CNN就能匹配特征点方法

30. 2018-12-06-DeepMapping: Unsupervised Map Estimation From Multiple Point Clouds利用深度学习做激光点云匹配

29. 2018-12-03-Loop Closure Detection with RGB-D Feature Pyramid Siamese Networks

28. 2018-12-03-MagicVO: End-to-End Monocular Visual Odometry through Deep Bi-directional Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network端到端VO

27. 2018-11-06-Semantic Mapping with Simultaneous Object Detection and Localization

26. 2018-11-06-Real-Time RGB-D Camera Pose Estimation in Novel Scenes using a Relocalisation Cascade随机森林做重定位

25. 2018-11-06-Anytime Stereo Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices 代码

24. 2018-10-20-Reactive Obstacle Avoidance of Monocular Quadrotors with Online Adapted Depth Prediction Network线上自适应CNN估计深度

23. 2018-10-19-Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection Loss for Camera Relocalization同下,合在一起读,可以加强理解

22. 2018-10-19-DSAC - Differentiable RANSAC for Camera Localization 深度学习重定位,代码

21. 2018-10-19-PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization 深度学习重定位,代码

20. 2018-10-17-Semantic-only Visual Odometry based on dense class-level segmentation

19. 2018-10-15-Learning to Solve Nonlinear Least Squares for Dense Tracking and Mapping Andrew J. Davison 的 learned optimizer

18. 2018-10-09-DS-SLAM: A Semantic Visual SLAM towards Dynamic Environments

17. 2018-10-09-Real-Time Monocular Object-Model Aware Sparse SLAM Ian Reid

16. 2018-10-08-Efficient Constellation-Based Map-Merging for Semantic SLAM

15. 2018-10-08-Learning to Fly by MySelf:A Self-Supervised CNN-based Approach for Autonomous Navigation

14. 2018-10-08-Semi-dense Stereo Matching using Dual CNNs深度估计

13. 2018-10-08-Deep Learning Based Semantic Labelling of 3D Point Cloudin Visual SLAM SLAM 加上点云标签代码在此

12. 2018-10-06-CNN-SVO: Improving the Mapping in Semi-Direct Visual OdometryUsing Single-Image Depth Prediction 用CNN 减少深度估计误差 代码在此

11. 2018-09-26-An Orientation Factor for Object-Oriented SLAM

10. 2018-09-25 A Variational Observation Model of 3D Object for Probabilistic Semantic SLAM

9. 2018-09-25 GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks

8. 2018-07-25 Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry: Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry.TUM DL+DSO大作

7. Fusion++: Volumetric Object-Level SLAM

6. UnDeepVO: Monocular Visual Odometry through Unsupervised Deep Learning github:https://github.com/drmaj/UnDeepVO

5. Learning-based Image Enhancement for Visual Odometry in Challenging HDR Environments

4. Graph-Based Place Recognition in Image Sequences with CNN Features

3. VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry

2. Real-time Dense Monocular SLAM with Online Adapted Depth Prediction Network

1. DeepTAM: Deep Tracking and Mapping

