14lox / PDGestureTableView

Great Mailbox-like UITableView.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




  • Swipe the cells to perform multiple actions.
  • Tap and hold to move cells.
  • A UIView can be set to be shown when there's no content on the table view.
  • A left and right margin can be set so if the table view is inside a scroll view the user can scroll it by swiping the edges.
  • Storyboards/Xibs & Autolayout fully compatible.
  • Block-driven. No silly delegates :)


You can install PDGestureTableView through CocoaPods adding the following to your Podfile:

pod 'PDGestureTableView'

At a glance

Setting up actions for a cell

PDGestureTableViewCell has 4 possible actions:

  • firstLeftAction
  • secondLeftAction
  • firstRightAction
  • secondRightAction

Here's how actions should be set:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    cell.firstLeftAction = [PDGestureTableViewCellAction
                            actionWithIcon:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon"]
                            color:[UIColor greenColor]
                            didTriggerBlock:^(PDGestureTableView *gestureTableView, PDGestureTableViewCell *cell) {
                                // Action for first left action triggering.
    cell.secondLeftAction = [PDGestureTableViewCellAction
                            actionWithIcon:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon"]
                            color:[UIColor redColor]
                            didTriggerBlock:^(PDGestureTableView *gestureTableView, PDGestureTableViewCell *cell) {
                                // Action for second left action triggering.
    return cell;
  • icon is the UIImage icon for that action.
  • color is the UIColor for the action highlight.
  • fraction specifies the fraction of the entire cell width where the action will be highlighted. For instance, if you specify 0.5 the action will highlight when the cell gets to the middle of the table width.
  • didTriggerBlock is the block that will execute when the user releases the cell.

As you can see, there's a class method actionWithIcon:color:fraction:didTriggerBlock available for creating actions, but you can also use some others. These are all methods you can use to create an action:

  • actionWithIcon:color:
  • actionWithIcon:color:fraction:
  • actionWithIcon:color:fraction:didTriggerBlock:
  • actionWithIcon:color:fraction:didTriggerBlock:didHighlightBlock:didUnhighlightBlock:

Main actions for didTriggerBlock.

didTriggerBlock can contain any action you want, but I highly recommended to use one of the following methods in addition to the ones you want to use:

  • PDGestureTableView's removeCell:completion:, which removes the specified cell from the table view animatedly. It works in a similar way to deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation so before calling it you must remove any pertinent data from the data source.

     [cell.firstLeftAction setDidTriggerBlock:^(PDGestureTableView * gestureTableView, PDGestureTableViewCell * cell) {
         NSIndexPath * indexPath = [gestureTableView indexPathForCell:cell];
         [dataArray removeObjectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
         [gestureTableView removeCell:cell completion:^{
             NSLog(@"Cell removed!");
  • PDGestureTableView's replaceCell:bounce:completion:, which replaces the cell to its original position (bounce specifies how much bounce effect will it be replaced with).

     [cell.firstLeftAction setDidTriggerBlock:^(PDGestureTableView * gestureTableView, PDGestureTableViewCell * cell) {
         [gestureTableView replaceCell:cell bounce:10 completion:nil];

Wish List

  • Autoscroll when the current moving cell is near the edge of the screen (currently working on this).
  • Cell bouncing when reaching the last action.


  • iOS 7 or higher.
  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC).


You can use it with total freedom. I just would love to know if you're using it in any project of yours, so an email or a tweet would be really appreciated :)


Great Mailbox-like UITableView.