13 / tizen-studio-arch

How to install TizenStudio on Arch Linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to install Tizen Studio on Arch Linux

Just clone the repo and run ./install.sh

What we do?

  1. Install java, I use OpenJDK 11.0.7 (via sdkman!)
  2. Download the studio from https://developer.tizen.org/ko/development/tizen-studio/download?langredirect=1# (Tizen Studio with IDE installer)
  3. Do it executable
  4. Start with fake-dpkg (dkpg it's a symbol link) which will provide correct information for installer checks
  5. List of deps what I used in arch for work. Will be cool if you provide more the information in issues or PR
  • rpm2cpio - yay -S rpmextract
  • cpio - yay -S cpio
  • gnome-keyring pacman -S gnome-keyring for certificates
  • libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 - so here as I understand will be provided if you install webkitgtk but I don't remember. (This dependency is solved with https://github.com/frealgagu/archlinux.webkitgtk2/releases)

If you have some problems with kwin while running device manager, such as some windows not well sized (1 pixel x 59) so is impossible to connect to devices. To solve it change to other than kde wm or force windows size as in https://ahelpme.com/software/kde-plasma/kde-plasma-windows-force-resize-ikvm-virtual-keyboard/ Thanks @aleixq


How to install TizenStudio on Arch Linux


Language:Shell 100.0%