So this is pretty much me just messing around with python
Overtime I hope to add more and more app to this but so far this is what I have:
- Instagram Account searcher
- They way it works is by scraping the web for your data by passing your username through the link, really, really simple.
- Instagram user collector
- what this does is searches a tag and then scrapes the webpage for usernames and adds it to the collection
- Feed the list of the usernames that are collected to the account searcher
- take data from the account searcher and admit them to the database
- not sure how i'm going to do this
- make a database
- make a scheduler for the database
- create restful api to use the data
- setup vm in google or azure (which ever will be the cheapest tbh)
- First make sure that you have pip and pipenv installed on your machine
- Use command
$ pipenv install
<- this will automatically start installing all the required packages for this app to run - Once installation has finished, go ahead and use what ever method you prefer to use edit/ run your python app. I prefer going into the shell and do what I have to do that way via:
$ pipenv shell
and then$ python
- And that's it! Happy Instagraming!!!!!
If any issues occur just hit me up and let me know, I'll figure it out, or do a pull request if you figured it out