11LuA / holograph-protocol

Holograph Protocol

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Holograph Protocol

Table of Contents


Holograph provides omnichain NFT infrastructure for the web3 ecosystem. Holograph Protocol enables the creation, deployment, minting, and bridging of omnichain NFTs with complete data integrity.


Please reference the documentation for the full technical specification of the protocol.




Genesis will be deployed on all blockchains that run and support Holograph Protocol. All main components will be deployed via Genesis. Future blockchains will have a Genesis deployment as well.


Factory enables developers to submit a signed version of the following elements to deploy a Holographed smart contract on the blockchain:

  • primary deployment chain
  • token type (ERC-20, ERC-721, etc.)
  • event subscriptions
  • custom smart contract bytecode
  • custom initialization code

Any additional blockchains that developers want to support can have the same signed data submitted to Factory, allowing for the creation of an identical Holographed contract. The primary job of Factory is to:

  • allow propagation of exact data across all blockchains
  • ensure a proper standard is selected and used
  • ensure all deployments succeed and work as expected
  • ensure that security is enforced and impenetrable


Registry is a central on-chain location where all Holograph data is stored. Registry keeps a record of all currently supported standards. New standards can be introduced and enabled as well. Any properly deployed Holographed contracts are also stored as reference. This allows for a definitive way to identify whether a smart contract is secure and properly Holographed. Verifying entities will be able to identify a Holographed contract to ensure the highest level of security and standards.


This contract contains the code responsible for all the bridge-out and bridge-in logic required to enable bridging. Bridge is a universal smart contract that functions as the primary entry and exit point for any Holographed tokens to and from all supported blockchains. Bridge validates and ensures integrity and standard enforcement for every Bridge-In and Bridge-Out request. Additionally, Bridge implements a universal standard for sending tokens across blockchains by abstracting away complexities into sub-modules that remove the burden of management for developers. This allows for simple one-click/one-transaction native gas token payment-based interactions for all bridge requests.


Operator's primary job is to know the messaging protocols that are utilized by the Holograph protocol for all cross-chain messages, and to ensure the authenticity and validity of all requests being submitted. Operator ensures that only valid bridge requests are sent/received and allowed to be executed inside of the protocol.


Holograph is the primary entry-point for all users and developers. A single, universal address across all blockchains will enable developers an easy way to interact with the protocol’s features. Holograph keeps references for all current Registry, Factory, and Bridge implementations. Furthermore, it allows for single interface management of the underlying Holograph Protocol. Holograph provides a reference to the name and ID of all supported blockchains. Additionally, it:

  • Enables custom smart contract logic that is chain-dependent
  • Frees developers from having to query and monitor the blockchain

Standards Enforcers


Holographer exists at the core of all Holographed smart contracts, which is applied whenever a Holographed smart contract is deployed. Holographer pieces together all components and routes all inbound function calls to their proper smart contracts, ensuring security and the enforcement of specified standards. Holographer is isolated on its own private layer and is essentially hard-coded into the blockchain.


Enforcer enables and ensures complete standards, compliance, and operability for a given standard type. HolographERC20 and HolographERC721 are perfect examples of such Enforcers. Enforcers store and manage all data within themselves to ensure security, compliance, integrity, and enforcement of all protocols. Communication is established with custom contracts via specific event hooks. The storage/data layer is isolated privately and not directly accessible by custom contracts.


HolographRoyalties is an on-chain royalties contract for non-fungible token types. It supports a universal module that understands and speaks all of the different royalty standards on the blockchain. HolographRoyalties is built to be extendable and can have new royalty standards implemented as they are created and agreed upon.


The Interfaces contract is used to store and share standardized data. It acts as an external library contract. This allows all the Holograph protocol smart contracts to reference a single instance of data and code.

External Components

Custom Contract

Custom contract is any type of smart contract that was developed outside of Holograph Protocol, and is used to create a Holographed contract. This empowers developers to build their projects however they want. The requirements for enabling a custom contract to be Holograph-able are minimal, and allow for even novice-level developers to implement. Any current and future fungible and non-fungible token type contracts can easily be made Holograph-able.

Important Flows

Bridging NFTs

To bridge NFTs, a Holographed contract must be deployed and NFTs minted from the contract. Doing so will ensure that the contract address and token IDs remain the same on all deployed blockchains.

Estimating Gas


Bridging Out

The simplified code path for bridging out is:

  1. HolographBridge.sol - bridgeOutRequest method
  2. HolographRegistery.sol - _isHolographedContract method
  3. enforcer/HolographERC721.sol - _bridgeOut method [This is the Collection Contract]
  4. HolographOperator.sol - send method
  5. Holograph/LayerZeroModule.sol - send method

At step 1, a user submits their bridge request with a valid payload using the estimatedGas value computed in the previous Estimate Gas section

At step 2, the code checks that the contract is a holographable contract. This means it has implemented the required functions for a Holographed contract. See contracts/enforcer/HolographERC721.sol for an example.

At step 3, we call the _bridgeOut function on the Holographed contract and apply various checks and generate a payload with information about the bridge request.

At step 4, we call the send method on the HolographOperator.sol contract. This method does some final packaging of the payload that will be sent to the messaging layer.

At step 5, we finally call the send method to the messaging layer contract /module/LayerZeroModule.sol. At this point the NFT has left the source chain.

Bridging In

The simplified code path for bridging in is:

  1. module/LayerZeroModule.sol - lzReceive method
  2. HolographOperator.sol - crossChainMessage method
  3. HolographOperator.sol - Emits event AvailableOperatorJob(jobHash, bridgeInRequestPayload);

At step 1, the configured messaging layer calls the method lzReceive in module/LayerZeroModule.sol. We do some checks to make sure only LayerZero call this method.

At step 2, we call crossChainMessage on the HolographOperator.sol contract. We encode the job, select a primary operator, and 5 substitute operators.

At step 3, the contract will emit a job event. This job event is being observed by our CLI that will then finalize a job. Only users who are in a pod are allowed to finalize jobs.


Operators execute destination chain bridge transaction. Operators must run the CLI, bond the protocol’s native token, and execute transactions. The probability of getting selected to perform this work is based on the number of tokens bonded.

Bonding tokens

There is a testnet faucet available for getting testnet tokens. These are the tokens you need to be able to bond to a pod and operate. Currently deployed Faucet address can be found in the deployments dir. Choose the environment/branch, network, and the file will be Faucet.json.

Joining Pods

To become an operator, you must view the pods available to join, select a pod, and bond at least the minimum bond requirement.

  1. HolographOperator.sol - getTotalPods
  2. HolographOperator.sol - getPodBondAmounts
  3. HolographOperator.sol - bondUtilityToken

At step 1, you call getTotalPods method to get a list of available pods. If the length of pod is zero, then you can bond into pod 1.

At step 2, when you call getPodBondAmounts, you will get two values: [_base, current]. The base value represents the original minimum bond requirement to join the pod, while the current value is the current amount you must provide to join the pod.

At step 3, you are now able to call the bondUtilityToken function with the pod and amounts you want to use to enter the pod. Please note, there is a minimum bond requirement to join but no maximum.

Leaving Pods

To leave a pod, you have to call the unbondUtilityToken in HolographOperator.sol.

Processing Jobs

You must join a pod to become an operator. The simplified code path for operating is:

  1. Receive new Block from the network
  2. Iterate over block looking for event AvailableOperatorJob(jobHash, bridgeInRequestPayload);
  3. HolographOperator.sol - getJobDetails method
  4. HolographOperator.sol - jobEstimator method
  5. HolographOperator.sol - executeJob method

At step 1, the CLI connected via websocket receives notification that new block was mined.

At step 2, the CLI makes a request for the full block information. It then iterates over transactions, looking for the AvailableOperatorJob event.

At step 3, the CLI then calls getJobDetails in HolographOperator.sol. This checks if the current wallet user is the selected operator or a backup operator. If it is the selected operator, then it will continue. Otherwise, the job is kept in memory for a short time and reviewed again in the future to check the job status.

At step 4, the CLI will estimate the cost of executing the job. This is used to make sure the transaction sent has enough gas to complete.

At step 5, the wallet sends a transaction to the exectureJob method on the HolographOperator.sol contract. In here, further checks are done to validate the job and user's wallet. After this transaction is mined on the blockchain, the NFT will become finalized and available on the new blockchain.


Getting Started

  1. This project uses asdf for versions management. Install following plugins

  2. Run asdf install after to have the correct tool versions.

  3. Install dependencies with yarn install.

    "This project uses environment variables that are stored in .env"


When the project is built, the code in the src folder gets written to the contracts folder. The files in the contracts folder are the "real" files that are used for testing and code verification on all the scanners.

Again, files from the src directory are automatically transpiled into the contracts directory each time that hardhat compiles the contracts.

Running tests

NOTE: At this time some tests require hardcoded referencing hardcoded addresses on the local network that are deployed deterministically based on a salt parameter that is stored in the .env file. For local development, please set DEVELOP_DEPLOYMENT_SALT=1000.

There are two sets of tests. The main test suite uses Hardhat. To run them start your local chains that the contracts will be deployed to using:

yarn run ganache-x2

Keep in mind that two networks are spun up in order to facilitate the multichain tests that bridge from one network to the other. Next run the hardhat tests with:

yarn test

The newer tests for Drops use Foundry. Please make sure you have Foundry installed by following the instructions here.

Currently the Foundry tests require "forking" from a local chain that has the rest of the Holograph protocol contracts already deployed. To do this, with the local ganache chains still running from the ganache-x2 command mentioned above, run deploy with:

yarn deploy:localhost

Then you can run the Foundry tests with:

forge test

Making Changes

Before pushing your work to the repo, make sure to prepare your code

Please make use of the yarn run prettier:fix command to format the codebase into a universal style.

Directory Structure


├── config: Network configuration files
├── contracts: Smart contracts that power the Holograph protocol
├── deploy: Deployment scripts for the smart contracts uses Hardhat and Hardhat Deploy
├── deployments: Deployment build files that include contract addresses on each network
├── scripts: Scripts and helper utilities
├── src: Source contracts that get dynamically transpiled down into the finalized output contracts
└── test: Hardhat tests for the smart contracts

Branching Model and Releases

Active Branches

Branch Status
mainnet Accepts PRs from testnet or release/x.x.x when we intend to deploy to mainnet.
testnet Accepts PRs from develop that are ready to be deployed to testnet.
develop Accepts PRs from feature/xyz branches that are experimental or in testing stage.
experimental Accepts PRs from any branches.
release/x.x.x Accepts PRs from testnet.


We generally follow this Git branching model. Please read the linked post if you're planning to make frequent PRs into this repository.

The mainnet branch

The mainnet branch contains the code for our latest "stable" mainnet releases. Updates from mainnet always come from the testnet branch. We only ever update the mainnet branch when we intend to deploy code that has been tested on testnets to all mainnet networks supported by the Holograph protocol. Our update process takes the form of a PR merging the testnet branch into the mainnet branch.

The testnet branch

The testnet branch continas the code that is the latest stable testnet release for all supported networks. This branch is deployed and circulated for beta users of the protocol. Updates are merged in from the develop branch once they're ready for broad usage.

The develop branch

Our primary development branch is develop. develop contains the most up-to-date software that is being tested via experimental network deployments.

The experimental branch

Our primary experimentation branch is experimental. experimental contains the software that is not stable and is trying out new code.

Deployment Process

  1. Validate env variables are correct
    1. Check Salts
    2. Check RPCS
  2. Check Git commit reference
  3. Clean Repo
    1. Remove temp folders: [node_modules, artifacts, cache, cache_hardhat, dist, typechain-types, ganache]
  4. Run Tests
    1. run yarn clean-compile
    2. run yarn ganache-x2 - terminal 1
    3. run yarn deploy - terminal 2
  5. Run Deployments per environment, check gas chane per network again, and save output
    1. avalanche
      1. Check price envs
      2. Save output to deploymentHistory. NOTE remove directory info.
    2. mumbai
      1. Check price envs
      2. Save output to deploymentHistory. NOTE remove directory info.
    3. goerli
      1. Check price envs
      2. Save output to deploymentHistory. NOTE remove directory info.
    4. binance
      1. Check price envs
      2. Save output to deploymentHistory. NOTE remove directory info.
  6. Validate Contracts on each network


Read through CONTRIBUTING.md for a general overview of our contribution process.

Official Links


Files under this repository are licensed under Holograph Limited Public License (H-LPL) 1.0.0 unless otherwise stated.


Holograph Protocol



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