1185497683 / awesome-surreal

A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.

Home Page:https://surrealdb.com

Repository from Github https://github.com1185497683/awesome-surrealRepository from Github https://github.com1185497683/awesome-surreal

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SurrealDB SurrealDB is the ultimate cloud
database for tomorrow's applications

Develop easier.   Build faster.   Scale quicker.

A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.

If you want to contribute to this list, then please read the contributing guidelines.


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Awesome SurrealDB

A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.

If you want to contribute to this list, then please read the contributing guidelines.



  • SurrealDB - A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web.

Client libraries

Development tools

  • Surreal-Fiber - A REST API Fiber Web Framework boilerplate using SurrealDB for applications written in Go.
  • SurrealDB Explorer - A simple database viewer/editor for SurrealDB.
  • Surrealist - A powerful graphical SurrealDB query playground and database explorer.

Deployment tools

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Docker images

surrealdb/surrealdb - SurrealDB official Docker image


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  • Cirql - Flexible SurrealDB TypeScript ORM leveraging the power of Zod schemas.
  • kysely-surrealdb - Kysely (type-safe sql query builder) dialects, plugins and other goodies for SurrealDB.
  • PySurrealDB - SurrealDB driver and query builder for Python.
  • Sirqle - Python wrapper for surrealdb.py.



Projects using SurrealDB


A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.


License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal