10cl / fwkdev

本项目提供一种轻量级研究和开发 Android Framework 代码的代码结构方案

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project offers a lightweight code structure solution for researching and developing Android Framework code.

By configuring build.gradle to index some core framework code, you can easily import it locally for studying and analyzing framework code. This facilitates code hints and navigation support in Android Studio.

The problems solved by this project are:

  1. Application Development: To make a new chip project compatible, only the lightweight structural part of the Framework needs to be extracted.
  2. System Feature Development: Compatible across different platforms by configuring the required core source code.
  3. System Source Code Reading, Differential Comparison, Competitor Analysis, etc., focusing only on core code without needing to import the entire Android suite.

Project Structure

This project is divided into 3 parts:

  • Branches indexing Android native code: android-14.0.0_r17, android-13.0.0_r52, etc.
  • The main branch main is the structure indexing Android Framework code.
  • The dev branch is a lightweight and efficient way of Android Framework development that requires certain configurations to extract files from a remote server and perform pull/push to devices.

Reading Specific Code

  • Pull a specific branch, e.g., pull Android 13 source code:
git clone https://github.com/10cl/fwkdev.git -b android-13.0.0_r52

Open the project in Android Studio to read and analyze Framework source code effortlessly.

Framework Development Environment

Configure to pull the local project, enabling debugging breakpoints on local devices. Simplify the Android Framework development process through scripts: writing local code -> synchronizing to the build environment -> compiling -> extracting generated files from out -> pushing to devices -> rebooting for updates.

Index Your Own Project

  1. Initialize your project name. Create a project and store your system projects inside following your internal or custom-defined standards, like {chip_platform_model_Android_version_XXX}:
->project $ ls

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/10cl/fwkdev.git -b dev QCOM_SM8650_14.0_xxx_xxx

Configuration Items

The project connects to a remote server via the ssh module to fetch framework files and the generated files under out for push. In a Windows environment, if Git is configured, it includes this module by default.

Setting Up Passwordless Login Locally

ssh-copy-id is a convenient command-line tool used to copy SSH public keys from the local machine to the authorized_keys file on a remote machine, enabling passwordless login. When using SSH to log in remotely, you typically need to enter a password for authentication. However, by configuring SSH public key authentication, you can achieve a more secure and convenient authentication method.

The steps to use ssh-copy-id typically include:

  1. Generate SSH key pair: Use the ssh-keygen command to generate an SSH key pair on the local machine, including public and private keys.

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    This command will generate id_rsa (private key) and id_rsa.pub (public key) files in the ~/.ssh/ directory.

  2. Copy the public key to the remote host using ssh-copy-id: Run the following command to add the local machine's public key to the authorized_keys file on the remote machine.

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub {username}@{serverIP} -p{port}

    This will prompt for the user password of the remote machine, then copy the local machine's public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote machine. Afterward, passwordless SSH login can be used.


  • Basic Configuration
    After basic configuration, you can pull remote system core code by executing the pullFwk task.
# Preserve original project configuration
# ...

### FwkDev Config: Server Config ###
  • Commit Changes
    By adding server.diff, you can configure keywords to filter the changed files for upload. Then, execute pushFwk to upload the filtered changed files.
# Filters files for changes based on full paths containing the following keywords
  • Device Update
    By configuring local.pushfwk=true and server.project={project_identifier}, execute pushUpdateJar to download generated files from /system/framework/ on the remote server to the local environment. Then use adb push to update the device and reboot.
### FwkDev Config: Push Jar file Config ###
# Android project compiled files are usually in out/target/product/{project_identifier}/system/framework/
  • Multi-Project Comparison
    After adding Beyond Compare to the environment variables, execute the compareFile task to run local BComp, comparing the current project server.path with the comparison project server.compare_folder based on the relative path configured in server.compare.
### FwkDev Config: Compare fold configuration ###
# Configure the root directory of the projects to compare
# Configure the relative path to compare
  • Download Individual Files
    Execute the pullServerFile task to pull specific files from the server by configuring the SERVER_FILE_LIST variable.


本项目提供一种轻量级研究和开发 Android Framework 代码的代码结构方案


Language:Java 100.0%