1000miles / populairy

๐Ÿฟ Populairy is a pop-up event organizer to help running pop-ups smoothly

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Populairy - Pop-up Event Organizer

This app is at the beginning and constantly a work-in-progress.


Populairy is a pop-up event organizer to help running pop-ups smoothly.

Populairy = Pop-up + popular + airy

1. Background

Pop-ups became very popular worldwide since a few years and are an effective way for event hosts to save costs and to grow their networks and outreach. Pop-ups are enabled as a selling point within an existing event and/or space. While many self-made professionals rely on a regular income for them and their famillies pop-ups are also a great way for initiatives/groups/non-profits to collaborate in order to raise awareness and donations for a good cause.

When runnning a pop-up usually event hosts face challenges on:

  • Venue Search => send inquiries, ask friends and partners, book venues
  • Equipment / Products => build partnerships with suppliers to rent, buy or organize equipment, etc.
  • Logistics => plan staff, delivery and pick-up
  • Networking => research, handle feedback, outreach
  • Marketing => word-of-mouth, social media, mailing lists, kitchen table

Event types:


  • Barber Shop
  • Book Store
  • Drinks
  • Flash Tattoo
  • Food
  • Massage
  • Tarot Reading
  • Workshop (Repair | Bike | Sketch)
  • Misc

2. Technical Requirements

  • NodeJS (Backend JS)
  • ExpressJS (Backend Framework)
  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Mongoose (Schema)
  • Pug (views) => Vue => React (Front-End)
  • Nodemon (Dev Live Server)
  • Prettier (Formatting)
  • Axios (HTTP requests)
  • Ava => Mocha && Enzyme (Testing)
  • Docker
  • Heroku || Netlify (Hosting)
  • Babel (JS Compiler)
  • Eslint (JS Linter)

3. Features

  • Task Manager
  • Event calendar
  • Addressbook
  • Sign-up/Login
  • Emailing
  • Newsletter
  • Solidarity pot
  • Search

4. Data Model


  • An event acts as a satellite event and can have one or more pop-ups.
  • An event has 1 main host (eventHost) that can be a group or a person and is referenced to one or many pop-ups.
  • An event can have multiple hosts (joinedHosts) that are confirmed as hosts.
  • An event has a date with a day and time range (from, to) each.
  • An event has a location with address, postcode, city and country info.
  • An event has one or many guests attending.


  • A pop-up has 1 main organizer that can be a group or a person.
  • A pop-up can have multiple organizers that are confirmed as organizers.
  • A pop-up has the same location of an event that it joins (reference).
  • A pop-up has the same date (day and time) is the same date of an event that it joins (reference).
  • A pop-up can only have 1 main host that can be a group or a single person.
  • A pop-up can only join 1 event (satellite) that it joins.
  • A pop-up can have one or many guests subscribed from an event that it joins.


  • A user is by default a guest unless confirmed as an event host or pop-up organizer.
  • A user can attend one event at a time.
  • A user can attend one or many pop-ups of an event that the user subscribed for.
  • A user can have one of these roles at a time: - guest - Event: main host (eventHost) || co-host (joinedHosts) - Pop-up: main organizer (organizer) || co-organizer (popupOrganizers)
  • A user can act as a group or as a single person. Offline / Before authentication:
  • A first name, last name, email is required as a guest.
  • A first name, last name, email and phone number is required as a Pop-up organizer.
  • A first name, last name, email and phone number is required as an event host.

5. Axios - HTTP requests


Use const mongoose = require('mongoose').set('debug', true); on top of each model, e.g. /models/Model.js to get a verbose view of inserting/updating/deleting data in the console. Disable it again once you are done.

Browser Console

Go to browser > dev tools > console and run the axios commands below.


  1. Get all users (JSON)
// GET http://localhost:3000/user/all/json
  1. Get aa single user (JSON)
// GET http://localhost:3000/:id/json
  1. Create a new user
// POST http://localhost:3000/user/new
  .post("/user/new", {
    firstName: "Jonny",
    lastName: "Crush",
    email: "jonny@example.org",
  1. Update single user
// PATCH http://localhost:3000/user/:id
  .patch("/user/5dd93e067689550c4a89fc03", { lastName: "Another Lastname" })
  1. Delete a user
// DEL http://localhost:3000/user/:id


  1. Get all events (JSON)
// GET http://localhost:3000/event/all/json
  1. Get an event (JSON)
// GET http://localhost:3000/event/:id/json
  1. Create an event
  .post("/event/new", {
    eventType: "haircraft",
    eventName: "onHair 5 Night",
    location: {
      name: "Madame Rossi 2",
      address: {
        additionalString: "2nd floor, next to bar", // optional
        streetName: "Wegbereiter 21",
        houseNumber: "234a",
        postCode: "12345",
        city: "Berlin",
        country: "Germany",
    date: {
      from: "2010-05-05T9:OO:00Z",
    	to: : "2010-05-05T20:OO:00Z",
    eventHost: {
			name: "Barbery X Collective",
			websiteUrl: "http://barberywheel.org", // optional
			email: "barberyx@example.org",
  1. Update an event (PATCH)
// PUT http://localhost:3000/event/ObjectId
  .patch("/event/5ddb1166f62c82203bafc8de", {
    eventName: "onHair 3 Night",
  1. Delete an event
// DEL http://localhost:3000/event/:id


  1. Get all pop-ups (JSON)
// GET http://localhost:3000/popup/all/json
  1. Get a pop-up (JSON)
// GET http://localhost:3000/popup/:id/json
  1. Create a new pop-up
// POST http://localhost:3000/popup/new
		category: "barber",
		popupTitle: "Barber Shop Vol. 11",
		description: "Barber Shop X was founded in 2017 by 5 best friends who wanted to make a difference in the way we experience...",
		slots: {
			date: {
				from: "2010-05-05T9:OO:00Z",
				to: : "2010-05-05T20:OO:00Z",
		popupOrganizer: {
			name: "RooArr Pop-up Collective",
			email: "roaar@example.org",
			websiteUrl: "https://rroaarr-example.org" // optional
  1. Update a pop-up
// PATCH http://localhost:3000/popup/:id/json
axios.patch("/popup/5de553e5ae12564c68c58bef", {
	popupTitle: "Pony and Clyde X Night"
  1. Delete a pop-up
// GET http://localhost:3000/popup/:id/json

Getting started

  1. Select the week you want to setup, e.g. week-4 and change into that directory.
$ cd week-4/
  1. Install all npm packages
$ npm install
  1. Copy env.SAMPLE and rename it to .env and make sure the .env file is listed in .gitignore.
$ cp env.SAMPLE .env
  1. Seed initial data
$ node bin/seedAllModels.js
  1. Start up the server:
# in dev mode with nodemon
$ npm run dev

# Dependent on your .env configs for NODE_ENV
$ npm start
  1. Use prettier to format your code:
$ npm run format

# Prettify .pug files
$ npm run pug


๐Ÿฟ Populairy is a pop-up event organizer to help running pop-ups smoothly


Language:JavaScript 93.2%Language:HTML 6.8%