0xsequence / ethkit

Ethereum dev toolkit for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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==================================== we <3 Ethereum =====================================

Ethkit is an Ethereum CLI and Go development kit designed to make it easier to use and develop for Ethereum.

Ethkit CLI

GoDoc Widget Go Report Card example branch parameter

Ethkit comes equipped with the ethkit CLI providing:

  • Wallet - manage Ethereum wallets & accounts. restore wallets from a secret mnemonic. with scrypt wallet encryption support.
  • Abigen - generate Go code from an ABI artifact file to interact with or deploy a smart contract.
  • Artifacts - parse details from a Truffle artifact file from command line such as contract bytecode or the json abi
  • Balance - retrieve the balance of an account at any block height for any supported network via RPC
  • Block - retrieve the block information based on block height (or tag) and filtered by optional input parameters


go install github.com/0xsequence/ethkit/cmd/ethkit@latest


ethkit [command]



wallet handles encrypted Ethereum wallet creation and management in user-supplied keyfiles. It allows users to create a new Ethereum wallet, import an existing Ethereum wallet from a secret mnemonic, or print an existing wallet's secret mnemonic.

  ethkit wallet [flags]

  -h, --help              help for wallet
      --import-mnemonic   import a secret mnemonic to a new keyfile
      --keyfile string    wallet key file path
      --new               create a new wallet and save it to the keyfile
      --print-account     print wallet account address from keyfile (default) (default true)
      --print-mnemonic    print wallet secret mnemonic from keyfile (danger!)


abigen generates Go contract client code from a JSON truffle artifacts file.

  ethkit abigen [flags]

      --abiFile string         path to abi json file
      --artifactsFile string   path to truffle contract artifacts file
  -h, --help                   help for abigen
      --lang string            target language, supported: [go], default=go
      --outFile string         outFile (optional), default=stdout
      --pkg string             pkg (optional)
      --type string            type (optional)


artifacts prints the contract ABI or bytecode from a user-supplied truffle artifacts file.

  ethkit artifacts [flags]

      --abi           abi
      --bytecode      bytecode
      --file string   path to truffle contract artifacts file (required)
  -h, --help          help for artifacts


balance retrieves the balance of an account via RPC by a provided address at a predefined block height.

  ethkit balance [account] [flags]

  -B, --block string     The block height to query at (default "latest")
  -e, --ether            Format the balance in ether
  -h, --help             help for balance
  -r, --rpc-url string   The RPC endpoint to the blockchain node to interact with


block retrieves a block by a provided block height or tag via RPC

  ethkit block [number|tag] [flags]

  block, bl

  -f, --field string     Get the specific field of a block
      --full             Get the full block information
  -h, --help             help for block
  -j, --json             Print the block as JSON

Ethkit Go Development Library

Ethkit is a very capable Ethereum development library for writing systems in Go that interface with an Ethereum-compatible network (mainnet/testnet or another EVM sidechain). We use it in the Sequence stack for many micro-services in our infrastructure, we hope you enjoy it too.


  • ethartifacts: simple pkg to parse Truffle artifact file
  • ethcoder: encoding/decoding libraries for smart contracts and transactions
  • ethdeploy: simple method to deploy contract bytecode to a network
  • ethgas: fetch the latest gas price of a network or track over a period of time
  • ethmonitor: easily monitor block production, transactions and logs of a chain; with re-org support
  • ethrpc: http client for Ethereum json-rpc
  • ethwallet: wallet for Ethereum with support for wallet mnemonics (BIP-39)


Please see LICENSE for full details.


  • All ethkit source is licensed under the MIT license, copyright (c) 2018-present Horizon Blockchain Games Inc.
  • All vendored+modified go-ethereum source is licensed under the original LGPLv3 license
  • All vendored source from go.mod dependencies is licensed under their respective licenses in ./vendor


Ethereum dev toolkit for Go



Language:Go 71.9%Language:C 22.1%Language:Assembly 2.1%Language:Java 1.0%Language:Sage 1.0%Language:M4 0.8%Language:Smarty 0.8%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:JavaScript 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%