0xmme / evm-tableland

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Table of Contents


This is a evm-tableland clone for creating sampledata and later on fetching this data with the tablelandsdk.

Currently supported chains

Optimism Kovan | 69 | 0xf2C9Fc73884A9c6e6Db58778176Ab67989139D06

Optimism Goerli | 420 | 0xC72E8a7Be04f2469f8C2dB3F1BdF69A7D516aBbA

See deployedTables.json for all deployed testing tables.


Building the client

You can build the client locally:

npm install
npx hardhat compile
npm run build


Deployments are handled on a per-network basis:

Deploying Tables with data

Tables can be deployed with the createData.ts script.

npx hardhat run scripts/createData.ts --network optimism-goerli

Reading Tables

Tables can be deployed with the readData.js script.

npx hardhat run scripts/readData.js --network optimism-goerli

Deploying Contracts

We don't need to deploy contracts for our testing on optimism-goerli, but for local testing, that's how:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network optimism-goerli




License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 50.6%Language:Solidity 40.2%Language:JavaScript 7.0%Language:Shell 2.2%