0xdavinchee / superfluid-vestooor

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Superfluid Vestooor


A foundry/Hardhat hybrid project which illustrates a simple implementation of a vesting contract built with Superfluid.

Built With


In order to run this project, you need to have the following dependencies installed on your computer:

Run npm install, yarn install or pnpm install to install packages.

NOTE: This project support yarn by default.

Check out the .env.example file to see what sort of environment variables to place in your .env file to be able to use all the features available.

Deployments and Verification



  1. Deploy the SuperfluidVestooor implementation contract with: npx hardhat run scripts/runDeploySuperfluidVestooor.ts --network <NETWORK_NAME>. Make sure to save the address, this is the <IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS> used below.
  2. Deploy the SuperfluidVestooorFactoryCreator contract with: npx hardhat deploy-factory --implementation <IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS> --network <NETWORK_NAME>.

    Note: It is advised to deploy contracts via this factory creator to enable deterministic factory addresses that you can trust.

This will deploy the contracts, wait for several confirmations and then verify the contracts.

If you want to manually verify contracts, you can use the following command: npx hardhat verify --network <NETWORK_NAME> DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"

Useful Commands

npx hardhat node to spin up a local Hardhat node (required for local tests).

npx hardhat console to run hardhat in CLI. You can specify additional settings: --network <NETWORK_NAME> to run on a specific network.

yarn test to run the Hardhat tests.

yarn dev for TDD, this runs yarn test on changes to .sol, .ts files.

yarn coverage t geonerate a coverage report (tests).

yarn gas to generate a gas report of the contracts.

yarn types to force create typechain types based on the contracts.

yarn format to use prettier to format the files based on the .prettierrc.js file.

yarn lint to run linting on .ts files.

yarn fix to fix any issues based on the .eslintrc.json file.

yarn clean to essentially reset files

SuperfluidVestooor State Machine

Plant UML Diagram Alt text here


  • Initial State: [I]
  • Vesting State: [V]
  • Vesting Paused State: [P]
  • Vesting Endable Window: [W]
  • Vesting Ended State: [E]

Initial State [I]

Plant UML Diagram Alt text here


The storage state is uninitialized and there is no flow, but it should have balance of tokens equal to whatever the factory dictated.

The contract is only for this initial state briefly as we call initialize in the same transaction that we create the clone instance.

It should not be possible to call any of the functions in this contract in the initial state other than initialize.


  • initialize
    • Transitions contract from Initial State into Vesting State
    • Has direct impact on when Vesting Endable Window and Vesting Ended State states will be reached based on the state variables passed from the factory and set for this instance in initialization
    • Cannot be called once it has been called, will result in a revert with "Initializable: contract is already initialized"


  • [I] => [V]: This occurs at the end of initialize.

Vesting State [V]

Plant UML Diagram Alt text here


There is an active flow where an instance of the SuperfluidVestooor is the sender and the vestee is the receiver.


  • restartVesting
    • This function will revert with the custom error: VESTING_IN_PROGRESS().
  • stopVesting
    • This function will revert with the custom error: VESTING_END_TOO_EARLY().


  • [V] => [P]: Occurs when the receiver (vestee) deletes the vesting flow from the SuperfluidVestooor instance
  • [V] => [W]: Occurs once canStopVesting is true (when block.timestamp is greater or equal to 7 days (in seconds) before the vestingEndTimestamp set in the initialization
  • [V] => [E]: Occurs when someone calls stopVesting OR the flow is liquidated due to the contract instance becoming critical (available balance < 0)

Vesting Paused State [P]

Plant UML Diagram Alt text here


The receiver (vestee) has deleted the flow from the SuperfluidVestooor instance.


  • restartVesting
    • This function can cause a state change to Vesting Ended State if canStopVesting is true
    • This function can cause a state change to Vesting State if canStopVesting is false
  • stopVesting
    • This function will revert because there is no flow to delete


  • [P] => [V]: Occurs when restartVesting is called and canStopVesting is false
  • [P] => [E]: Occurs when restartVesting is called and canStopVesting is true
  • [P] => [W]: Occurs once canStopVesting is true

Vesting Endable Window [W]

Plant UML Diagram Alt text here


The canStopVesting(): block.timestamp >= vestingEndTimestamp - 7 days returns true in this state.


  • restartVesting
    • This function can revert with the custom error: VESTING_IN_PROGRESS() if a stream exists.
    • This function can cause a state change to Vesting Ended State if canStopVesting is true
  • stopVesting
    • This function can cause a state change to Vesting Ended State


  • [W] => [E]: Occurs once canStopVesting is true and either restartVesting is called AND no outgoing stream exists OR if stopVesting is called

Vesting Ended State

Plant UML Diagram Alt text here


The SuperToken balance of the SuperfluidVestooor instance is <= 0 (only < 0 in the event that the instance is also the reward account for the vested token) and there is no incoming flows to and outgoing flows from SuperfluidVestooor.


  • restartVesting
    • This function will just transfer 0 tokens to the owner and emit an event.
  • stopVesting
    • This function will revert because there is no flow to delete



Language:TypeScript 73.7%Language:Solidity 20.5%Language:CSS 4.8%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:Shell 0.5%