0xced / MediaProxy

Proxy for HTTP Live Streaming

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MediaProxy is an Azure Functions app that proxies HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) content.

It was written to download France TV content outside of France with yt-dlp.


  1. Deploy the function app to Azure in the France Central region
  2. Patch the francetv.py extractor to replace the video URL with the proxy URL (replace <DEPLOYMENT_URL> with the actual deployed URL and <FUNCTION_KEY> with the actual function key)
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/francetv.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/francetv.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import urllib.parse
 from .common import InfoExtractor
 from .dailymotion import DailymotionIE
 from ..utils import (
@@ -144,6 +146,8 @@ def _extract_video(self, video_id, catalogue=None):
                 video_url = video.get('url')
             ext = determine_ext(video_url)
+            video_url = (f'https://<DEPLOYMENT_URL>.azurewebsites.net/?url={urllib.parse.quote(video_url)}'
+                         f'&code=<FUNCTION_KEY>')
             if ext == 'f4m':
                     video_url, video_id, f4m_id=format_id, fatal=False))
  1. Download some content, make sure to explicitly specify the HLS streams (PROTO = m3u8) with the -f option and download 50 fragments concurrently to speed up the download using the -N 50 option
./yt-dlp.sh -f hls-5398+hls-audio-aacl-96-Audio_Français -N 50 https://www.france.tv/france-2/astrid-et-raphaelle/saison-4/5418627-l-oeil-du-dragon.html

ℹ️ The formats can be listed with the -F option:

./yt-dlp.sh -F https://www.france.tv/france-2/astrid-et-raphaelle/saison-4/5418627-l-oeil-du-dragon.html
ID                                  EXT   RESOLUTION │   FILESIZE PROTO │ MORE INFO
spritesheets                        mhtml unknown    │            mhtml │ storyboard
hls-audio-aacl-96-Audio_Description mp4   audio only │            m3u8  │ [qad] audio description
dash-audio_qad=96000                m4a   audio only │ ~ 36.43MiB dash  │ [qad] audio description
hls-audio-aacl-96-Audio_Français    mp4   audio only │            m3u8  │ [fr] Audio Français
dash-audio_fre=96000                m4a   audio only │ ~ 36.43MiB dash  │ [fr] DASH audio, m4a_dash
dash-video=400000                   mp4   384x216    │ ~151.81MiB dash  │ DASH video, mp4_dash
hls-522                             mp4   384x216    │ ~198.11MiB m3u8  │
dash-video=950000                   mp4   640x360    │ ~360.54MiB dash  │ DASH video, mp4_dash
hls-1105                            mp4   640x360    │ ~419.37MiB m3u8  │
dash-video=1400000                  mp4   960x540    │ ~531.32MiB dash  │ DASH video, mp4_dash
hls-1582                            mp4   960x540    │ ~600.40MiB m3u8  │
dash-video=2000000                  mp4   1280x720   │ ~759.03MiB dash  │ DASH video, mp4_dash
hls-2218                            mp4   1280x720   │ ~841.77MiB m3u8  │
dash-video=5000000                  mp4   1920x1080  │ ~  1.85GiB dash  │ DASH video, mp4_dash
hls-5398                            mp4   1920x1080  │ ~  2.00GiB m3u8  │

During development

While developing, using a (SOCKS5) proxy in France can be achieved thanks to the the Tor Browser. The torrc file (found at ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/torrc on macOS) must be configured with exit nodes in France by adding this line:

ExitNodes {fr} StrictNodes 1

Then the HttpClientProxy environment variable must be set to socks5://

This allows to test whether the code proxying the HLS content is correct, but with mostly slow download speed due to the nature of the Tor network.


After writing MediaProxy I realized that it would be much easier to use a SOCKS proxy directly since yt-dlp supports the --proxy option.

It would probably have been easier to deploy the rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd container to Azure and create a tunnel instead, see https://gist.github.com/noelbundick/be9bf7bcaa6c6bcee4b65da841c620a3

# Create a container in Azure in the region you want
az group create -n temp-proxy -l southcentralus
az container create -g temp-proxy -n proxy --image rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd --ip-address Public --ports 22 --dns-name-label myproxy
ssh -D 1337 -C -N root@myproxy.southcentralus.azurecontainer.io

# Go to your network connection, set your SOCKS proxy to localhost:1337
# Browse around, your traffic is being tunneled through southcentralus
# When you're done, unset your proxy

# Clean up
az group delete -n temp-proxy -y --no-wait


Proxy for HTTP Live Streaming


Language:C# 100.0%