0xc1c4da / viper

New experimental programming language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Viper is an experimental programming language that aims to provide the following features:

  • Bounds and overflow checking, both on array accesses and on arithmetic
  • Support for signed integers and decimal fixed point numbers
  • Decidability - it's possible to compute a precise upper bound on the gas consumption of any function call
  • Strong typing, including support for units (eg. timestamp, timedelta, seconds, wei, wei per second, meters per second squared)
  • Maximally small and understandable compiler code size
  • Limited support for pure functions - anything marked constant is NOT allowed to change the state


Note that not all programs that satisfy the following are valid; for example, there are also requirements against declaring variables twice, accessig undeclared variables, type mismatches among other rules.

body = <globals> + <defs>
globals = <global> <global> ...
global = <varname> = <type>
defs = <def> <def> ...
def = def <funname>(<argname>: <type>, <argname>: <type>...): <body>
    OR def <funname>(<argname>: <type>, <argname>: <type>...) -> <type>: <body>
    OR def <funname>(<argname>: <type>, <argname>: <type>...) -> <type>(const): <body>
argname = <str>
body = <stmt> <stmt> ...
stmt = <varname> = <type>
    OR <var> = <expr>
    OR <var> <augassignop> <expr>
    OR if <cond>: <body>
    OR if <cond>: <body> else: <body>
    OR for <varname> in range(<int>): <body>
    OR for <varname> in range(<expr>, <expr> + <int>): <body> (two exprs must match)
    OR pass
    OR return
    OR break
    OR return <expr>
    OR send(<expr>, <expr>)
    OR selfdestruct(<expr>) # suicide(<expr>) is a synonym
var = <varname>
    OR <var>.<membername>
    OR <var>[<expr>]
varname = <str>
expr = <int>
    OR <expr> <binop> <expr>
    OR <expr> <boolop> <expr>
    OR <expr> <compareop> <expr>
    OR not <expr>
    OR <var>
    OR <expr>.balance
    OR <literal>
    OR <basetype>(<expr>) (only some type conversions allowed)
    OR floor(<expr>)
literal = (block.timestamp, block.coinbase, block.number, block.difficulty, tx.origin, tx.gasprice, msg.gas, self)
basetype = (num, decimal, bool, address, bytes32)
unit = <baseunit>
    OR <baseunit> * <positive integer>
    OR <unit> * <unit>
    OR <unit> / <unit>
type = <basetype>
    OR {<membername>: <type>, <membername>: <type>, ...}
    OR <type>[<basetype>]
    OR <type>[<int>] # Integer must be nonzero positive
    OR <num or decimal>(unit)
binop = (+, -, *, /, %)
augassignop = (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
boolop = (or, and)
compareop = (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
membername = varname = argname = <str>


  • num: a signed integer strictly between -2**128 and 2**128
  • decimal: a decimal fixed point value with the integer component being a signed integer strictly between -2**128 and 2**128 and the fractional component being ten decimal places
  • timestamp: a timestamp value
  • timedelta: a number of seconds (note: two timedeltas can be added together, as can a timedelta and a timestamp, but not two timestamps)
  • wei_value: an amount of wei
  • currency_value: an amount of currency
  • address: an address
  • bytes32: 32 bytes
  • bool: true or false
  • type[length]: finite list
  • {base_type: type}: map (can only be accessed, NOT iterated)
  • [arg1(type), arg2(type)...]: struct (can be accessed via struct.argname)

Arithmetic is overflow-checked, meaning that if a number is out of range then an exception is immediately thrown. Division and modulo by zero has a similar effect. The only kind of looping allowed is a for statement, which can come in three forms:

  • for i in range(x): ... : x must be a nonzero positive constant integer, ie. specified at compile time
  • for i in range(x, y): ... : x and y must be nonzero positive constant integers, ie. specified at compile time
  • for i in range(start, start + x): ... : start can be any expression, though it must be the exact same expression in both places. x must be a nonzero positive constant integer.

In all three cases, it's possible to statically determine the maximum runtime of a loop. Jumping out of a loop before it ends can be done with either break or return.

Code examples can be found in the test_parser.py file.

Planned future features

  • Declaring external contract ABIs, and calling to external contracts
  • An ABI extension to allow the use of decimal fixed-point values in inputs and outputs
  • A mini-language for handling num256 and signed256 values and directly / unsafely using opcodes; will be useful for high-performance code segments
  • Support for sha3, sha256, ecrecover, etc
  • Smart optimizations, including compile-time computation of arithmetic and clamps, intelligently computing realistic variable ranges, etc

Code example

funders = {sender: address, value: wei_value}[num]
nextFunderIndex = num
beneficiary = address
deadline = timestamp
goal = wei_value
refundIndex = num
timelimit = timedelta

# Setup global variables
def __init__(_beneficiary: address, _goal: wei_value, _timelimit: timedelta):
    self.beneficiary = _beneficiary
    self.deadline = block.timestamp + _timelimit
    self.timelimit = _timelimit
    self.goal = _goal

# Participate in this crowdfunding campaign
def participate():
    assert block.timestamp < self.deadline
    nfi = self.nextFunderIndex
    self.funders[nfi] = {sender: msg.sender, value: msg.value}
    self.nextFunderIndex = nfi + 1

# Enough money was raised! Send funds to the beneficiary
def finalize():
    assert block.timestamp >= self.deadline and self.balance >= self.goal

# Not enough money was raised! Refund everyone (max 30 people at a time
# to avoid gas limit issues)
def refund():
    ind = self.refundIndex
    for i in range(ind, ind + 30):
        if i >= self.nextFunderIndex:
            self.refundIndex = self.nextFunderIndex
        send(self.funders[i].sender, self.funders[i].value)
        self.funders[i] = None
    self.refundIndex = ind + 30


New experimental programming language


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