0xSimeon / nft

Implementation of the ERC721 token standard popular known as the ERC-721 Token Standard.

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Implemenetation of the ERC721 Token Contract (NFTs).


This is a foundry project that features two implementations of the ERC-721 token standard.

  1. The first implementation: BasicNft.sol is done by inheriting the Openzepplin ERC721 token lib: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/api/token/erc721

More details on the ERC721 Non-Fungible Token standard is available here

  1. The second implementation MoodNft.sol involves the creation of an ERC721 token contract that mints an NFT based on a storage variable that represents a mood.
    • Sad mood == sad NFT
    • Happy Mood == happy NFT

What does the project do?

Creates a standard ERC-721 token with features like:

  • Counting the number of tokens minted per mood
  • minting new happy and sad NFTs etc.


  • Contains scripts to deploy the contract and some initial tests written in Foundry.


Test coverage spanning 100% of the src codebase.


Implementation of the ERC721 token standard popular known as the ERC-721 Token Standard.


Language:Solidity 89.8%Language:Makefile 10.2%