0xRnato / skore-buddy-python

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Skore Buddy

Flask + Vue.js + DialogFlow Chatbot


Live Demo

Important Files

Location Content
/app Flask Application
/app/webhook Dialogflow webhook (/api/webhook)
/app/process Dialogflow detect intent API (/api/process)
/app/client.py Flask Client (/)
/src Vue App .
/src/main.js JS Application Entry Point
/public/index.html Html Application Entry Point (/)
/public/static Static Assets
/dist/ Bundled Assets Output (generated at yarn build


Before you start

Before getting started, you should have the following installed and running:

Template and Dependencies
  • Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/zRnatoNeto/skore-buddy-python.git
  • Setup virtual environment, install dependencies, and activate it:
$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv shell
  • Install JS dependencies
$ yarn install

Development Server

Run Flask Api development server:

$ python run.py

From another tab in the same directory, start the webpack dev server:

$ yarn serve

The Vuejs application will be served from localhost:8080 and the Flask Api and static files will be served from localhost:5000.

The dual dev-server setup allows you to take advantage of webpack's development server with hot module replacement.

Proxy config in vue.config.js is used to route the requests back to Flask's Api on port 5000.

If you would rather run a single dev server, you can run Flask's development server only on :5000, but you have to build build the Vue app first and the page will not reload on changes.

$ yarn build
$ python run.py

Production Server

This template is configured to work with Heroku + Gunicorn and it's pre-configured to have Heroku build the application before releasing it.

JS Build Process

Heroku's nodejs buidlpack will handle install for all the dependencies from the packages.json file. It will then trigger the postinstall command which calls yarn build. This will create the bundled dist folder which will be served by whitenoise.

Python Build Process

The python buildpack will detect the Pipfile and install all the python dependencies.

Production Sever Setup

Here are the commands we need to run to get things setup on the Heroku side:

$ heroku apps:create skore-buddy-python
$ heroku git:remote --app skore-buddy-python
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/python
$ heroku config:set FLASK_ENV=production
$ heroku config:set FLASK_SECRET=SuperSecretKey

$ git push heroku

Heroku deployment - One Click Deploy




Language:Python 43.8%Language:Vue 29.4%Language:JavaScript 22.3%Language:HTML 4.6%