0xHashiras / 2022-07-golom

The Unofficial audit of golom via code4arena

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Golom contest details


yarn install
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test

Gas report

|             Solc version: 0.8.11             ·  Optimizer enabled: true  ·  Runs: 200  ·  Block limit: 9007199254740991 gas  │
|  Methods                                                                                                                     │
|  Contract           ·  Method                ·  Min        ·  Max        ·  Avg        ·  # calls          ·  eur (avg)      │
|  ERC1155Mock        ·  setApprovalForAll     ·      46213  ·      46225  ·      46223  ·               20  ·              -  │
|  ERC721Mock         ·  mint                  ·          -  ·          -  ·      90772  ·               20  ·              -  │
|  ERC721Mock         ·  setApprovalForAll     ·      46168  ·      46180  ·      46178  ·               20  ·              -  │
|  GolomToken         ·  executeSetMinter      ·          -  ·          -  ·      47798  ·                9  ·              -  │
|  GolomToken         ·  mint                  ·          -  ·          -  ·     120177  ·                1  ·              -  │
|  GolomToken         ·  mintAirdrop           ·          -  ·          -  ·     142282  ·                2  ·              -  │
|  GolomToken         ·  mintGenesisReward     ·          -  ·          -  ·     142260  ·                8  ·              -  │
|  GolomToken         ·  setMinter             ·      34134  ·      68334  ·      54652  ·               10  ·              -  │
|  GolomTrader        ·  fillAsk               ·     238141  ·     241948  ·     241397  ·                7  ·              -  │
|  GolomTrader        ·  setDistributor        ·      46281  ·      70449  ·      47432  ·               21  ·              -  │
|  RewardDistributor  ·  addVoteEscrow         ·          -  ·          -  ·      28462  ·                6  ·              -  │
|  RewardDistributor  ·  executeAddVoteEscrow  ·          -  ·          -  ·      29954  ·                6  ·              -  │
|  Deployments                                 ·                                         ·  % of limit       ·                 │
|  ERC1155Mock                                 ·          -  ·          -  ·    1482781  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
|  ERC20Mock                                   ·          -  ·          -  ·     496811  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
|  ERC721Mock                                  ·          -  ·          -  ·    1210377  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
|  GolomToken                                  ·          -  ·          -  ·    1998674  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
|  GolomTrader                                 ·          -  ·          -  ·    2013842  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
|  RewardDistributor                           ·    2379507  ·    2379543  ·    2379537  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
|  WETH                                        ·          -  ·          -  ·     572761  ·              0 %  ·              -  │
  28 passing (10s)


Files in scope

File nSLOC Lines
Contracts (5)
contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol 42 73
contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol 137 263
contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol 218 316
contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 298 462
contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol 596 1237
Libraries (1)
contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol 116 149
Total (over 6 files): 1407 2500

All other source contracts (not in scope)

File nSLOC Lines
Contracts (4)
contracts/governance/Timlock.sol 103 155
contracts/core/Emitter.sol 130 150
contracts/rewards/GolomAirdrop.sol 150 207
contracts/governance/GovernerBravo.sol 301 472
Total (over 4 files): 684 984

External imports

Summary of contracts in Scope




This contract acts as the NFT trade matcher with 3 different functions for the 3 different ordertypes, ordertype 0 for filling ask for NFT, 1 for filling bid of an NFT, 2 for filling bid of any NFT from a particular collection ensuring that the supplied proof demonstrates inclusion of the tokenId in the associated merkle root, if root is 0, then any token can be used to fill the order. After filling RewardDistributor, contract is called for saving fees generated by each address and distributing rewards.



Types of reward distribution:

  • Golom rewards for Traders selling NFT and exchanges that created the signed orders
  • Inflationary Golom rewards and fee rewards for Vote-escrowed Golom stakers

How rewards are calculated.

  • Vote escrowed staked golom (described below) are entitled to all ether fees stored in epochTotalFee as well as inflationary golom rewards (calculated as uint256 stakerReward = (tokenToEmit * rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve))) / rewardToken.totalSupply();) pro-rata to their power
  • Sellers of NFT per epoch are entitiled to rewardTrader[epoch] rewards of each epoch pro-rata to the fees
  • Exchange addresses that creates the orders are entitiled to rewardExchange[epoch] rewards of each epoch pro-rata to the fees
  • All ether collected on this contract before startTime is stored as fees in epochTotalFee mapping of epoch 0 and given to Vote-escrowed stakers
  • Contract also mints daily golom token based on https://docs.golom.io/emissions with dailyEmission being 600,000 tokens

Vote escrow


This contract inherits VoteEscrowCore.sol which is a fork of Andre's solidly project (https://github.com/solidlyexchange/solidly/blob/master/contracts/ve.sol) and implements delegation for upgrading other contracts by voting.

Solidly is a fork of curve voting mechanism which makes each lock as an NFT and allows it to be freely transferable.

Summary of contracts NOT in Scope



This contract emits any valid signed order as an indexed event for easy querying. This contract will be deployed on polygon.

Project docs


Previous audit


Scoping questions

Contracts in scope: 6
SLOC: 1407
Libraries: -
External calls: -
Oracle: No
Oracle description: 
Token is ERC20? Yes
Novel/unique curve logic or math: curve locking, staking logic forked from curve
Timelock: Yes
NFT: Yes
Fork of another project? Yes
Customizations to forked project: Staking forked
Use rollups: No
Is multichain: No
Uses sidechain: No
Sidechain is EVM compatible: No
Will participants need to understand other portions of the code/project? no


The Unofficial audit of golom via code4arena


Language:Solidity 56.7%Language:JavaScript 23.5%Language:TypeScript 19.8%