0xC0DE6502 / max65-releases

max65 is a command-line macro cross-assembler for the 65xx CPU family

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max65 User Guide

max65 is a command-line macro cross-assembler for the 65xx CPU family. It is useful for many systems but it specifically targets 8-bit Acorn computers like the Electron and BBC Micro.

This user guide explains how to use max65 but is not a tutorial on 65xx assembly programming. There are many books and online resources about that.

The entire max65 package is Copyright © 2022-2023 0xC0DE (0xC0DE6502@gmail.com). All rights reserved.

Table of contents

Example program
Command-line options
Error and warning messages
        Predefined global symbols
        Symbol scopes
    Built-in functions
Assembler directives
    Advanced macros
Comparing with BeebAsm
Features beyond BeebAsm
Supported instructions
Quirks and tips
Download and install
    Syntax highlighting

Example program

Let's dive right in with a short but real program to demonstrate some of the features of max65:

  \ define some constants
  RUN_ADDR=$0400              ; binary will execute at this address
  LOAD_ADDR=$2000             ; binary will load at this address
  OFFSET=LOAD_ADDR-RUN_ADDR   ; displacement between main program and relocator

  \ define zeropage variables
  org 0                       ; start assembling at address $0000 (default)
.sin skip 2                   ; reserve 2 bytes for zeropage variable 'sin'

  \ main program
  org RUN_ADDR                ; continue assembling at address 'RUN_ADDR'
.main                         ; named label 'main': start of main program
  lda #<S: sta sin+0          ; write low byte of 'S' to zeropage variable 'sin'
  lda #>S: sta sin+1          ; write high byte of 'S' to zeropage variable 'sin'
  ; defining 'S' *after* using it is perfectly legal (lazy expression evaluation)
  S=(1<<16)*sin(rad(deg(45))) ; set 'S': use complex expressions and built-in functions
  rts                         ; return to caller
.end                          ; end of main program

  \ relocator stub that moves main program from 'LOAD_ADDR' to 'RUN_ADDR'
  org *, *+OFFSET             ; continue assembling at current PC (*)
                              ; also set logical PC (@) to where relocator will execute
.entry                        ; program entry (execution starts here)
  ldx #end-main               ; number of bytes to copy (size of main program)
.                             ; anonymous (unnamed) label
  lda LOAD_ADDR-1,x           ; copy byte from 'LOAD_ADDR' area
  sta RUN_ADDR-1,x            ;           to 'RUN_ADDR' area
  dex                         ; point register X to next byte
  bne -                       ; branch to previously defined anonymous label
  jmp main                    ; finally, execute main program at 'RUN_ADDR'

  ; save the final binary named "CODE" from label 'main' to current PC (*)
  ; also save its accompanying .inf file
  ; set execution address to 'entry' (the $FF0000 signifies a host address)
  ; set load address to 'LOAD_ADDR' (again, the $FF0000 signifies a host address)
  save "CODE", main, *, $FF0000|entry, $FF0000|LOAD_ADDR


max65 is heavily inspired by BeebAsm and aims to improve and extend it. If you are familiar with BeebAsm and/or BBC BASIC, many assembler directives and built-in functions are instantly recognisable. For a quick start, see Comparing with BeebAsm and Features beyond BeebAsm.

I did not write max65 because there is a shortage of 65xx assemblers -- far from it. I wrote max65 because it seemed like a fun and challenging project. And I was right!

max65 is a two-pass assembler. In pass 1 source files are tokenised and tokens are parsed to internal commands. In pass 2 these internal commands are translated to machine code and data. You can then save any part(s) of the 64Kb memory map to your computer as raw binary file(s).

A source file is a plain text file consisting of 65xx instructions, assembler directives, label definitions and symbol assignments. Each element may be put on a separate line. A single line may also contain multiple elements, separated by colons (:). A source file also usually contains whitespace and comments.

This example shows all elements in a source file:

  org &e00       ; assembler directive
.start           ; label definition
  NUM=%1000_0000 ; symbol assignment
  lda #NUM>>2    ; 65xx instruction

max65 uses lazy expression evaluation. The main benefit for the user is that any symbol may be used (forward referenced) before being defined. The only exception is that macros must be defined before use. In pass 2 the final evaluation of expressions is done and all symbols must be resolved then of course. Example of forward referencing:

  ; All symbols below are used before being defined
  lda data,x
  sta &5800+N*320
.data equb D1, D2, D3
  D1=D3-N: D2=D1*2: D3=42: N=10

In some cases max65 needs to make an educated guess in pass 1 about forward references, especially when the choice between zeropage and absolute addressing modes needs to be made. It is therefore recommended (but not required) to define zeropage labels as early as possible in your program.

Command-line options

Here is a brief summary of how to invoke max65:

max65 [-D <sym>=<expr>] [-h] [-l <listfile>] [-O] [-v] <infile>
Option Description
<infile> Input file (plain text source)
-D <sym>=<expr> Define symbol with the given expression
-h Show a help message and exit
-l <listfile> Create a listing file
-O Show potential code optimisations
-v Enable verbose output

Example command-line: max65 -D DBG=1 -v -D MSG=\"hello\" main.6502 -l listing.txt -O.

Error and warning messages

When all goes well max65 happily assembles the source file and exits with exit code 0 (success). However, when max65 fails to assemble the source file, an error message is written to the standard error file (stderr) and the assembler exits with exit code 1 (failure). An error message shows the source filename, line number and cause of the error. Example of a typical error message: *** error in pass 2: file main.6502, line 10: operator '/' doesn't work on strings.

In a few cases max65 writes a warning message to stderr, but continues assembling your program. Example of a typical warning message: *** warning in pass 2: file main.6502, line 6: instruction 'lda' can be assembled 1 byte shorter in zeropage addressing mode. Set the warning level with the warn directive.


max65 can handle arbitrarily complex expressions in directives, symbol assignments or 65xx instructions. Expressions consist of literals, symbols, operators and built-in functions. Each expression must eventually evaluate to an integer, float or string in pass 2.


You can use integer, float and string literals in expressions.

  • Integers are positive or negative whole numbers, of just about any size. In practice you will use 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit integers though. You may use decimal notation (e.g. 123, -64), hexadecimal notation (e.g. $FFEE, -&ac), binary notation (e.g. %1101, -%11110) or char notation (e.g. 'a', -'C').
    Use an underscore (_) or a single quote (') to group digits, e.g. %110_001, &FE'03, 12'34_56.
    Some chars need to be escaped with a backslash (\): '\\', '\''. Empty chars ('') are not allowed.

  • Floats are positive or negative fractional numbers, of just about any size. Only decimal notation is supported with at least 1 digit before and after the decimal point, e.g. 3.1415, -5.0, but not .001. Scientific notation (e.g. 1.23E-6) is not supported.
    In many cases only the integer part of a float will be used automatically. For instance, ldx #3.14 will be assembled as ldx #3.

  • Strings are sequences of 0 or more characters, enclosed in double quotation marks. Examples: "", "Hello!", "This is a backslash: \\". Unlike an empty char (''), an empty string ("") is perfectly allowed. Some characters in a string need to be escaped with a backslash (\): '\\', '\"'.


Symbols are used to name things in a source file. The name of a symbol is case sensitive and consists of any mix of digits, letters and underscores. It must not start with a digit and it optionally ends with a %. Examples of valid symbol names are: _, Lives%, data_Table4. A symbol has a specific scope in which it is valid and it (eventually) always refers to an integer, float or string. There are some predefined global symbols.

Once defined, the value of a symbol cannot be changed by the programmer.

A symbol is defined in 1 of 5 ways:

  1. Label definition. A label is defined by a period (.) directly followed by a symbol name, e.g. .sine256, .current_level%. The symbol is added to the internal nametable at the current scope level, unless it already exists there. Its value is set to the current logical program counter (@) which is a 16-bit integer.
    You can also define anonymous (unnamed) labels by simply using a period without name:

    .       ; anonymous label #1
    beq +   ; jump to anonymous label #2
    beq ++  ; jump to anonymous label #3
    .       ; anonymous label #2
    bpl --  ; jump to anonymous label #1
    .       ; anonymous label #3
    bmi --- ; jump to anonymous label #1
  2. Symbol assignment. An assignment consists of a symbol name, followed by an equal sign (=), and an expression. Examples: N%=3, start_addr=&5800+N%*&140. The expression stored with the symbol in the nametable can contain forward references but must eventually evaluate to an integer, float or string.

  3. Assembler directive for. A for...next loop defines a local scope for every cycle of the loop with the for-loop variable (integer or float) as a local symbol. Example: for n, 1, 10 ... next. The body of the loop is assembled 10 times within the context of that local scope. The local symbol n increments from 1 to 10 during that time.

  4. Macro definition. When you define a macro, e.g. macro add num1, num2 ... endmacro, a special global symbol based on the macro name is created in the internal nametable (@add in this example), unless a macro with that name already exists. Macro names therefore never clash with other symbols and also don't evaluate to any value by itself.

  5. Macro call. When you invoke a previously defined macro, e.g. add 12, 34, a local scope is created with local symbols that are named after the parameters (if any) in the macro definition: num1 and num2 in this example. Their values are set to the macro call arguments, 12 and 34 in this example. The macro body is then assembled within the context of that local scope.

Predefined global symbols

max65 has some predefined global symbols:

Symbol Type Value
PI Float 3.141592653589793
FALSE Integer 0
TRUE Integer -1
* (or P%) Integer Current PC
@ Integer Current logical PC
VERSION Integer Version of max65, e.g. $010A is version 1.10

Symbol scopes

You can create virtually unlimited nested local scopes for your symbols using curly braces, e.g.:

N=-1                          ; global symbol 'N'
.lab                          ; global label 'lab'
  N=3                         ; local symbol 'N', overrides global symbol 'N'
  for n, 1, N: equb n: next   ; local symbol 'n' for each loop cycle
  { .lab print N: N=6 }       ; local label 'lab' and another local symbol 'N'
                              ; overrides global label 'lab' 
                              ; and overrides symbol 'N' in parent scopes

Defining symbols for a different scope within the current scope is also possible by using a special notation, e.g.:

  N*=32         ; define global symbol 'N'
    .^lab       ; define local label 'lab' that is visible in current and parent scope
    .*lab2      ; define global label 'lab2'
    { N^=-99 }  ; define local symbol 'N' that is visible in current and parent scope
    print N     ; -99
print N         ; 32

Anonymous labels (.) can be defined anywhere, but you can only branch to those in the current scope.


Operators in order of increasing precedence:

Operator Associativity Description
<, > Right Equal to lo() and hi() respectively, e.g. lda #<&5800+n*320 is the same as lda #lo(&5800+n*320)
or Left Logical OR, e.g. if addr>=&5800 or addr<&3000 ... endif
and Left Logical AND, e.g. if N==3 and DEBUG ... endif
| Left Bitwise OR, e.g. lda #1|2|4|&80
^ Left Bitwise XOR (EOR), e.g. ldx #n^255
& Left Bitwise AND, e.g. lda #N&3
==, =, !=, <> Left (In)equality, e.g. assert N!=3 and DBG=2
<, <=, >, >= Left Comparison, e.g. if addr>=&5800 or addr<&3000 ... endif
+, - Left Addition and subtraction, e.g. equw 4*WIDTH-(N+8), print "S="+lower$(S)
*, /, div, mod Left Multiplication and division, e.g. equb 8*(y div 8), S=3*"ABC"
<<, >> Left Bit and string shift, e.g. lda #1<<5-1, equs "Hello world">>6
not, ~, - Right Logical NOT, bitwise NOT and unary minus, e.g. if not defined("N") ... endif, lda #Q&~3

Built-in functions

Built-in functions and expressions in parentheses (or, alternatively, in square brackets) have the highest priority:

Function Description
lo() Least significant byte (lower 8 bits), e.g. adc #lo(SCRN)
hi() Most significant byte (upper 8 bits). Technically bits 15..8. E.g. equb hi(SCRN+3*&140)
sin() Sine of an angle in radians, e.g. equw 512*sin(t)
cos() Cosine of an angle in radians, e.g. N=1024*cos(PI/4)
tan() Tangent of an angle in radians, e.g. equd 32*tan(2*t)
asn() Arc sine (only defined for domain [-1, 1]), e.g. n=asn(-0.5)
acs() Arc cosine (only defined for domain [-1, 1]), e.g. n=acs(0.3*x)
atn() Arc tangent, e.g. T=atn(100)
deg() Convert radians to degrees, e.g. d=deg(PI/8)
rad() Convert degrees to radians, e.g. r=rad(180)
int() Truncate float to integer, e.g. lda #int(3.14)
abs() Absolute value, e.g. m=abs(sin(t))
sqr() Square root (only defined for values >=0), e.g. rt=sqr(36)
sgn() Sign of its argument: -1 for negative values, 0 for zero, 1 for positive values. E.g. p=x+16*sgn(n)
log() Logarithm (base 10, only defined for values >0), e.g. equb log(1000)
ln() Natural logarithm (base e, only defined for values >0), e.g. equb ln(x/3)
exp() e raised to the power of the argument, e.g. e=exp(1)
rnd() Random number. Only defined for integer values >0. rnd(1) returns a float in the range [0, 1]. rnd(n) with integer n>1 returns an integer in the range [1, n]. You can seed the random number generator with the randomize directive
val() String to number. Checks if a string starts with a valid integer or float and returns that (or 0 if no number was found). E.g. P=val("-3.14PI!")
len() Length of a string, e.g. print len("Hello!")
asc() ASCII value of first character of a string (or -1 for an empty string), e.g. val=asc("Hello!")
str$() Convert number to a string, e.g. S=str$(123.4)>>1
str$~() Convert number to a string with the number in hexadecimal format, e.g. print "$", str$~(128). Note: negative numbers are not printed in two's complement, so for example str$~(-140) translates to the string "-8C", not "FFFFFF74" (which assumes 32-bit)
chr$() Convert an ASCII value to a string of length 1 containing that ASCII character. Only valid for domain [32, 126]. E.g. S=chr$(122)
lower$() Convert a string to lowercase, e.g. S=lower$("ABC123")
upper$() Convert a string to uppercase, e.g. S=upper$("abc123")
time$() Date and time of assembly (string). The argument is a string that determines the date/time format as specified by the Python (or C) function strftime(). time$("") returns date/time formatted as "%a,%d %b %Y.%H:%M:%S", e.g. "Mon,16 Jan 2023.17:46:03"
defined() Check if symbol is defined (returns TRUE) or not (returns FALSE), e.g. if not defined("SCRN") ... endif or if defined("@my_macro") ... endif

Assembler directives

Directives (or pseudo-ops) control the assembly process. A directive takes zero or more arguments. For instance, skip 64 tells max65 to skip 64 bytes. An argument is an expression that must evaluate to an integer, float or string. Floats are truncated when an integer is expected.

Sometimes the value of an argument must be known in pass 1 to let the assembler make the right decision. This means expressions must not contain unresolved symbols (forward references). For instance, in an include directive, max65 must immediately know the name of the source file to include.

Other directives, like print, only evaluate their arguments in pass 2. In this case expressions that still have unresolved symbols (forward references) after pass 1 are allowed.

Directives that evaluate their arguments in pass 1:

Directive Description
align expr Increment PC to next multiple of expr, e.g. align 256 aligns PC to the next memory page
cpu expr Select allowed instruction set (default: 6502). If expr evaluates to 0, the 6502 instruction set is selected. For value 1, the 65C02 instruction set is selected
elif expr Mark the start of an elif-block in an if...endif. See if
else Mark the start of an else-block in an if...endif. See if
endif Mark the end of an if...endif block. See if
endmacro Mark the end of a macro definition. See macro
equb expr_1 [, expr_2, ..., expr_n] Insert one or more bytes and/or strings, e.g. equb "Hello!", 13, 10, 0. For numeric arguments forward references are allowed
equs Equivalent to equb
for sym, expr_1, expr_2 [, expr_3] ... next Assemble a block of code/data one or more times. The loop counter sym is a local symbol which changes from expr_1 to expr_2 (inclusive) in steps of expr_3 (-1 or 1 if unspecified). Examples: for n, 0, 9: equb n: next. Or: for f, 3.5, -1.5, -0.75: print f: next
if expr_1 ... [elif expr_2 ...] ... [elif expr_n ...] [else ...] endif Conditional assembly. Assemble the code/data block for which the corresponding if-condition or the first elif-condition (in order of appearance) evaluates to a non-zero number (TRUE). When none exists, assemble the else-block (if any). Examples: if n>3: print n: endif. Or: if n>3: print n: elif n<-3: print -n: else: print "Invalid": endif
incbin expr_1 [, expr_2 [, expr_3]] Insert binary file named expr_1 and optionally specify start offset expr_2 and length expr_3, e.g. incbin "data/table.bin", $1000, 512. expr_1 is a string that contains a valid path to an existing file
include expr Assemble and insert source file named expr, e.g. include "src/spriteplot.asm". expr is a string that contains a valid path to an existing file
macro sym_1 [, sym_2, ..., sym_n] ... endmacro Define a macro named sym_1 with optional parameters named sym_2, ..., sym_n. See also: Macros
next Mark the end of a for...next loop. See for
org expr_1 [, expr_2] Set PC (where code/data is assembled) to expr_1. Also set the logical PC (on which labels are based) to expr_2. If expr_2 is not specified, the logical PC will be equal to PC. Examples: org $1000. Or: org $1000, $2000
skip expr Increment PC by expr bytes, e.g. skip 16

Directives that evaluate their arguments in pass 2:

Directive Description
assert expr_1 [, expr_2, ..., expr_n] Evaluate one or more arguments and trigger an error for the first expression (in order of appearance) that is zero (FALSE). Example: assert N<128, P%<$1000
canvas expr Set fill value (default: 0) for unused bytes to expr, e.g. canvas &ff. Used by save and copyblock
clear expr_1, expr_2 Clear a block of the memory map from expr_1 to expr_2 (exclusive), which allows you to assemble over it again. Does NOT clear any address guards set or any labels defined in that block. Example: clear &1000, &2000
copyblock expr_1, expr_2, expr_3 Copy a block of the memory map, ranging from expr_1 to expr_2 (exlusive), to destination expr_3. Example: copyblock &1000, &2000, &2200. Overwriting existing code/data is not allowed. Use clear first if necessary. Parts of the memory block with no code or data are filled with the fill value (default: 0) set by canvas
error [expr_1, ..., expr_n] Trigger an error after printing expr_1, ..., expr_n to the standard error file (stderr). Example: if N>=128: error "Expected N<128, but N=", N: endif
equd expr_1 [, expr_2, ..., expr_n] Insert one or more double words (32-bit integers), e.g. equd $C0DE6502
equw expr_1 [, expr_2, ..., expr_n] Insert one or more words (16-bit integers), e.g. equw $C0DE
export expr [, sym_1, ..., sym_n] Export globals sym_1, ..., sym_n (named global labels, global constants and macros) to a plain text file named expr. Example: export "inc/globals.txt", code_start, code_end, @my_macro, N_LIVES%. Export ALL globals if no symbols are specified, e.g. export "inc/globals.txt". To import these globals elsewhere, simply use the include directive
guard [expr_1, ..., expr_n] Set multiple guards at addresses expr_1, ..., epxr_n. An address guard triggers an error when code/data is assembled at that address. When no arguments are given, clear all current guards. Example: guard $5800, $8000
print [expr_1, ..., expr_n] Print zero or more expressions expr_1, ..., expr_n to the standard output file (stdout) and finish with a newline. When no arguments are given, just print a newline
randomize expr Seed the random number generator with expr, e.g. randomize 12345. expr can be any integer, float or string
save expr_1, expr_2, expr_3 [, expr_4 [, expr_5]] Save a code/data block from the 64Kb memory map to a raw binary file named expr_1. The block starts at expr_2 and ends at expr_3 (exclusive). The optional execution address expr_4 and load address expr_5 are used in the accompanying .inf file. When not specified, these are equal to expr_2. Example: save "CODE", $1000, $2000, $f25, $e00. Parts of the memory block with no code or data are filled with the fill value (default: 0) set by canvas
warn [expr] Set warning level. If expr evaluates to 0, no warnings are shown. For value 1 (default), warnings are shown. warn without arguments restores the previous warning level


Macros are user defined code/data blocks and can be inserted anywhere in your program using a macro call. A macro is always global and must be defined before use. It takes zero or more parameters. Here is an example of a macro definition and a macro call:

\ macro definition
macro add_ptr ptr, val    ; 2 parameters
  lda ptr
  adc #lo(val)
  sta ptr
  lda ptr+1
  adc #hi(val)
  sta ptr+1

\ macro call
add_ptr &70, &140          ; 2 arguments are passed to the macro

The macro call defines a local scope and binds the given arguments to the macro parameters. The macro call above therefore expands to:

  lda ptr
  adc #lo(val)
  sta ptr
  lda ptr+1
  adc #hi(val)
  sta ptr+1

A macro can call other macros and even itself recursively.

Advanced macros

A macro doesn't have to emit code or data and can be used as a sort of user defined function.

Geek speak: this is done by exploiting macro call recursion, nested local scopes and defining symbols in parent scopes.

Here is an example of a user defined recursive Fibonacci function:

macro fib n
  if n<0: error "macro fib: negative number (", n, ") not allowed!"
  elif n<2: fib_result^=n
  else ; n>=2
    { fib n-2: A^=fib_result }
    { fib n-1: B^=fib_result }

for n, 0, 10
  fib n ; sets 'fib_result'
  print "fib(" , n, ")=", fib_result

One more example. A "raise to the power of" function taking 2 arguments:

macro pow x, y
  if y==0: pow_result^=1
  elif y<0
    { pow x, y+1: res^=pow_result/x }
  else ; y>0
    { pow x, y-1: res^=x*pow_result }
for x, 5, 15, 5
  for y, -3, 3
    pow x, y ; sets 'pow_result'
    print "pow(", x, ", ", y, ")=", pow_result

Comparing with BeebAsm

max65 follows BeebAsm's syntax closely, but there are some differences and alternatives:

BeebAsm max65
LEFT$("abcde", 3) (equals "abc") "abcde">>2
RIGHT$("abcde", 3) (equals "cde") "abcde"<<2
MID$("abcde", 2, 3) (equals "bcd") "abcde"<<1>>1
STRING$(3, "ABC") (equals "ABCABCABC") "ABC"*3
N=?3 (define N if not defined yet) if not defined("N"): N=3: endif
COPYBLOCK Overwriting code/data at destination not allowed
x^y (raise to the power of) exp(y*ln(x)) for x>0
AND (logical) and
AND (bitwise) &
OR (logical) or
OR (bitwise) |
EOR (logical) N/A
EOR (bitwise) ^
NOT (logical) not
NOT (bitwise) ~
SKIPTO $2000 org $2000
CLEAR Doesn't clear any address guards set
PRINT ~200 (equals "&C8") print "&"+str$~(200)
"AB""CD" (quote doubling) "AB\"CD" (escape char)
PUTTEXT N/A (no .ssd disk image I/O)
PUTFILE N/A (no .ssd disk image I/O)
PUTBASIC N/A (no .ssd disk image I/O)
RND(100) (random integer x, 0<=x<=99) 1<=x<=100 (like BBC BASIC)

Features beyond BeebAsm

max65 extends or improves BeebAsm in several ways:

Feature Description
Undocumented 6502 instructions alr, anc, ane, arr, dcp, dop, isc, jam, las, lax, nop, rla, rra, sax, sbc, sbx, sha, shx, shy, slo, sre, tas, top
Undocumented 65C02 instructions dop, nop, top
N^=3 Define N in parent scope (and in current scope)
N*=3 Define N in global scope
&C0_DE, $6'502, 1'234, 3.14_15, %00_10'00 Digit grouping with _ and ' for all numbers, not just binary
N=A*A: A=2 (forward references in assignments) Lazy expression evaluation allows forward references everywhere
N=A*A: A=2*N Error on detection of circular references
macro m: m: endmacro: m Error on detection of runaway recursion
in file a.asm: include "a.asm" Error on detection of circular includes
org $200, $500 Optional second argument in org directive sets logical PC (@), e.g. assemble at $200, but labels are based on $500. Almost like COPYBLOCK in BeebAsm, or O% in BBC BASIC
<<, >> and * work on strings "abc"<<1 equals "bc", "abc">>2 equals "a", "A"*3 equals "AAA"
{ ... include ... } Including source files works on any scope level (curly braces), and inside for...next loops as well
randomize Seed the random number generator with any integer, float or string
error Accepts zero or more arguments so it works similar to the print directive
defined("N") TRUE if symbol N is defined, FALSE otherwise. Can also be used for macros, e.g. if defined("@my_macro") ... endif
guard The guard directive sets one or more guards on the supplied memory addresses. When no arguments are given, all guards are cleared
zeropage vs absolute max65 issues a friendly warning (depending on the warning level set by warn) when an instruction could have used zeropage addressing mode (saving 1 byte)
forced absolute addressing Place an exclamation mark (!) after a 65xx instruction to force absolute instead of zeropage addressing mode, e.g. lda! 0 assembles to ad 00 00 instead of a5 00
. (anonymous labels) Use . to define unnamed labels. Relative branch instructions can jump backward or forward to them, e.g. bne -, or bpl ++
numbers When an integer is expected, a float number is automatically truncated (not rounded) to an integer. Large integers and negative integers are allowed for 65xx instructions and directives like equb/equw/equd. E.g. lda #-2 is equal to lda #&fe, ldx #&123 is equal to ldx #&23 (lower 8 bits), equw $123456 is equal to equw $3456 (lower 16 bits)
canvas The canvas directive sets the fill value (default: 0) used for unused bytes. Used by save and copyblock to fill areas without code/data
user defined functions Sort of. See Advanced macros
export Export (a selection of) globals (named global labels, global constants and macros) to a plain text file, that can be included again elsewhere
warn Set warning level. Default: 1 (show warnings)

Supported instructions


max65 supports all documented and undocumented 6502 instructions.

Documented 6502 instructions:
adc, and, asl, bcc, bcs, beq, bit, bmi, bne, bpl, brk, bvc, bvs, clc, cld, cli, clv, cmp, cpx, cpy, dec, dex, dey, eor, inc, inx, iny, jmp, jsr, lda, ldx, ldy, lsr, nop, ora, pha, php, pla, plp, rol, ror, rti, rts, sbc, sec, sed, sei, sta, stx, sty, tax, tay, tsx, txa, txs, tya.

Undocumented 6502 instructions:
alr, anc, ane, arr, dcp, dop, isc, jam, las, lax, nop, rla, rra, sax, sbc, sbx, sha, shx, shy, slo, sre, tas, top.


max65 supports all documented and undocumented 65C02 instructions.

Documented 65C02 instructions:
All documented 6502 instructions and bra, phx, phy, plx, ply, stz, trb, tsb. But not bbr, bbs, rmb, smb (Rockwell, WDC) and stp, wai (WDC).

Undocumented 65C02 instructions:
dop, nop, top.

Quirks and tips

  • It is best to use forward slashes (/) only in file paths, e.g. include "src/prog.asm", incbin "../data.bin". Using whitespace in file paths is discouraged.
  • In an if-block or elif-block where the condition evaluates to zero (FALSE), chars and strings still need to be valid because of how the tokeniser works.
  • Everything is case insensitive except for symbols which are case sensitive. For example, guard, Guard and GUARD all refer to the same directive. Similarly, lda, LDA and LdA all refer to the same instruction. But sym1, Sym1 and SYM1 are 3 different symbols.
  • Use canvas and copyblock to fill a part of the memory map. Example: canvas &55: copyblock &4000, &4300, &4000 (assuming no code/data was in this memory block yet).
  • Assembling something like if not defined("S"): S=123: endif will always generate the warning "value for 'if' directive has changed between passes". You can safely ignore that or disable it (locally) with the warn directive, e.g. warn 0: if not defined("S"): S=123: endif: warn.

Download and install

The latest release of max65 can always be found on GitHub.

64-bit binaries of max65 are available for Windows and Linux (amd64). On macOS (and Linux as well) you can run max65 by using Wine and the Windows binary.


Download the .zip file, extract it and optionally add the path to max65.exe to your system path. The assembler is now ready for use. You will also find this user guide in various formats in the max65 folder.

The assembler is compiled and tested on 64-bit Windows 11. It is fully portable as long as you keep max65.exe together with the accompanying python*.dll and python*.zip files.


max65 is available in the Snap Store. Use snap install max65 to install it. The assembler is now ready for use. You will also find this user guide in various formats in the /snap/max65/current folder.

Alternatively, download the snap package from GitHub and use snap install <filename> --dangerous to install it.

The Windows binary is also known to work on Ubuntu 20.04.5 with Wine 5.0-3 and on Ubuntu 22.04.1 with Wine 6.0.3. I am confident that other combinations of Linux and Wine will work equally well.


The Windows binary has been tested and found working on macOS 13 (Ventura) with Wine 8.0. Again, I am confident that other combinations of macOS and Wine may work too.

For the record, I used max65 on the following configuration: fresh install of macOS 13 (Ventura, x86_64), Xcode Command-line Tools 14.3, Homebrew 4.0.4 and Wine 8.0. This is how to install Wine and run max65 (ignore Wine preloader warnings):

brew install ––cask ––no-quarantine wine-stable 
WINEDEBUG=-all wine64 max65.exe 

Syntax highlighting

You can use this extension for Visual Studio Code to enable syntax highlighting for max65 compatible source files.


Version Date Changes
0.17 Mar 9, 2023 Added -O option to show potential code optimisations
warn directive sets warning level
User guide: link to VSCode extension for max65 syntax highlighting
0.16 Mar 5, 2023 Export (a selection of) globals with the export directive
clear directive clears block of code/data in memory map
copyblock directive copies block of code/data
skip and align directives no longer fill the skipped bytes
filler directive is renamed to canvas
% is optionally allowed at the end of a symbol name
User guide: how to run max65 in macOS + Wine
0.15 Feb 28, 2023 Added 65C02 instruction set (not Rockwell/WDC)
cpu directive selects 6502 (default) or 65C02
Fixed slow assembly when file has a large number of local scopes
User guide: list all supported 6502 and 65C02 instructions
0.14 Feb 25, 2023 Fixed some undocumented 6502 instructions
Fixed macro expansion
$. prefix in .inf files
Listing: can show labels +1 or +2
User guide: using macros as user defined functions
0.13 Feb 22, 2023 Define symbols on the command line (-D)
Optional start offset and length for incbin
Directive filler sets fill value (default: 0) for unused bytes
Optional fill value (default: set by filler) for skip and align
0.12 Feb 19, 2023 Added verbose output option (-v)
Created snap package for Linux (amd64)
Fix: defined() checks validity of argument
Exclamation mark '!' forces absolute addressing
0.11 Feb 17, 2023 Create optional listing file (-l)
0.10 Feb 15, 2023 Initial release


The author, 0xC0DE, of this software accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of this product and makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume all risks when using it.


If you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports about max65, please contact me at 0xC0DE6502@gmail.com or on Twitter @0xC0DE6502.


max65 is a command-line macro cross-assembler for the 65xx CPU family