# true if using testnet Binance or Alpaca, false if live (real money!)
# true if want to read data on live network but not trade
Binance Test Login See top of page "Log In with GitHub" to create an API key.
- Configure an app with one
dyno. - Ensure the dynos are scaled to at least 1 worker dyno for the
type for enough CPU to multithread tokio tasks. - Install Rust buildpack: link
- Check all environment variables are set in "Config Vars" section under Settings.
To follow logs:
# normal heroku logs
heroku logs -u -a lunar-engine
# from Logtail UI
heroku addons:open logtail -a lunar-engine
# switch to root
# GitHub, manage terminal processes, and Cargo build dependencies
sudo apt install -y git screen build-essential libsasl2-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libfontconfig1 libfontconfig1-dev
# Install Rust
curl -sSf | sh
# set PATH to include cargo
. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
cd /var/lib
mkdir data
cd data
# Set GitHub remote
git init
git remote add origin
git reset --hard origin/main
git pull origin main
# create ENV
touch .env
nano .env
# fill with ENV variables...
# Create a screen to run the algorithm
screen -R dreamrunner
# Start the algorithm on Binance
cargo run -r -p dreamrunner
# Exit screen with Ctrl+A then D
# Print logs on the main screen
cat dreamrunner.log
# Follow logs on the main screen
tail -f dreamrunner.log
# To reenter the screen
screen -r dreamrunner
# To kill the screen
screen -X -S dreamrunner quit
Create a release tag and push to GitHub:
git tag -a tag-name -m 'tag-message'
git push origin tag-name
Go to GitHub and publish a release.