0xBeshoy / blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project

ConsenSys Academy Blockchain Developer Bootcamp Final Project

Home Page:https://escrowdapp.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blockchain Developer Bootcamp Final Project

Decentralized Escrow dApp

Deployed dApp Demo Link:

Public Address for Certification NFT:


Local Development:


  • Nodejs v16.13.0
  • Truffle v5.4.16
  • Ganache v6.12.2 (ganache-core: 2.13.2)

Local Deployment Flow:

  • Run npm install to download and install project dependencies.
  • ganache-cli or Ganache GUI should be running first before deploying
  • Run the command npm run all-dev in case you're using ganache-cli, OR npm run all-dev-gui in case you're using Ganache GUI this script command will run the following commands in their respective order:
    • truffle compile
    • migrate --reset --network development | Development network will accept any network id.
    • copyfiles -f -V build/contracts/*.json ./client/abi/ to copy ABI files to the client folder to be used by web3js instance
    • lite-server --baseDir='client' to spin-up a local server to serve the front-end
  • Run truffle test to run smart contracts tests.

Mainnet and Testnet Deployment Flow:

  • .secrets.json file should first be populated with the mnemonic of the wallet in which the contract will be deployed from, and the infura project id
  • In truffle-config.js file, un-comment the network in which you'll be deploying to, in our case the network is ropsten, and fill the needed details like the provider and infura network link
  • Also, when deploying to another network other than ropsten, update package.json script "truffle-prod" and change the network name to your network.

Project Description:

The decentralized escrow dapp allows two parties to have a trustless escrow transaction based on one of two criteria. 01) Agreement/Delivery based escrow OR 02) Time based escrow.

  • In case of the agreement based escrow type, the buyer should first confirm the delivery of the goods/services so the seller will be able to withdraw their funds.
  • In case of time base escrow type, the agreed on period have to pass first for the seller to be able to withdraw their funds.

Deployed Contract Address (ropsten):


Screencast Demo:

User Interaction Flow:

  1. Any wallet address user first initiates a transaction with the specified requirements of the escrow, like the buyer wallet, the seller wallet, the amount, and the end date in case of a time based escrow
  2. Both parties should first agree and confirm the escrow terms, so the buyer will be able to deposit the amount of the escrow
  3. After both parties confirm, the escrow transaction status will change to be waiting the buyer to deposit the specified escrow amount
  4. Two cases will arise here:
    1. If escrow is Agreement_Based, the buyer should confirm delivery first. The seller have the right to make a dispute in case of delivery and not being paid. Only wallet admin is the person allowed to make this action
    2. If escrow is Time_Based, the specified end date should pass first. The buyer have the right to make a dispute for a refund in case of making a deposit and not being delivered the agreed on goods/services. Only wallet admin is the person allowed to make this action.
  5. After confirmation, or time passed, the funds will be available for the seller to withdraw and the escrow transaction status will be set to COMPLETE.

Directory Structure:

  • build folder : The deployed contracts ABI files
  • client folder : Frontend JS/HTML/CSS source code
  • contracts folder : Solidity smart contracts source code
  • migrations folder : Deployment scripts for Truffle
  • test folder : Smart contracts truffle test source code
  • .secrets.json file : HDWallet mnemonic and infura project id variables
  • package.json file : Nodejs dependencies and scripts file
  • truffle-config file : Used by Truffle for deployment and testing

Features to be done:

  1. More escrow transaction statuses which will allow both parties to set milestones
  2. Better UI/UX
  3. Separate Admin actions and escrow parties actions to different pages based on logged-in user


ConsenSys Academy Blockchain Developer Bootcamp Final Project



Language:CSS 63.7%Language:JavaScript 23.5%Language:HTML 6.6%Language:Solidity 6.2%Language:PHP 0.0%