0x61nas / nixfiles

my nix files (WIP)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

❄️ NixOS dotfiles ❄️


⠀⠀   🌸 Setup / ARCHY DWM 🌸
 ╭─ Distro  -> NixOS
 ├─ Editor  -> Neovim
 ├─ Browser -> Firefox
 ├─ Shell   -> ZSH
 ╰─ Resource Monitor -> Btop
 ╭─ Model -> LENOVO LEGION Y540-15IRH
 ├─ CPU   -> Intel i7-9750H @ 4.50 GHz
 ├─ GPU   -> NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile
 ╰─ Resolution -> 1920x1080@144hz
 ╭─ WM       -> Archy DWM
 ├─ Terminal -> Arych terminal
 ├─ Theme    -> Gruvbox Dark Hard
 ├─ Icons    -> Gruvbox-Plus-Dark
 ╰─ Font     -> JetBrains Mono Nerd Font
               󰣨         


This repo is still experimental, USE IT ON YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY


This readme file isn't completed yet, and it might have outdated or even evil information





Commands you should know:

  • Rebuild and switch to change the system configuration (in the configuration directory):
just s


doas nixos-rebuild switch --flake '.#anas'
  • Connect to internet (Change what's inside the brackets with your info).
iwctl --passphrase [passphrase] station [device] connect [SSID]


I'll guide you through the Installation, but first make sure to download the Minimal ISO image available at NixOS and make a bootable drive with it. and an ethernet cable to make things easier. We shall begin!

Only follow these steps after using the bootable drive, changing BIOS boot priority and getting into the installation!

Pre-install (drive preparation)

setfont ter-128n
# configure networking as needed (skip this if you're using ethernet)
sudo -i
lsblk # check info about partitions and the device you want to use for the installation
gdisk /dev/vda #change according to your system, for me it's /dev/nvme0n1
# then configure 600M type ef00, rest ext4 type 8300 as described below
# Type "n" to make a new partition, choose the partition number, first sector can be default but last sector should be 600M. Hex code for EFI is ef00.
# Now type n again to make another partition, this time we'll leave everything as default. After finishing these steps, make sure to write it to the disk by typing "w".
mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/vda1
mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/vda2
mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot

The actual installation

After mounting the partitions, you can move to the second part...

# go inside a nix shell with the specified programs
nix-shell -p git nixUnstable neovim
# create this folder if necessary
mkdir -p /mnt/etc/
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/anas/nixfiles.git /mnt/etc/nixos --recurse-submodules
# generate the config and take some files
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt --show-hardware-config > /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/anas/hardware-configuration.nix
# make sure you're in this path
cd /mnt/etc/nixos
# Install my config:
nixos-install --flake '.#anas'


my nix files (WIP)



Language:Nix 52.3%Language:Lua 41.4%Language:Shell 5.3%Language:Just 1.0%