0x4D5352 / GPT-Discord-Bot

A discord bot (in a docker container) with a few prompts to jailbreak OpenAI's GPT3.5-Turbo model.

Repository from Github https://github.com0x4D5352/GPT-Discord-BotRepository from Github https://github.com0x4D5352/GPT-Discord-Bot


A docker based Discord OpenAI chat-gpt bot with DALL-E 2 support and multiple integrated jailbreak prompts.



Discord API Key

Follow the below tutorial to create a discord bot and obtain a free API key.

Open AI API Key

Create an account and retrieve a API key from:


Download and install docker:


Retrieve a discord and Open AI API key, then input both into the "run-template.sh" file. Finally, run the modified file.

Message Usage

Add any of the following prefixes to a message to the bot:


Adds prompt as system role and sends to chat-gpt with previous summaries as context.


Adds prompt as assistant role and stores in message context for later requests.


Adds prompt to receive long messages and removes normal safeguards for a source code request without previous message summaries as context.


Adds prompt to disable normal ethical safeguards and sends request without previous message summaries as context.


Adds prompt to disable safeguards and to reply with an unhinged response without remorse or ethics without previous message summaries as context.


Uses the DALLE2 api to request an AI generated image.


A discord bot (in a docker container) with a few prompts to jailbreak OpenAI's GPT3.5-Turbo model.


Language:Python 98.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%Language:Shell 0.9%