Jay Patrick Cano (0x3EF8)


Geek Repo


Location:Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Home Page:https://0x3ef8.tech/


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Jay Patrick Cano 's repositories



This Contact Management System is a Python program that can manage the list of contact information. The purpose of the system is to organize the list of all available contacts such as by inputting names and contact numbers. This program was built using only Python language. The project is a simple GUI application that uses the Tkinter module in order to create a design view. The system can be accessed without the use of login information. The user can add a new contact by providing personal details such as first name, last name, gender, address, and contact number. The system table can also be updating the contact list if he/she double click the row of that particular data. The system was made simpler so that beginners can learn and enhance their programming skills in developing the python language.



My Personal Repository



This JavaScript code interacts with the ChatGPT AI chatbot on the ChatGPT website. It sends a message to the chatbot and receives the response. The code uses Axios for making HTTP requests and Cheerio for web scraping.



This project was inspired in the LGU's Contact Tracking System here in the Philippines. The Contact Tracing System logs all individuals that are visiting a certain establishment. The system has 2 sides of the user interface which are the Admin Panel and the Establishments Log's Side. The Admin Panel is the module of the project which are the system administrator will manage all the data such as the list of establishments and Individuals List. The system automatically generates a printable CTS QR Code Card (Contact Tracing System Quick Response Code Card) and this card will be the identification of the individuals for entering the establishment. Talking about the Establishment Log's Side, each establishment that is registered in the system will a system-generated code which will be used by the establishment's staff to access the QR Code Scanning Feature. This module has only a single page after login because this side purpose is only to log the visitor's QR Code to log their information to the system that the certain individual has entered to the certain establishment in a certain time and date. This project also generates printable reports



Hexabot is a Facebook Messenger bot designed to assist students with various features, including AI-powered responses, file searches, music and video searches, and more. The bot is built using the fca-unofficial library and integrates with APIs to provide a wide range of capabilities.



The Pool Game was created in a HTML web browser that use JavaScript to enhance the interactive user experience by giving a newly impact for web developing. The game is playable through web browser that visualize only text and buttons. The player can play the game via Keyboard (W Key to Increase the Power Shot, S Key to Decrease the Power Shot, Left Mouse Button to Trigger the Pool). The player will win the game if he/she put all the colored balls in the hole. The game is inspired from the original pool game that adapt the rules and gameplay of that particular game to this web application. This game is for education purpose only. The game is fun to play with your friend or either AI control, you can choose the difficulty for the AI control whether Easy, Medium, Hard. The Pool Game was created using basic JavaScript coding structure that help beginners to understand the system.



The Simple Mobile Contact Management System was built in a console application, the user can accessed the system without any use of user login information. The user can do simple things in the system, he/she can add new Mobile Contact, Remove Current Contact, Search Mobile Contacts. This system can provide you an efficient way for storing the mobile numbers of either your friends, family ,etc. The system will make things easier for you to view the listed mobile number. All the transaction in the system is saves a Database format file extension. The Simple Mobile Contact Management System was created using a basic python coding structure that can be easily understand by all beginners.



Knowledge-grounded Task-oriented Dialogue Modeling on Spoken Conversations



The Coffee Shop System was created in a simple console application, the system is protected by a strict login security, in order for you to access the system you need to enter a correct password information. The user can do many in the system in the system, he/she can add new Coffee Detail, View Coffee List, Edit Current Coffee. The system can provide all you need for managing your coffee product, it can help you lessen the workload of your employee by an automatic transaction. This system uses simple CRUD function that can organize and manage the list by adding and deleting the current coffee. The Coffee Shop System was built as a basic coding structure of C that help to teach new beginners. .



The Dice Roll Game was created in a HTML web browser that use JavaScript module that add some newly advance coding methods for a better user interaction. The game is playable through web browser that visualize the lines and the box grid line. The player can play the game Mouse, you just only need to use the Left Mouse Button to interact the dice. The game is so simple you just need to get a high roll to win the game. You can store your rolled number if you are satisfy for the digit you get by clicking the hold button. The game is very fun because two players can play this game, try to defeat your opponent and try to achieve the highest rolled dice. This application is for educational purpose only, feel free to modify it as you fit your needs. The Dice Roll Game was created using basic JavaScript coding techniques that provide some simple coding methods.

Language:Visual Basic .NETStargazers:2Issues:1Issues:0


This Node.js script uses the Replicate API to generate images with AI models. Choose from multiple models, customize prompts, and control image properties. A versatile tool for creative exploration.



A simple Image Gallery web application with an image viewer modal.The Image Viewer will also have control button for navigating to the pervious or next image. We will be using Bootstrap for the design of the application and jQuery to dispaly image on the viewer modal and for navigation control functionalities.



The Simple Tetromino(AI) Game was developed in a HTML web browser that use JavaScript engine to extend the capability of the modern web application The game is playable through web browser that visualize the color blocks and the buttons. The player can play the game via keyboard binding (Up Arrow Key to Rotate the Block 90 deg., Right Arrow Key to Move Right, Left Arrow Key to Move Left, Down Arrow Key to Fasten the Drop Speed). The game can be play either AI or Player control it is depends on your choice. The score will automatically record after you successfully align the block horizontally. The game will be over when their are no space to place your blocks. The Simple Tetromino(AI) Game was created using basic JavaScript coding techniques that help beginners to program professionally.



YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader)



A web-based bot performance monitoring tool that periodically checks the status of URLs, tracks uptime, and responds to availability. Built with Koa and axios.



List of open source communities living on Discord



HireHub PH is a comprehensive online job portal designed to cater to both job providers and job seekers. The platform boasts role-based features to ensure a seamless experience for users.



Simple Grade Calculator using jQuery. JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages. It is widely used in designing a stunning website. It is an interpreted programming language that has the capabilities of Object-Oriented. This code can be used as your calculator for any mathematical problem.



A collective list of free APIs



Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm



Vanced Installer
