0x0XDev / kcdecrypt

OSX Keychain Decrypt Utility

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OSX Keychain Decrypt Utility - Written in pure C

Currently supported Keychain-DataTypes: GENERIC_PASSWORD INTERNET_PASSWORD


User Keychain/iCloud MME-Token
	./kcdecrypt -u [options]

	Options: -P <path_to_userkc> [-e] [-t <token_dir>] -p <user_password> [-o <out_dir>] [-v[v]]

	-P: Likely in '{User}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db'
	-e: If the decrypted Sqlite3 DB should be saved in <out_dir>
	-t: Likely '{User}/Library/Application\ Support/iCloud/Accounts'
	-p: User Login-Password or custom keychain if changed
	-o: Directory, where the data should be saved. Required if '-e' or '-t' used.
	-v: Get Verbose log. Use '-vv' for even more verbose log.

System Keychain (not implemented yet)
	./kcdecrypt -s [options]

iCloud Keychain (not implemented yet)
	./kcdecrypt -c [options]

Binary is compiled for Mach-O X86_64(MacOS)


- Added option to create iCloud MME-Tokens

- Initial Release


OSX Keychain Decrypt Utility