0wnrepo / corda-api

Oraclize API for the R3 Corda platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oraclize corda-api

External references

Documentation: docs.oraclize.it

Gitter public support channel: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/oraclize/corda-api

Setup instructions

Clone this repository with the --recursive flag, due to the presence of submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/oraclize/corda-api.git
git submodule update --init

Once cloned, run:


Build the project

./gradlew build [-Pos=[macos, win32, linux]]

-Pos is optional and specify the architecture you want to build against to. This is useful if you want to export the jar produced in a machine with a different operating system. If the -Pos argument is not given, the local architecture is automatically detected as well as the relative J2V8 dependency.

Execute the example on TestNet:

Copy the jar produced by the previous step into your node's plugin folder on Testnet like the following:

scp build/nodes/aNode/plugins/oraclize-corda-api-X.X.X.jar <host:port>:~/plugins/

Run your CordApp and type in the crash shell the following:

>>> start Example amount: 10

If you want to check the transaction stored, type:

>>> run vaultQuery contractStateType: it.oraclize.cordapi.examples.states.CashOwningState

Want to use Oraclize as a dependency?

Say no more, put the following lines into the build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    compile "com.github.oraclize:corda-api:linux_x86_64-SNAPSHOT"

Note: Choose a dependency from which architecture you are intended to use:

  • Linux: com.github.oraclize:corda-api:linux_x86_64-SNAPSHOT
  • Windows: com.github.oraclize:corda-api:win32_x86_64-SNAPSHOT
  • macOS: com.github.oraclize:corda-api:macosx_x86_64-SNAPSHOT

Use case

We want to issue cash to a party only if an the change USD/GBP is above a certain value. A query asking for the USD/GBP rate to the Oraclize module will be performed.

The final transaction commited to the ledger will have:

  1. an issue state which represents the fact of issuing some cash to a party
  2. an issue command which wraps the issue state
  3. an answer command which wraps the answer obtained by Oraclize

as described in the following picture:


The steps performed by the example are:

Step 1: The OraclizeQueryFlow is called along with the following parameters:

  • datasource: define the type of datasource from which we want to submit the query (i.e. WolframAlpha, URL, Random, IPFS, computation, etc.);
  • query: is an array of parameters which needs to evaluated in order to complete a specific data source type request
  • delay: elapsed seconds before the query will be performed
  • proof type: a integer number that identifies the type of authenticity proof we want
val answ = subFlow(OraclizeQueryAwaitFlow(
        datasource = "URL",
        query = "json(https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=USD&tsyms=GBP).GBP",
        proofType = 16,
        delay = 0)

answ is an instance of the Answer class and it will contain the following fields:

  • queryID the query identification string
  • result as a string or a byte array returned by the datasource
  • proof as a byte array
  • type of the result, defines the type of result given, "str" for string, "hex" for byte array

Note: json(...) is a parser implemented by our service to navigate in the json returned by the data source specified. For other parsers check here.

Optional step: Verify the proof received:

val proofVerificationTool = OraclizeUtils.ProofVerificationTool()
proofVerificationTool.verifyProof(answer.proof as ByteArray)

Step 2: after the CashOwningState and the Answer are defined, each one is then inserted in a command:

// The command which defines the fact of issuing cash
val issueState = CashOwningState(amount, ourIdentity)

// The command wrapping our Oraclize's answer
val issueCommand = Command(
    issueState.participants.map { it.owningKey }
// Get Oraclize's node
val oracle = serviceHub.identityService
    .wellKnownPartyFromX500Name(OraclizeUtils.getNodeName()) as Party
val answerCommand = Command(answ, oracle.owningKey)

Step 3: The transaction is built and verified:

val txBuilder = TransactionBuilder(notary).withItems(
        StateAndContract(issueState, CashIssueContract.TEST_CONTRACT_ID),
        issueCommand, answerCommand)


The verify() is defined as follows:

override fun verify(tx: LedgerTransaction) {
    val issue = tx.commands.requireSingleCommand<Commands.Issue>()
    val answCmd = tx.commands.requireSingleCommand<Answer>()

    requireThat {
        // If some of these statements fails, the transaction is not valid
        val out = tx.outputsOfType<CashOwningState>().single()
        "No inputs should be consumed." using (tx.inputs.isEmpty())
        "Only one output should be produced." using (tx.outputs.size == 1)
        "All the participants must be signers" using
            (issue.signers.containsAll((out.participants.map { it.owningKey })))

        // Here we verify the Oraclize's answer...
        val rate = answCmd.value.result as String
        "The rate USD/GBP must be over $USD_GBP_RATE_THRESH" using (rate.toDouble() > USD_GBP_RATE_THRESH)
        // ...and the relative authenticity proof
        "Oraclize's proof verification failed" using  (
            proofVerificationTool.verifyProof(answCmd.value.proof as ByteArray))

Step 4: Filter the transaction, keeping only Answers commands:

fun filtering(elem: Any): Boolean {
    return when (elem) {
        is Command<*> -> oracle.owningKey in elem.signers && elem.value is Answer
        else -> false

val ftx = txBuilder.toWireTransaction(serviceHub).buildFilteredTransaction(Predicate { filtering(it) })

Step 5: Collect the signatures from the others:

val fullySignedTx = serviceHub.signInitialTransaction(txBuilder)

Step 6: Finalize the transaction with eventually some notary checking:

return subFlow(FinalityFlow(fullySignedTx, FINALIZING_TX.childProgressTracker()))

Once notary validation has been succeeded the transaction is inserted in the ledger.


Oraclize API for the R3 Corda platform


Language:Kotlin 98.8%Language:Shell 1.2%