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Reimplementation of b33f's UrbanBishop with syscall. FuzzySecurity/Sharp-Suite @b33f. MalDevAcademy @mrd0x @NUL0x4C


Native application for BootExecute/SetupExecute key persistence test. No MSVCRT, soley rely on ntdll.dll. Clone the repo. add the project by "Open a project or solution", and select the .vcxproj file.



Hijack a thread without calling SetThreadContext. Still needs improvement because I'm lazy and haven't implement the whole thing well enough to maintain the original functionality of the thread. Just a quick and dirty PoC. Tested on Windows version 1809 (chrome.exe, msedge.exe, notepad.exe), 22H2 (chrome.exe, msedge.exe, notepad.exe), Windows 11 22H2 (chrome.exe, firefox.exe, msedge.exe, notepad.exe). Be ware of payload execution control. Browsers tend to execute the payload multiple times.


Since jmp rcx gadget is subject to CFG bitmap contrl. This is sort of a work around to use jmp rdx gadget and a CREATE_SUSPENDED thread to get code execution. But, it's not that 'effective' since you have to take into consideration too many things (register thingy...), the process will crash. Just a work around like I said.


This is the ultimate go if ever have to use a ROP gadget. A gadget in bcyrpt.dll can be used to bypass CFG and get code execution theoretically on any process that has bcrypt.dll loaded. Tested on windows 1809, 1909 (chances of failure, reason unknown yet), 21H1, 22H2, windows 11 22H2. Note that once SetProcessValidCallTargets is successful, and the process remains alive, CFG on that specifc address is always disabled. Have fun!


Code ported from CCob and rasta-mouse's threadless injection. Tested on Windows version 1809 (explorer.exe, chrome.exe, firefox.exe, notepad.exe), 1909 (explorer.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, notepad.exe), 21H1 (explorer.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, notepad.exe), 22H2 (explorer.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, notepad.exe), Win11 22H2 (explorer.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, firefox.exe, notepad.exe). CreateEventW is enough to trigger on all tested processes. Please add your own shellcode encryption. Feel free to add other techniques.



Use ShellExecute method exposed by COM object 13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000 to execute command in C. Nothing interesting, just for fun and stuff.


Execute dot net assembly application through native C/C++ code using COM. Finally, have been working on this for a little while, pieced together a working PoC that bridged that gap between managed and unmanged world. How wonderful it is to be able to utilize the power of .Net. Sweet~

Tested assemblies (DotNet Version v2.0.50727):
SeatBelt - Target dot net version: 3.5; Platform: AnyCPU;
SharpUp - Target dot net version: 3.5; Platform: AnyCPU;

v4.0 mscorlib will always give 0x8007000B error (mal-format file???).

So, stick with dot net version 3.5, and use for situatinoal awareness tasks is now an option.


ProcessHollowing (Not quite)

Code for process "hollowing" and hopefully more variants in the future. Not quite hollowing the target process since unbacked memory is more like an IoC. The code plays around remote entry point. Good practice for understanding PEB and PE header a bit more.


Write shellcode to host process's entry point, then resume host thread. Host process: svchost.exe.


Write PE to host process's memory region. Patch host process's entry point to jump to our PE's entry point, then resume host thread. Host process: RuntimeBroker.exe.


Write PE to host process's memory region. Hijack host process's RCX register (which points to entry point), then resume host thread. Host process: Werfault.exe.


Read PE from disk (or resources), patch ImageBase, IAT, relocations locally (don't have to read host process info after writing the PE anymore), write patched PE to host process, hijack host process's RCX register, then resume host thread. Now, we can handle more complex PEs which have a lot of imports and relocations, and of course simpler PEs like our shellcode runner should be running as intended. Tested with putty.exe on Windows version 1809, 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 version 22H2.



The idea is to drop (modularized) shellcdoe into different memory regions (different process???), each part (call it stage) relies on its own and completes certain functionality like resolving functions, setting up registers etc. Then linking each stage together (now by jmp-ing). It seems for now writing your own shellcode is the way to accomplish the goal of staging, since even the basic exec payload from msfvenom is jumping and calling into it's own everywhere which makes the goal very hard to reach. I don't know if there's a way to manipulate beacons or more complex paylaods directly, I'm open for discussion.

The PoC is a handwritten x64 shellcode which resolves WinExec and TerminateProcess by hash and pops calc.exe. The shellcode will be separated into two stages and linked together by patching the address of second stage into the first one.

Tested on Windows version 1809, 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 22H2. Windows Defender didn't buzz at all.

Next step will be digging into beacon and reverse shell payloads and learn more about the asm implementation, see what can be harnessed.

OSED Course



Custom written shellcode with Windows WSA socket APIs and CreateProcess. Furture attempts of handcrafted shellcodes will be added here. Tested on Windows 10 1809, 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 22H2.


Meterpreter stager in assembly. The code breaks the /xbf signature by adding a little extra bytes. Tested on Windows Server 2019, Windows 10 1809, Windows 11. Both locally and remotely. With a good loader, we can spawn meterpreter shell, but be careful with shell command. Most of the time, it will be flagged.


Meterpreter reverse https stager in assembly. I have no idea yet how the server uri is generated (enlighten me, anyone). So I grabbed a msfvenom stager and extracted one (a very long one...) from the payload. Now, we can stage https meterpreter reverse shell with this code.

If you want to extract one server uri string yourself (in case mine is not working anymore), srv_uri_2_bytes.py is a helper script to help you generate instruction templates. Just paste extracted uri string in, and run it. Details are in the script's comment section.

Though msfvenom https meterpreter stager is weiredly not flagged by Windows Defender but I guess more options are better.

If you were to debug the code, note that a breakpoint on the second stage buffer will cause access violation because the first byte will be changed to \xcc, which will cause PE header not found.

And if you want to interact with a cmd shell, don't do shell command, do execute -f cmd -i -H, you should be good to go with that.

However, a basic loader with the shellcode won't cut it on Elastic Endpoint Security guarded Windows Server 2019 (lab I got). Need to power up.

One more thing to consider is the self-signed certificate. Better to generate a certificate with a more liget name other than ones like trantow.llc.biz.

Tested on Windows 10 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 22H2. Shellcode lives without any obfuscation and encryption (that's even on elastic too, but obf and enc is still recommended), using a basic VirtualAlloc + CreateThread loader, was able to spawn a meterpreter reverse https shell, functions well. Yet the most interesting thing is about Windows 11, where you can use shell command to spawn a cmd and even migrate (blocked on all other test cases), Windows Defender wouldn't say anything -_-!

A little different situation with Windows Server 2019. Windows Defender on server edition (data center especially) is doing a better job, it will flag the https meterpreter second stage soon it starts executing.

Now, even though detonating a payload on windows server for intial access is not common, better to be able to deal with that too. The shellcode spawns meterpreter shell on those servers editions too, just need a better loader. execute -f cmd -i -H works too, defender not responding to that.

At the time of writing, the code is able to get meterpreter https reverse shell (with a good loader ofc, learn to build one from MalDevAcademy) on Elastic Endpoint guarded Windows 10 22H2 and Windows 2019 Data Center.

Don't forget to set AutoVerifySessionTimeout option to a larger number, say 60 seconds, to prevent session from timing out.

Still, STAY AWAY FROM shell command, stick with execute -f cmd -i -H (powershell too).

Have fun~

Edit: Forget about PAGE_NOACCESS thing. It turned out to be I set a proxy that's not working... Plus, the PAGE_NOACCESS implementation won't work if there's truly a memory scan, because without a hook, you will never get ahead of the scan, useless implementation, removed.


Cobalt Strike payload is tightly connected with profile. Avoid basic profile, custom tweaking makes better.

In the description next, basic loader refers to the 5-ish line code, VirtualAlloc + memcpy + CreateThread, and team server is started with bingsearch_getonly profile.

With a basic loader, encrypted CS https stager will survive signature detection. But, all windows defender (1809, 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 22H2) flags it when decrypted and write to memory, not event start executing yet.

With a better crafted loader, the stager is able to spawn a beacon, but inject into another process kills it.

Now, with a basic loader, the custom stager shellcode can spawn a beacon, and injection into another process (runtimebroker, explorer, etc).

Feels like Windows defender is doing its work based on a score rating system. The encrypted vanilla stager from CS has raised the score high enough, openning another process and doing injection (not even runtimebroker) breaks through the threshold and gets the beacon flagged (that is on Windows 10 1809, 1909, 21H2, 22H2 and Windows 11 22H2, all my test VMs). The custom stager, the score may not be that high, so based on system version, injecting into runtimebroker succeeds, even explorer.exe. Anyway, stay low, avoid injecting into explorer.exe.

On server edition (Windows Server 2019 Data Center), spawning beacon with custom stager (needs a better loader) is not a problem, but cannot inject.

To modify the code, like meterpreter, you may need to generate a raw stager first, then debug it to extract a beacon uri, and a user-agent string to make a valid request to downlaod the second stage. A few single steps will do.

OSED Course


Inject DLL into target process which will open a file mapping object and we inject shellcode into that memroy region. The region is not mapped yt, but it will be there as long as the process is alive (check with process hacker, etc...). That being said, explorer might be the best option.

Then, any process can enumerate that "Section" object, map it, read the shellcode from it, then execute. Just some idea after watching Pavel Yosifovich's video. Check references for the video link. Tested on Windows version 1809, 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 22H2.



Manual stager for meterpreter reverse tcp in C. You won't believe that it's less than 80 lines of code with socket and one "magic" byte. In a nutshell, the code uses socket to first get a DWORD from remote host, and that's the length of the whole second stage payload. Next, the code allocates a buffer for the second stage according to the length just received, but plus 0x5 for the fact that meterpreter needs the socket handle to be in register rdi when second stage starts. So, the first 5 bytes of our buffer will be the opcode of instruction mov edi, 0x11223344, which will be \xbf\x44\x33\x22\x11. 0x11223344 is the place holder for the socket handle. Then, the code fetches the second payload and append it after the first 5 bytes, and executes the whole second stage. That's how a tcp reverse meterpreter payload is staged.

The benefit is that now we can spawn staged meterpreter shells (with second stage encoded) with this manual stager, and without Windows Defender buzzing. If you use a vanilla stager from msfvenom, Windows Defender will flag the loader when the stager is executed. Meterpreter shell spawned on Windows version 1909, 21H1, 22H2, Windows 11 22H2.

Other little test results for reference:

Windows 1909 - cmd shell will be flagged, migrating to other process solves the issue
WIndows 21H1 - cmd shell, and migrating all flagged
Windows 22H2 - cmd shell, and migrating all flagged
Windows 11 22H2 - cmd shell will be flagged, migrating to other process solves the issue

Next, the code will be converted into custom shellcode in assembly.

The assembly code has been added to CustomShellcode/MetTheStager.



Code snippet to use pointer to loop through the Nt syscall struct to initialize each Nt API when integrating indirect syscalls. Don't have to manually initialize for each Nt API. Just have to update Nt API in apisets.h and apisets.c. Follow the instructions in those files. The arrays of API name string literals will be striped when in release mode, leave out the -D_DEBUG flag in Makefile to set exe in release mode. The Makefile contains instructions for compiling resources, exe. And generate self-signed certificate to sign the final executable. Set relevant variables to the right path of your own system. It is not demonstrated how to compile MASN asm file in this demo, I'll leave the command here: jwasm -win64 filename.asm. For JWasm project, refer to: https://github.com/JWasm/JWasm.


Python script to hash APIs and DLLs. Quick solution in contrast to have to modify C code and compile again. Haven't got my mind around the bit where the >> 31 operation yields different results in python even if c_int32 is used when porting crc32h algorithm. After printing every result of every operation, I came to the conclusion that I must do a ~ then plus 1 to compensate the discrepancy. Guess its got something to do with 2's complement but I don't know. Have fun~



License:MIT License


Language:C 70.4%Language:Python 23.4%Language:C++ 5.8%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Assembly 0.1%