0ownworld9 / Electronic-Design-Contest

The code repository prepared for the 2023 competition, including common features of K210 and Openmv, and the preferred conditions for both.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The code repository prepared for the 2023 competition, including common features of K210 and Openmv, and the preferred conditions for both. #对于二维码识别功能,Openmv返回的是一个数组,无法进行内容的直接读取 #对于openmv来说,是可以多次修改灰度图或者RGB模式的 #默认情况下,openmv有三个文件夹,上电后会自动执行main.py文件 #寻找最大色块的代码 def find_max(blobs): max_size=0 for blob in blobs: if blob[2]*blob[3] > max_size: max_blob=blob max_size = blob[2]*blob[3] return max_blob #左右电机方向应该是相反的,一正一负。但距离PID应该是相同的 #EDGI训练模型能返回识别物体特征点的数量和个数,但无法返回大小,如何是识别相同大小的物体的话,EDGI识别效果更好,但如果是一大一小,还是YOLOV5比较好 #标志识别参考官方网页 ########使用openmv自带摄像头采集训练集图片时要选中class.c才能够采集图片 #sensor模块基础配置 sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # or GRAYSCALE...灰度或者彩色图片 sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # or QQVGA...实际分辨率 sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) #跳帧保证图片处理起来比较流畅 clock = time.clock()


The code repository prepared for the 2023 competition, including common features of K210 and Openmv, and the preferred conditions for both.