Looks for AWS, Azure and Google cloud storage buckets and lists permissions for vulnerable buckets.
usage: cloudhunter.py [-h] [-p file] [-t num] [-c num] [-b] [-d] [-v] [-o] input
positional arguments:
input Company name, url or any base name.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p file, --permutations-file Permutations file.
-t num, --threads num Threads.
-c num, --crawl-deep num How many pages to crawl after the first.
-b, --base-only Checks only the base name, skips permutations generation.
-d, --disable-bruteforce Disable discovery by brute force.
-v, --verbose Verbose log
-o, --open-only Show only open buckets.
python3 cloudhunter.py -t 10 http://example.com
________ ____ __ __
/ ____/ /___ __ ______/ / / / /_ ______ / /____ _____
/ / / / __ \/ / / / __ / /_/ / / / / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / __ / /_/ / / / / /_/ __/ /
\____/_/\____/\__,_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/
[>] Crawling http://example.com ...
[>] 61 possible endpoints found
Azure Cloud https://dmpcdn.files-example/cdn PRIVATE
Google Cloud http://demo-site.org OPEN Redirect https://demo-site.org/
Google Cloud https://other.net OPEN
[>] 1591 name permutations.
[>] 33411 tries, be patient.
[+] Check Google Cloud
Google Storage example.storage.googleapis.com PRIVATE
Google Storage example-api.storage.googleapis.com PRIVATE
Google Storage example-attachments.storage.googleapis.com OPEN AllUsers [LR]
Google Storage example-backups.storage.googleapis.com PRIVATE
Google Storage examplestorage.storage.googleapis.com OPEN AllUsers [LRWV]
Google Storage examplestore.storage.googleapis.com PRIVATE
Google App Engine example.bigtable.appspot.com OPEN WebApp Error
Google App Engine example.beta.appspot.com OPEN
Google App Engine example.data-private.appspot.com OPEN Redirect https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin
[+] Check Amazon Cloud
AWS Bucket examplefiles.s3.amazonaws.com OPEN
AWS Bucket finance-example.s3.amazonaws.com PRIVATE
AWS Bucket examplejs.s3.amazonaws.com OPEN gmantri [F] | AllUsers [RW]
AWS Bucket example-logs.s3.amazonaws.com PRIVATE
AWS Bucket examplemedia.s3.amazonaws.com PRIVATE
AWS Bucket example.media.s3.amazonaws.com OPEN zectroxity [RW] | AllUsers [R]
AWS Bucket exampleprod.s3.amazonaws.com PRIVATE
AWS Bucket exampleresources.s3.amazonaws.com PRIVATE
AWS Bucket s3-example.s3.amazonaws.com OPEN develop [F] | AuthenticatedUsers [F] | df99361a [F]
AWS Bucket exampleshop.s3.amazonaws.com PRIVATE
AWS Bucket example-web.s3.amazonaws.com OPEN 42cf2125 [F]
[+] Check Azure Cloud
Storage Files example.file.core.windows.net PRIVATE
App Management example-demo.blob.core.windows.net PRIVATE
App Azure githubexample.blob.core.windows.net OPEN
App Azure exampletest.azurewebsites.net PRIVATE
App Azure jira-example.azurewebsites.net OPEN Redirect https://jira-example.azurewebsites.net/
App Azure examplestats.azurewebsites.net OPEN
Databases-MSSQL example-project.database.windows.net DOMAIN
Email example.mail.protection.outlook.com DOMAIN
SharePoint example.sharepoint.com PRIVATE Redirect https://example.sharepoint.com/