0lehKondratov / trader

Stock price prediction using big data technologies and deep neural networks

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TraderNet was created as a final project for CS6350 - big data. It attempts to predict future stock prices either through classification or regression. It incorporates distributed computing technologies like Spark to preprocess a large number of historical stock price / volume records into training examples that are then fed to a deep neural network architecture implemented in Tensorflow. The aim of the network is to aid in prioritizing technical analysis of stocks and serve as a basis for future reinforcement learning models that will suggest trades automatically.

Interfacing with Tensorflow

The theory document illustrates the need for careful consideration on how Tensorflow should interface with Spark in order to handle the data volume. Several strategies were considered:

Connect Tensorflow's computational graph to Spark

Some libraries do exist which promise to connect Tensorflow and Spark at the graph level, allowing for training of a Tensorflow model in Spark. This approach was ultimately not used, as it would require sacrificing many of Tensorflow's high level features and presented compatibility issues with Tensorflow 2.0. It would however avoid the need to write the entire training set to disk prior to training and would expedite the process of iteratively refining preprocessing techniques based on model performance.

Write training examples to TFRecords

Tensorflow uses TFRecords as a format for storing training examples in a serialized form. A dataset can be split in to multiple TFRecord files, enabling distributed training. Through the use of spark-tensorflow-connector it is possible to generate TFRecords from a Spark dataframe, where the number of TFRecord files is determined by the partitioning of the dataframe. Initial efforts aimed to partition the records by stock symbol, order them by date, and write each partition to a separate TFRecord file. Under this strategy, Tensorflow would be responsible for constructing training examples using the feature matrix generation procedure described earlier.

By allowing Tensorflow to handle feature generation the size of the TFRecord dataset will be reduced by a factor of the historical window size. Unfortunately, this technique has the following requirements:

  1. Strict partitioning by symbol to separate TFRecord files
  2. Strict ordering by record date within TFRecord files
  3. A complicated process to interleave examples from each file

According to this issue, spark-tensorflow-connector does not currently respect the requested partitioning by column, making requirement 1 unsatisfiable. This necessitated the use of spark for feature matrix generation.

The training examples written to TFRecords by spark are complete examples, containing a feature matrix, percent change value, and discretized label (if requested). Tensorflow is able to deserialize these examples with little additional processing.

The following steps are performed in Tensorflow to finalize the dataset for training:

  1. Create (feature, label) tuples for each example where the label is chosen based on the current mode (regression or classification)
  2. Split the dataset into training and validation sets based on a parameterized validation set size.
  3. Batch training and validation sets into a parameterized batch size. A batch size of 128 or 256 was used in an effort to improve tiling efficiency when training on a GPU
  4. Final modifications like repeat() and prefetch()


TraderNet is based on a dominant object detection network I have been implementing here. TraderNet reduces the original 2D convolutional encoder to a 1D residual encoder, with the addition of a multi-head attention layer at the head to better distinguish features based on their sequential relationship.

Model Architecture

A summary of the model generated by Tensorflow is shown below. By default there are four levels of downsampling with 3, 3, 5, 3 bottleneck block repeats respectively. During experimentation, it was found that a 4, 6, 10, 4 level repeat structure was more robust, and is shown below:

Model: "trader_net" - modified from model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
tail (Tail)                  (None, 128, 32)           672
4x bottleneck (Bottleneck)      (None, 128, 32)        696
downsample (Downsample)      (None, 64, 64)            8048
6x bottleneck (Bottleneck)   (None, 64, 64)            2416
downsample_1 (Downsample)    (None, 32, 128)           31456
10x bottleneck (Bottleneck)   (None, 32, 128)          8928
downsample_2 (Downsample)    (None, 16, 256)           124352
4x bottleneck (Bottleneck)   (None, 16, 256)           34240
downsample_3 (Downsample)    (None, 8, 512)            494464
attn (MultiHeadAttention)    (None, None, 512)         1051649
head (ClassificationHead)    (None, 5)                 2565
Total params: 1,932,726
Trainable params: 1,922,902
Non-trainable params: 9,824

Loss / Metrics

When operating in classification mode, the model uses a sparse softmax cross-entropy loss. Sparse categorical accuracy is continuously tracked for the training set and is reported once per epoch for the validation set. Depending on the number of discretized classes it may be helpful to add a top k categorical accuracy in the case of closely related classes.

In regression mode the model uses mean squared error as a loss function and is tracked with the same frequency as the classification pipeline. While regression functionality was retained in the network implementation, regression was not ultimately used for final experimentation.


Key tunable hyperparameters include the following:

  1. Dropout - A dropout layer can be added after the attention layer to make the model more robust. This layer was excluded from the final project submission, as it would be impractical to train the model to convergence in the time alloted to complete the assignment.

  2. Batch size - Tune this as needed for your hardware. It is probably wise to use a power of two batch size in order to improve tiling efficiency for matrix matrix multiplication. A batch size of 256 was typically used for experiments.

  3. Learning rate - Learning rate can be tuned directly, with values around 0.001 tending to work well. A learning rate greater than 0.1 often hindered the training process, likely due to the lack of a robust weight initialization strategy. Learning rate is reduced in a stepwise manner using a parameterized Tensorflow callback based on the change in loss between epochs.

  4. Regularization - Some experiments were conducted with regularization of the dense layers at the network head, but there appeared to be no discernible impact on model performance. This may be more significant when training on a small subset of the original dataset, such as a single stock or a narrow range of dates. Given the size of the training set, the use of regularization as a method of combating overfitting is likely unwarranted.


Tensorboard callbacks are used to provide an interface for monitoring the training process and hyperparameter tuning. Use of Tensorboard is discussed in the usage section below. Model weights are checkpointed once per epoch and can be restored when entering a new training session.


There are two separate usage procedures, one for the Scala JAR file that handles TFRecord production, and one for the Python Tensorflow training pipeline.


The spark directory contains a sbt project that can be used to package a fat JAR file. The fat JAR file contains all dependencies (like spark-tensorflow-connector) but can become large. Build the fat JAR locally using sbt assembly.

The program provides usage instructions via the --help flag as follows:

trader 1.0
Usage: trader [options] <shell_glob>

  -o, --out <path>         output file path
  -n, --norm std, maxabs   Normalization with StandardScaler or MaxAbsScaler
  -d, --date <year>        limit to records newer than <year>
  -p, --past <int>         aggregate past <int> records into an example
  --stride <int>           stride training example window by <int> days
  -f, --future <int>       calculate percent change over <int> following days.
													 if >1, use averaging
  --max-change <float>     drop examples with absolute percent change > <float>
  -s, --shards <int>       split the TFRecord set into <int> shards
  --quantize <int>         run QuantileDiscretizer to <int> buckets
  --bucketize <float>,[float,...]
                           run Bucketizer with the given buckets
  --penny-stocks           if set, allow penny stocks. default false
  --help                   prints this usage text
Note: TFRecords will be written if output file path is specified

Writing many TFRecords has a high RAM requirement.

  <shell_glob>             input file shell glob pattern

If you run the program without specifying an output file path, no TFRecords will be produced, but dataframes will still be printed that describe the processed output. *Note that the process of creating TFRecords can have significant CPU, memory, and disk requirements depending on the combination of flags given. The configuration used for experimentation would require approximately 40GB of memory and the resultant TFRecords would occupy 10G of disk space.

The <shell_glob> argument should be path or wildcard containing path (e.g. path/to/dir/*.csv). This string will be fed directly to Spark's DataFrameReader.csv().

For simple testing the most effective strategy is to choose a shell glob pattern that will select only a small number of CSV files, e.g. AAPL.csv or AAP*.csv. Please see the output directory for sample commands and output. It may be necessary to wrap your glob pattern as a string literal (e.g. '*.csv') to prevent shell expansion to multiple filename arguments.


TraderNet is packaged as a Docker container to effectively manage dependencies on Tensorflow 2.0 and Tensorboard. A docker-compose file is provided to simplify the build process, and allows for selection of the Tensorflow base image tag (GPU or no GPU). Edit the docker-compose upstream build arg to pick the desired Tensorflow container tag. You can download Tensorflow 2.0 and run the model outside of Docker if desired.

A .env file is provided that sets environment variables needed when starting the container with docker-compose. These variables include paths to the TFRecord source directory and log / checkpoint output directory:


Set these variables as desired or override them directly in the docker-compose file. When starting the container with docker-compose, these directories will be mounted as container volumes. The paths given to local directories must be absolute paths in order for Docker to mount the path as a volume.

Next, start the container with

docker-compose up -d trader

You should be able to visit localhost:6006 to access Tensorboard. Once the container is running, start the training pipeline using

docker exec -it trader python /app/train.py

For example,

docker exec -it trader python /app/train.py --classes 5 \
	--levels 4,6,10,4 --speedrun

The train.py script accepts several command line flags that parameterize the training process and can be accessed using the --helpfull flag.

docker exec -it trader python /app/train.py --helpfull

Notable flags include:

  1. --classes - Must be set to the number of labels in the TFRecord dataset

  2. --summary - Prints the network summary and exits

  3. --src, --dest - Defaults to Docker volume mounts from docker compose

  4. --mode - Toggle from default classification mode to regression mode

  5. --speedrun - Runs a quick demo to show that the pipeline is operating correctly. Runs through very small epochs, printing model output for a small number of training examples. This can be useful when combined with the --resume flag to evaluate a trained model given a saved model weights file.

  6. --artifacts_dir - Directory where Tensorboard logs, model checkpoints, etc will be written. Defaults to a Docker volume

  7. --resume - Filepath for a model weights file. The model will be initialized with these weights and will resume training.

  8. --resume_last - Attempts to automatically detect the last model checkpoint file and resume training from the checkpointed weights.

Results / Conclusions

The model's classification performance was ultimately benchmarked using both categorical accuracy and top 2 categorical accuracy. Due to the model's complexity, training to convergence was impractical in the timeframe alloted for the assignment, but the model still performed reasonably well. The plots below show sparse categorical and top k accuracy for several (interrupted) runs. Validation top 1 categorical accuracy reached as high as 51%, while top 2 categorical accuracy reached 74%. The model took between five and ten minutes per epoch depending on choice of batch size, which each epoch containing on average 400,000 training examples. Note that this training set was a fraction of the potential number of training examples that could be generated from the original dataset. By relaxing price and date constraints it is possible to generate a much larger number of examples if one has the resources to train on such a sample size.

The graphs below were extracted from Tensorboard. Note that the broken lines in the plot below are the result of interrupted training sessions that were resumed using model checkpoints. Further work is needed to produce a clean and continuous plot of network performance as time becomes available.

Top 1 Accuracy vs Epoch

Top 2 Accuracy vs Epoch

Though the accuracy reached by the model in the available training window is acceptable given the difficulty that humans have in predicting stock movement, this model would likely perform much better given more training time. Given that the number of potential training examples nears that of ImageNet (which may take month to train with state of the art models), I suspect that the few hours of training alloted to this model across various hyperparameter tuning runs was insufficient to demonstrate the model's full potential.

A .hdf5 file containing the trained model weights is provided in the root directory and can be used with the --resume and --speedrun flags to perform a rough evaluation as follows:

Copy the model weights file into the running Docker container. It is important that the weights file be of the form name_epoch.hdf5, as the epoch will be read from the filename when resuming.

docker cp trader_27.hdf5 trader:/

Then conduct a speedrun using the saved model weights. The level parameterization must match what is given below in order for the weights to load correctly.

docker exec -it trader python /app/train.py \
	--dry --classes 5 --levels 4,6,10,4 \
	--resume=/trader_27.hdf5 --speedrun

Future Work

There are several areas where the preprocessing and training pipeline can be improved. These include:

  1. Adding steps to produce metrics like exponential moving average and add them to the Spark pipeline. This may allow the model to train faster by not forcing it to learn a similar metric on its own.

  2. Using Spark to enforce an equal distribution of examples over fixed bucket sizes. While the QuantileDiscretizer does produce an equal number of labels per class, the bucket sizes become unacceptably close near zero percent change. The most promising resolution to unequal class distributions is to apply Bucketizer over fixed buckets and drop examples from highly represented classes.

  3. Implementing metrics that are more indicative of the model's performance. While categorical and top k categorical accuracy can provide some idea of the model's theoretical performance, these metrics are proxies for the most relevant metric: profitability. The model's performance in a real trading environment will be determined primarily by how well high-confidence predictions match future trends, as these predictions will form the basis for trading decisions. Future work could incorporate this model into a reinforcement learning architecture, where network performance can be directly assessed based on its profitability.

  4. Expanding the one dimensional convolution input to two dimensions by including the top n correlated stocks over each training example window. This would allow the network to condition its output on the price trends of correlated stocks in addition to the stock that has been targeted for prediction.

  5. Conduct automated experiments on the best choice of network architecture in terms of repeat count for each convolutional encoder layer. The selection of layer repeats used for experimentation was inspired by Resnet-50, but other parameterizations may lead to improved performance.



Stock price prediction using big data technologies and deep neural networks


Language:Python 69.3%Language:Jupyter Notebook 18.3%Language:Scala 11.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%Language:Shell 0.2%