0deadLock0 / Mafia-Game

A command-line single-player strategy game

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Author: Abhimanyu Gupta (2019226) (abhimanyu19226@iiitd.ac.in)

Functionality: A program to simulate a game of Mafia(strategic multiplayer game) having a single player controlled by user and others controlled by computer.

For Purpose: Assingment 3, CSE201-Advanced Programming, Monsoon 2020 at IIIT-Delhi


MafiaGame.java - run and maintains the flow of the program

MafiGame.class - calls the Game class's respective method to start the game

Game.class - contains all the players playing the game and methods to play the game smoothly

Character.class - an abstract class to store state of a player and acting as a base class for types of characters

Commoner.class - a simple Character capable of just voting

Mafia.class - a Character of killing in a group other Characters, other than voting

Detective.class - a Character skilled with finding the Mafias(imposter among other Characters)

Healer.class - a Character healing others, so as to survive Mafias' attack



  • There is a village of N players.

  • A player can be either a commoner, a detective, a healer, or a mafia.

  • A commoner only knows that he is a commoner.

  • A detective knows all the other detectives.

  • A mafia knows all the other Mafia players.

  • A healer knows all other healers in the game.


  • The objective for the mafias is to kill or eliminate all the non-mafias such that the ratio of the alive mafias to all others is 1:1.

  • A player can be eliminated in two ways: 1) By being killed by the Mafia or 2) Be eliminated in a vote out.

  • Mafias cannot kill themselves.

  • The objective for all other players(except the mafias) is to eliminate the mafias through a vote out(as the Mafias cannot be killed).

  • Therefore, by using special powers of detectives and healers, they are required to save themselves and vote out the Mafias.

Role of different type of players:

1. Mafia:

To kill all other players to achieve a 1:1 ratio.

2. Detective:

They can randomly test one of the players (except detective) to test whether the player is mafia or not.

If they correctly identify a mafia, the caught mafia will be voted out in that round by default.

3. Healer:

They randomly select a player from the game to give him a boost of 500 HP (All players, including mafias and healers themselves).

4. Commoner:

They don’t have any special role.

They only take part in the voting process.

End of Game:

The game ends when either all mafias are voted out or the ratio of mafias to others becomes 1:1.

The Mafia wins in the latter case and loses in the former.


The minimum number of players for the game is 6.

The user can either choose their character (Mafia, Commoner, Detective, or Healer) or prefer to be allotted a character randomly..

There are 20% Mafias, 20% Detectives, around 10% healers, and the rest about 50% commoners.


The game will run in rounds.

In each round, there will be fixed steps that are followed.


1) Firstly the Mafias choose to kill a person(other than mafias). If the user is a mafia player, then he/she will be asked to choose the target.

2) Then the detective will test a person to know whether he is mafia or not. If the user is a detective player, then he/she will be asked who they want to test.

3) Then the healer will heal a person by giving him an HP boost as defined in HP rules. If the user is a healer player, then he/she will be asked who they want to heal.

4) After this, there is a voting round where each player votes randomly, and the user(If alive) votes for whoever he/she wants to vote for. The person with the highest votes is kicked out of the game.
  • If after healing, the HP of the person killed by the Mafia reaches 0, the player dies.

  • However, if the detective tests positive on a mafia, there will be no voting, and the caught mafia will be voted out by default. (Note: Once a player is eliminated, they cannot be brought back to life.)

  • If there are no detectives left, there will be no test and/or if there are no healers left, there will be no HP boost. The game will keep on moving until we arrive at an end of game condition.

  • If there are multiple mafias then they vote collectively i.e. they decide one player to kill. In the same way, all detectives choose one player to test and healers choose one player to heal. At no point in time mafias can kill multiple players in a single round, or detectives can test multiple players, and/or healers can heal multiple players. Although when taking the vote, each player votes independently so as to protect his/her identity.

  • In each round, there is fresh voting that takes place. Votes from previous rounds are not counted. Only one player is voted out in each round.

  • In case the votes are tied, the voting process is repeated until there is no tie.

  • Players that were killed/voted out in the previous rounds don’t participate in any way and hence can’t be chosen in any scenario.

  • Incase of 0 HP of Detective and Healer, the assigned duty will not be perfomed if there aren't any other player of same type with non Zero HP.

HP Rules:

  • All commoners start with an HP of 1000 each.

  • All mafias will start with 2500 HP each.

  • All Detectives and Healers start with an HP of 800 each.

  • In each Round, Healers can increase any players HP by 500.

  • When the mafias choose a target, if their combined HP is equal to or more than that target's current HP, the target's HP becomes 0. However, if their combined HP is less than that targets current HP, the targets HP reduces by the combined HP of the mafias.

  • Further, as damage, each mafias HP will be reduced by X/Y, where X is the initial HP of the target(before being killed), and Y is the number of alive mafias whose HP is greater than 0. If the target’s HP falls below or equal to 0, the target dies.


- If there are 2 mafias with HP 500 and 1000. Suppose the target has an HP of 1000. Then, since the combined HP of mafias (1500) is greater than the target's HP, the target dies. And the new HP of the mafias is 0 and 500, respectively. Note that mafias cannot be killed even if their HP falls to 0. They can only be voted out. The HP can not fall below 0 for any player.

- In case, at the time of selection of target, one of the mafias has an HP less than X/Y, then this mafia will contribute to the damage by his total HP(making his HP to zero), and the remaining Damage will be equally divided. This process is continued until all Damage is absorbed, or the HP of all mafias becomes 0. For example, if there are two mafias mafia1 and mafia2 with HP 100 and 200 respectively and they kill a player with HP 250, then the final HP of mafias after the kill are 0 and 50.
  • If the Healer chooses a person who was a target that died in that round itself, the target is revived, and the new HP of the target is 500. No one dies in such a situation. However, the mafias will still take the damage. In other words, the target is chosen first, and then the mafias and target take their damages, after which the healer chooses to heal someone. However, the target dies if his HP becomes zero and is not chosen by the Healer to heal.

  • The healer can choose any player(including mafia) for the HP boost that is currently playing the game.

IMPORTANT: There is only a single-player playing the game. Other players are simulated and need no input.

CREDITS: Instructions for Assignment3, CSE201-Advanced Programmig, Monsoon Semester 2020, IIIT Delhi


  • Chose the number of players in the game

  • Chose a player type for User

  • Provide a player to Target/Test/Heal depending on the User player type

  • Vote a player, during voting


Language and Version Support:

JAVA 13 support needed to run the program.

Method 1: Using command prompt or terminal

Run the cmd inside the MafiaGame folder

Enter "javac MafiaGame.java & java MafiaGame" (without quotes)

The program will start.

Method 2: Using IDE

Check if JAVA 13 is supported or not.

Complie and Run the "MafiaGame.java"

The program will start.


  • Use the Command Line Argument "debug=true" (without quotes) to run the program with debug information after each major step.

  • Only intended for testing purpose.


A command-line single-player strategy game


Language:Java 100.0%