0bfxgh0st / lfienum

Local File Inclusion Enumeration (PoC)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Local File Inclusion Enumeration (PoC)

Almost whole system enumeration when target is vulnerable to LFI.

Local File Inclusion Enumerator v1.0 by 0bfxgh0st*
Usage python3 lfienum <url> <option>


    -X POST/GET                   Request method

    --pids <n>                    Bruteforce process id's from 0 to <n> (/proc/<n>/cmdline) [default is set to 999]
    --pid <n>                     Show single process id
    --fd <n>                      Bruteforce file descriptors from 0 to <n> (/proc/self/fd/<n>) [default is set to 30]
    --wrapper <file>              Extract/decode hidden file using a wrapper (php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=)
    -w or --wordlist <wordlist>   Use a custom wordlist
    -k or --key                   Extract id_rsa key

    -h or --help                  Show help panel
    -ah or --advanced-help        Show advanced help panel

    -vvv                          Show package info
    --only-url                    Dump urls only

    -x1                           Use XCF_A function print all text between tags (default)
    -x2                           Use XCF_B function print all text that isn't between any tag
    -x3                           Use XCF_C function print content between specific tag
    -x4                           Use XCF_D function delete all content inside <html> and </html> tags

Enumeration modes:

    --data-mode <key name>        Data mode (LFI enumeration via data key)
    --cookie-mode <key name>      Cookie mode (LFI enumeration via cookie key)


    python3 lfienum "http://ghost.server/index.php?page="
    python3 lfienum "http://ghost.server/" --cookie-mode session
    python3 lfienum "http://ghost.server/index.js" --data-mode file


Local File Inclusion Enumeration (PoC)


Language:Python 100.0%