0D1Lee0 / thinredis


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License: MIT Go Report Card
thinRedis is a high performance standalone cache server written by GO.
It implemented full RESP(Redis Serialization Protocol), so it supports all Redis clients.


  • Support all Clients based on RESP protocol
  • Support String, List, Set, Hash data types
  • Support TTL(Key-Value pair will be deleted after TTL)
  • Full in-memory storage
  • Support atomic operation for some needed commands(like INCR, DECR, INCRBY, MSET, SMOVE, etc.)


Build thinRedis from source code:

$ go build -o thinRedis main.go

Start thinRedis server:

$ ./thinRedis
[info][server.go:26] 2022/09/08 13:23:50 [Server Listen at : 6379]

Use start option commands or config file to change default settings:

$ ./thinRedis -h
Usage of ./thinredis:
  -config string
        Appoint a config file: such as /etc/redis.conf
  -host string
        Bind host ip: default is (default "")
  -logdir string
        Set log directory: default is /tmp (default "./")
  -loglevel string
        Set log level: default is info (default "info")
  -port int
        Bind a listening port: default is 6379 (default 6379)

Communication with thinRedis server

Any redis client can communicate with thinRedis server.
For example, use redis-cli to communicate with thinRedis server:

# start a thinRedis server listening at 12345 port
$ ./thinredis -port 12345
[info][server.go:26] 2022/09/08 13:31:47 [Server Listen at : 12345]

# start a redis-cli and connect to thinRedis server
$ redis-cli -p 12345> PING
PONG> MSET key1 a key2 b
OK> MGET key1 key2 nonekey
1) "a"
2) "b"
3) (nil)> RPUSH list1 1 2 3 4 5
(integer) 5> LRANGE list1 0 -1
1) "1"
2) "2"
3) "3"
4) "4"
5) "5"> TYPE list1
list> EXPIRE list1 100
(integer) 1
# wait for a few seconds> TTL list1
(integer) 93> PERSIST list1
(integer) 1> TTL list1
(integer) -1


Benchmark result is based on redis-benchmark tool.
Testing on ThinkBook Laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 5800H@3.20GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, and on windows 11 wsl2 ubuntu 22.04 system.

benchmark -c 50 -n 200000 -t get

get: 168634.06 requests per second
set: 167644.59 requests per second
incr: 164068.91 requests per second
lpush: 165152.77 requests per second
rpush: 162601.62 requests per second
lpop: 165152.77 requests per second
rpop: 165562.92 requests per second
sadd: 161420.50 requests per second
hset: 162469.55 requests per second
spop: 168350.17 requests per second

lrange_100: 50620.10 requests per second
lrange_300: 20132.88 requests per second
lrange_500: 12051.10 requests per second
lrange_600: 11992.56 requests per second
mset: 109289.62 requests per second

Support Commands

All commands used as redis commands. You can use any redis client to communicate with thinRedis.

key string list set hash
del set llen sadd hdel
exists get lindex scard hexists
keys getrange lpos sdiff hget
expire setrange lpop sdirrstore hgetall
persist mget rpop sinter hincrby
ttl mset lpush sinterstore hincrbyfloat
type setex lpushx sismember hkeys
rename setnx rpush smembers hlen
strlen rpushx smove hmget
incr lset spop hset
incrby lrem srandmember hsetnx
decr ltrim srem hvals
decrby lrange sunion hstrlen
incrbyfloat lmove sunionstore hrandfield



License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%