0902horn / urlwatch-modified

based on urlwatch-1.12

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a simple URL watcher, designed to send you diffs of webpages as they
change. Ideal for watching web pages of university courses, so you always
know when lecture dates have changed or new tasks are online :)


1. Start "urlwatch"
2. Edit and rename the examples in ~/.urlwatch/
3. Add "urlwatch" to your crontab (crontab -e)
4. Receive change notifications via e-mail
5. Customize your hooks in ~/.urlwatch/lib/


Q: How do I add/remove URLs?
A: Edit ~/.urlwatch/urls.txt

Q: A page changes some content on every reload. How do I prevent urlwatch
   from always displaying these changes?
A: Edit ~/.urlwatch/lib/hooks.py and implement your filters there. Examples
   are included in the urlwatch source distribution.

Q: How do I configure urlwatch as a cron job?
A: Use "crontab -e" to add the command "urlwatch" to your crontab. Make sure
   stdout of your cronjobs is mailed to you, so you also get the notifications.

Q: Is there an easy way to show changes of .ics files?
A: Indeed there is. See the example hooks.py file.

Q: What about badly-formed HTML (long lines, etc..)?
A: Use python-utidylib. See the example hooks.py file.

Q: Is there a way to make the output more human-readable?
Q: Is there a way to turn it into a diff of parsed HTML perhaps?
A: Of course. See the example hooks.py file -> use html2txt.html2text(data)


Website: http://thp.io/2008/urlwatch/
E-Mail: m@thp.io
Jabber/XMPP: thp@jabber.org


based on urlwatch-1.12



Language:Python 100.0%